
The Voice In My Head

Things were looking up but with Jason missing, something was missing in everyone.

However, Clementine had found a way to help Sam regain his sanity by acting as his anger and getting rid of the fragment he had on him.

This was a few months back even though Sam still had his fits, he was more anchored to reality than he was a couple of months back and it was all thanks to Clementine.

She helped him by shaving off his beard and grooming him properly to look like himself.

Clementine was happy to be reunited with him but it didn't feel like it was Sam she was talking to someone she had never met before.

"Are you okay, Sam? Do you need me to get anything for you?" Clementine asked but Sam wasn't paying attention, all he could think about was one thing and that was the fragment.

"What did you do with it…? I need it, Clementine!" Sam blurted out in pain, it was like he was going through withdrawals.