
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · ファンタジー
33 Chs

A dryads struggle

Akio was in a panic, trying to find out the cause of his mother's withered arm. She looked at him and tried to reassure him that nothing was wrong.

"It's okay, I'm fine sweetie. It's just a small side affect, it should go away in a while." Ari looked at him with a small smile.

Akio was now more than a little worried bout his mother, he looked around for any signs of people or of anything to help. Finding nothing her turned back and look at his mom whos left had was now slightly more normal looking than it was before. This wasn't normal, using magic doesn't make your body destroy itself does it?

Akio was now more confused than worried. His mom knew that using magic was going to do this too her. She knew that and still decided to heal the plants. This confused Akio who had taken a few steps back and then decided to get his father.

'Dad must know something about this. maybe he could help fix this issue' Akio waddled around the doorway and into his backyard. his fathers smithy was right in the corner in a small shed, just big enough to get the iron warm and hammer, but not big enough to keep his materials in. which were piled neatly outside along the small fence that lined the yard. Akio ran as fast as he could towards the shed when his father came out holding his new axe. Jay was clearly alarmed at the sight of him as he quickly put the axe down.

"hey Bud what's wrong?" jay picked up a towel and wiped his sweat off his face.

"moms arm got really frail when she fixed the plants out front"

Jays face got dark, but he only sighed and started walking towards the house. leaving what he was doing behind him as he walked by Akio and gave a small pat on the head. THen stood back up

"its okay bud, she will be okay in a day or two, Just leave this too dad" Jay said as he walked inside too where Ari was.

Akio was puzzled, his father wasn't worried about it. he seemed to know what was going on and clearly didn't like it. But since both parents have seemed too be fine and not in a panic he calmed down. Akio looked around, with most of his worry gone, he decided too do his mana cultivation as it was mid day and he had nothing else too do. He moved his dads towel and axe into a better position and then headed back inside. as walked back inside the house and went into a small room, the room was a little old with a table and a few couches, a gathering room... as most people would call it. He walked over too the couch and tried to get on top of it He now only had to do a small jump to make it onto the couch. He then looked at his mana which hasn't increased. After cultivating his mana for over a year, his gain was not much.

"system, is there anyway to increase production?" Akio talked to himself, he knows that the system was part of him and he wondered if improving physically would help.


Upgrade requested: system communications

requirments:1000 points

This is a starter upgrade, once bought a point store will be established and upgrades can be bought


'HELL YEA, ILL TAKE THAT. now tell me, is there a way to increase mana production?'

'without age or leveling up, no there is not. however you can increase your mana capacity drastically by evolution.' the voice was deep and calm, even in your mind it was able to send vibrations down your spine.

[due to your mind being years ahead of your current body as well as being 4 months late on an evolution. one will be provided immediately]




Evolution available!


2.begginer blacksmith

3.Permafrost dragon


Akio stared at all of this dumbfounded, the system giving him stuff he was used to. but the fact he was FOUR MONTHS behind time for evolution? and a beginner blacksmith? isn't that a job? But as long as he was able to evolve he could really care less what it was.

'hey there, uhh system. what is a blacksmith doing in my evolution choices?'

[blacksmithing is a job yes, but you can evolve into them unlocking new skills to become the best blacksmith on the continent, evolving jobs would allow you too do it faster, better and even add traits to said job. would you like to selec-]

'no thanks just asking, the first two i understand. but the last one... is that one from my blessing?' Akio cut off the system, clearly not interested in blacksmithing for his life choice.

[yes it is, permafrost dragon is a powerful new species in the outer edges of this world. not yet discovered by the modern civilization, however none of them are yet a humanoid. if you pick this it would most likely be the first of its kind. would you like to select this ]

Akio looked at the system in front of him as if it was stupid

'YES ABSOLUTLY, but first I want to check with my parents. I'm guessing they would like too know why I may become an entirely different thing.' Akio sat up and plopped off the couch and walked towards his parents.

they were on the kitchen table with Ari looking a little dejected and Jay looking a little frustrated but that look was over taken with worry. Ari noticed him walking through and went to pick him up.

"mom, what happens when someone evolves?" Akio asked before she managed to get to him.

Ari paused and looked at him and started to shake and as she tried to hold in her smile, Jay exploded out of his chair.

"Can you evolve!?" jay looked at him with big pleading eyes

"yes i think so" Akio was worried with how happy they seemed to be with this.

Ari broke down crying and hugged him with both hands "oh thank god!" Aris old withered arm was nowhere to be seen as it was all healed up. Akio looked over at jay too see him in almost tears as he held is hands over his mouth and walked over to him.

"I think i know what i'm going to evolve into, do i need to worry about anything before hand?" Akio was strained with how hard his mother was hugging him, making it sound like he was being choked on helium.

"no dear, you dont need to worry about a thing you'll be able to play with other kids once your done" Ari reassured him lovingly.

Akio looked at his mother and smiled.

"does evolving make me more strong and older?" he asked hopefully.

"It does make you stronger and it will make you a tad bit older! however you wont be any smarter so we will have to teach you how too live and be a strong man like your father." Ari looked at her husband who had a slight smug look on his face after hearing his wifes words.

"your showing off for a kid who isn't even a couple years old?" she scoffed giving him a light bump

"Gotta improve my impressions somehow." jay laughed and walked over to Akio and picked him up.

"Once your done ill take you out into the forest to hunt stuff" He whispered into his ear.

Akio guessed his mother wasn't all on board with this hunting idea if his dad had too whisper it to him. But this made him more excited, hell be able to level up! Maybe even get skills!

"Okay! I'm going to do it now then." Akio defaulted to child autopilot and ran back to the couch he was at and opened up his evolution upgrades.

'system, open evolution paths'

------Evolution paths------

Evolution available!


2.begginer blacksmith

3.Permafrost dragon


'select permafrost dragon' Akio was ecstatic, he could finally leave the house and level up. He was losing his mind from doing the same thing over and over again. This would give him the life he was waiting for! Adventure and friends was basically the only thing he has wanted for the past year.


you are about to evolve into Permafrost dragon do you wish to continue?

[YES] [NO]



The room around him started too swirl, becoming more blue and dark. his head started to spin and an unbearable amount of pain struck him, paralyzing him. he couldn't scream as he felt his whole body curl in pain. before Akio blacked out a message appeared


evolution selected.



blessing of Verglas activated. New element is being imbedded.





complete, starting evolution —— 1%
