
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · ファンタジー
33 Chs

The hour before dark

I awoke from my slumber, sleep trying to keep sealing my eyes shut. The light bared down on my face as I sat up. It turned my legs over the side while I faced the window. the city streets packed with people as I looked down on them. the sun still high in the sky.

'guess I didn't sleep too long' I thought to myself as I sat up from my bed. my leg was already feeling fine, and the crutch was uncomfortable as I stood up and started to walk down the stairs. my leg felt like it was numb rather than it being painful. I walked down to the bar area and sat down in a booth. the leather seat bouncing a little was I shuffled in towards the middle.

"hello sir, what can i do for you today?" A familiar voice asked from the side of the table. i looked up at the young girl standing there and saw a familiar face.

"Milda! how are you doing?" I beamed, her waitress uniform was stunning as she smiled.

"I'm doing great! i just got done memorizing the menu so you're one of the first people I'm serving!" she replied happily, her smile shown as she pulled out a small notebook. Her brown ears twitching too listen.

"I'll have a water and whatever you think looks best." I said looking up at her.

"All right, I'll be right back with your meal sir!" She bounced away.

I looked back at the table and opened up my inventory.


Wolfs Last Fang x1

Bear Pelt x2

Bear fang x3

Earth orb x1

Leopards boots x1

Snow leopard pelt x6

Leopard claw x6

Blade of the torn cat x1


' Show me the leopards boots.'

[Leopards boots:

Boots made of the pelt of the snow leopard, it's white fur heats the inside of the boots. It's tough pelt allows for heavy defensive properties.

When wearing:

Con +2

Dex +20

Note:bonuses are applied after multipliers]

'Oh, these arnt half bad.' I thought, looking at them they looked like some heavy winter boots. They might be needed regardless in the winter.

I moved my gaze to the dagger.

[Blade of the torn cat:

This blade is created by tearing a hole in a monster relating to the feline group. Without splitting it in half, then letting it bleed to death.

Has an extra 40% chance of a critical strike chance when facing feline enemies.

When damaging an enemy too critical condition, a spell will activate causing the largest cut made to be cut again as if you're striking again. This strike will not be blocked by any physical defense.

Physical damage:400 Magic damage:10-400]

'Well hello there!' I looked at it with adoration as Milda came back with a plate of food.

"Here you are" she said placing down a plate.

"Thank you." I replied and started to eat. The food here was really good. Milda turned around and started to walk back to the kitchen to deliver more food.

I brought my attention back to my system as I ate.

'Pull up the missions tab'


Missions active 2:

Overkill: kill monsters two phases ahead of your grade level. 1/3

Reward: 20,000 SYP

Herd killer: kill monsters consecutively within a period of time. 0/10

Reward: 10,000-50,000 SYP depending on phases


'Oh this is interesting, I wonder when I can fight another phase 4. That might get me a treat' I thought as I finished the food.

[you're kidding….. right?] to witch I just bounced my numb leg.

I sat there waiting for someone to collect payment. But I got bored, so I just payed for it and left.

'I should register with the guild here.' Turning right towards the guild, the sun was bright blocking my view of the top of the large royal castle located in the northern part of the empire.

I was walking to one of the guild buildings were located. The one closest to the southern part of town is where I'm heading. I continued walking towards the door. Opening it once I got close, this building was a lot less busy compared to the last guild I went to.

"Welcome to the adventurers guild. How can I help you today?" A young man with glasses asked from behind the counter.

"Yes, I would like to register here." I replied walking up to the counter.

"Alright, please place your hand here on this paper." He told me as he placed a form down on the counter.

I listened and placed my hand down on the form. A dim light radiated from the paper as writing started to appear on the form. After releasing my hand quickly as I was surprised, he picked it up.

"Alright here is your bronze tag, don't lose it. This gives us a way to track your rank and kills. When you kill an enemy a certain amount of essence is embedded into the tag. Once requirements are meant it will change color, each with different privileges. Now what can I do for you today sir?"

