
The Fall Of The Community PT. 3

The community was on the verge of collapse and Carl had been bitten, that should have been the end of his life but they were quick to react.

Shantel kept the zombies at bay, Lillian rushed over to his side and instructed the men to restrict the blood flow in said arm and they did that by knotting a piece of cloth tightly around his arm.

Lillian was taught the basics by her sister in case of an emergency and this qualified as such.

She took out a knife, Lillian had never done this before with a human so she was uneasy about this act but this might save Carl's life.

If it was a virus that spread from the point of origin then they could prevent it if they sever the infected area.

Lillian ducked down and began to slice away at his arm, the chances that he would die from blood loss were high but she had no choice.