
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Bloodshed at nightfall

I walked forward into the fight, pulling out my other dagger. The oncoming horde of low levels weren't going to be much of a problem. I stayed put where I was and crouched down a little to steady myself. But they ignored me and ran back into the forest. I looked forward to see Sam out of breath and angry.

"Come back here." She panted out

I laughed full of relief as I slumped back down to the ground, mud staining my clothing.

[you know, maybe opening the leveling up messages might heal you. As they don't apply until they are opened]

'should've said so earlier' i thought as i sat down on the dirtied ground while Same turned around to continue fighting the small horde of monsters left.


Level up!



Level up!

I opened up all the messages continuously not bothering to look at any information until i get out of here. Standing up from where i was sitting all my fractures were basically healed as i started to run back into the fight. There werent too many monsters left, the only ones left were either stragglers of the stronger ones.

i saw a group of knights fighting a large bear so i ran over from behind them, they surrounded the bear between the 5 of them equally as i passed one of the knights, slashing the bear with Cats dagger. i then left the fight to move on to the next one. I repeated this process until ive sliced all 14 of the remaining large monsters and then waited.

'man, i kinda feel bad for doing this. But it is what it is.' i shrugged it off as a white light beamed from my dagger.


Enemy defeated!



Enemy defeated!



Cheers erupted from everyone as the last couple of monsters fell to the ground. Just happy that the fight was over. I turned around and started to walk back to the town gate. I didn't want to clean up the giant mess behind me. I saw Sam jumping up and down with pure happiness, I walked over too her.

"Akio! You're okay! We won!" She praised as she saw me approaching. Walking over to me she gave a large smile.

"Yea, we sure did. I wonder what caused the rampage." I replied. The attack was completely out of no where, random. Normally I would assume an assemblage of monsters before hand, this one was like a storm without thinking.

"You don't think it was that woman? The one with a colorless body?" She shivered.

"I grew up terrified of the image of that woman, whose presence alone can crush the minds of the weak. I heard that she used to be a very powerful figure but she was betrayed by her husband who blamed her for crimes she didn't do. Causing her to be banished."

'That's probably not true' I thought to myself. Most folk lore people grow up on are usually fake and are just used to scare kids into being good children. But that leaves the fact open, what did happen to her?

"Never mind that, we won! I'm going to go and eat a large turkey by myself!" She did a complete turn in emotion as she ran back into the city.

I shook my head, following behind her as I walked back into the gate. Most of the monster bodies and corpses have dissolved into the earth by now. But the bloodied grass and detached parts lay spread out on the ground. The knights have started to burn the grass and parts to clean the area up. Creating a controlled fire.

The people on the streets weren't to worried as they went through their afternoon.

'I wonder if this is a common occurrence here' I thought to myself noting how blank they were. They were completely unaffected by the onslaught.

Opening the door to the inn I walked back upstairs, this day has honestly been too much for me. I stoped by Mildas room and opened the door. Milda was sitting on the bed with Nell, seemingly consoling her. She looked up at me when I walked in their room.

"Seems like there was a small scuttle outside the gate, are you okay?" She asked me with slight worry.

"I wouldn't exactly call it small. But then again I'm one of the weaker guys out there." I laughed in response to her question.

'I'm just lucky I got this kill stealing dagger' thinking as I walked in and sat by Nell.

"Nell got in a fight today at school, a noble kid called her a bumpkin. You know classic kid rattle. But the kid didn't like how Nell ignored him so they got into a scuttle, one where Nell came out victorious."

"Well isn't that awesome, I patted Nells head with praise." She smiled as she looked at me.

"Yea, but now that family wants a duel. For ruining their 5th heirs reputation." She shook her head.

"Oh…. they're one of those families." I nodded. Would they really cause this much trouble over their child's scuttle? The 5th in line as well?

"What do they want too do?"

"They want our three most powerful fighters, they will match our rank for the fight." She smiled weakly.

"But we only have me? I will also not allow you to fight." I shook my head as she opened her mouth to retort my comment.

"Well, apparently only noble kids are fought how to fight at a young age. So they assumed that Nell was from a well off family. I've already explained the situation to the school's principal." Her voice quivering with slight anger.

"Wait, will they match our levels and grade?" I asked her in an excited tone.

She looked at me with slight bewilderment, I could tell she was thinking along the lines of 'you really want to fight this'. But soon after nodded her head.

"Yes, they will match as close as they can to your level."

[well, then it's basically in the bag.]

'I know right. Thank the lord for stuck up pride.'

"Well then, I can probably do it then. I'm pretty confident in my abilities." I added with a teasing wink. This earned a slight blush from Milda and excitement from Nell.

"Akio are you going to beat the fat kid's friends?" Nell asked with hope, looking up at him.

I looked down at Nell whose hair was a light shade of brown in the slightly lit room. I patted her head, giving her a reassuring smile.

"You bet! They won't even want to be friends with fatty after I'm done with them!" I pumped my fist in a punching motion.

"Great, then the fight tomorrow morning won't be an issue right?" Milda tilted her head at me.

"Already? Tomorrow!?" I asked surprised. They moved quickly on this matter.

But then again it's better this way, I'd rather not wait a week for a dumb fight. I just hope that my general will be okay with the fight interrupting my training.

"Alrighty then, what time and who will I be fighting exactly?"

"10 tomorrow morning, you will be fighting the pierce family." Milda replied softly.

"Why are you even fighting this, you know we could just decline? Besides, you have your job to work with. Are you sure you are able too do this?" She continued shaking her head.

"No idea!" I replied loudly, fighting a person could be a little bit of fun!

"Seriously, have you yet to mature fully? I swear you're reliable one minute and the next a 12 year old maniac." She sighed.

"I'll take that as a complement!" I nodded to myself as I looked out the window. The red sunset fading into regular purple night sky.

"Ill head back to my room and sort things out before tomorrow's fight then." I stood up stretching as I walked towards the door.

"Night" I called back to them as I closed the door behind me. I walking towards my door I opened it and sat down on the bed. Opening my system up for the first time after the fight. Looking at the absolute pile of notifications.

'Oi, can you merge these into one for me?'

[yes sir!]

Even with the monotone voice I felt mockery coming from it.


Level up!

43 -> 50 (locked)

Please advance your grade to unlock further levels

Grade advancement options:

1. Locked

2. Locked

3. Locked


Oh this thing again? I randomly clicked a number as I lay down on the bed.

[Advancing grade….. 1%]

I felt really heavy as I collapsed on the bed seemingly to my tired to move.

Sleep came over me quickly as my eyes closed

[Advancing grade….. 2%]

Sorry for shorter chapter, I’ve noticed how horrible the mobile version of this story looked so I’ve been remaking the first few chapters without changing any words.

frewdsfagrcreators' thoughts