I nodded, seems rather handy. It automatically changes so I don't have to stress creating meetings and other issues.

"Oh, here I would like to sell you these here." I said handing him the pelts, other materials and the earth orb.

His eyes widened, grabbing my form and looking it over again.

"Your only 2? Yet you managed to kill these things?" I nodded.

"Ok, please give me a minute." He continued, He then extended his hand and the items disappeared. After that happened he walked over to a nearby shelf, pulling out a bag of coins. Grabbing a couple and walking back to the counter.

"Here you go 2 gold coins and 60 silvers."

I stared at the amount of money, happy with the trade I grabbed the money and put it in the pouch located on the side of my waist. Looking at my dirtied blue t- shirt I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, have a nice day" I said as I walked out of the guild building and walked across the street to grab a couple of pairs of clothing. The building had three different floors for clothing. The wooden stairs in the middle were as wide as the ones at the in. The inner walls were decorated with clothing and orange bulbs. I grabbed three pairs of running sweats and a nice pair of suit pants. The next floor looked relatively the same but had everything else but t-shirts. Grabbed a couple of necessities and went up to the top floor.

This floor was huge, the other doors had some support beams but this one didn't. A large window shown on both the front and back of the room. I grabbed shirts the same ratio as the pants and looked out the window. You could see just over the wall into the mountains. but it felt off.

I walked over to the window and stared intently towards one of the openings in the mountains.

The dark green pine swayed in the wind, the rocks had their regular red hint as I stood there.

The trees suddenly started too loose color. I stared in horror.

"No fucking way, why the hell is she back." I ran down the stars and flung 50 silvers at the woman behind the counter.

"Oh lord, what the-"

"Keep the change" I told her as I ran out of the store putting everything into my storage. I ran towards the gate door, I couldn't let her get to town if that was her goal. I kept running but I ran into the guard knight on the way out.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?" He turned to ask me.

I couldn't answer I was panting, I just pointed towards the horizon. As I did so, many monster poured out of the opening.

His faces paled, mine paled even further. He ran back into the gate door and alarms blared throughout the city. he came out the door and ran towards the swarm of monsters.

"Nice eye" he said as he passed me. I followed right behind. I don't give a flying fart what happens, I've lost my family once not going to lose Milda and Nell now. The swarm didn't stop as the other guard collided with a boar, to witch he sliced in half easily.

I pulled out Oceans torrent and casted lightning on the arrow and created another ball of lightning on the front of the arrow and shot it into the crowd in front. It collided with a boom and phase 2 monsters were blown away or instantly Defeated, phase 3 stood still but withstood substantial injuries. No phase 4 monsters were in sight.

Multiple knights started too pour out of the gate and I saw Hu among them. But I ignored them and continued to fire multiple arrows into the swarm. But the started to get closer and closer so I pulled out both of my daggers ready for an onslaught. But they went around me towards the oncoming knights where they had no problem attacking.

I stood there baffled, unharmed as the went around me.

"Come here, now" a woman's voice called to me. I lifted my gaze to see the colorless woman walking forward into sight. A couple of knights saw the woman in front of them and screamed in terror. causing them to either flee from the sight of her, or fight even harder as if they accepted there fate.

I felt as if I didn't have a choice as I walked forward, monsters still swarming around me.

"AKIO DONT GO" I heard a high pitched scream call me out.

I didn't turn, I didn't want to go either. Sam's call wasn't worth the turn as I walked forward. The pressure in my mind built up with every step. The grass below me was now grey as everything else in front of me. My blood pulsating, threatening to blow my skin off my body as I now trudged forward.

Biting my lip too keep myself awake. I stoped in front of her. The fighting around us stoped. All animals no longer moved, the knights were cunfused with their eyes locked straight forward. Hu looked on with worry and Sam held her arms over her mouth staring ahead of her.

"Do as I say, and I will not harm you or your friends."