
Return To Base!

Sam and John were a team or at least for the duration of this period as their survival was their priority and Sam knew he had a better chance at that if he teamed up with John.

"We are all done here," John muttered, packing the duffel bag and strapping it across his shoulder and Sam followed suit.

John took note of the amount of weapon that Sam had taken, it was a bit too much for just two people but John didn't think too much about this.

Both men stepped outside but they heard the dogs charging at them with such ferocity.

San instinctively knew why they were there, it was because of the gunshot.

He looked over at John but John didn't even look worried about this instead, he had a grin on his face because he was ready for the dogs.

Sam exhaled, he wasn't panicked because he had more than enough ammunition to put down the dogs.

Luckily, he retained his gun and this meant he had silencers but John noticed this.

Silencers were hard to come by and the fact that John had it with a military standard pistol included how well he fought.

John might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he could give an educated guess about who he was.

Sam expertly killed the dogs by dumping one bullet in each of their head, the accuracy was uncanny and John knew from that distance that even he couldn't accomplish what Sam had just done. The dogs weren't a threat when guns were involved, just as expected.

Guns gave them the advantage as opposed to using melee weapons and the dogs' carcass became motionless.

"Woah! That is some sick-ass accuracy man! Are you in the army or something!?" John praised him and while this might look like an innocent question Sam knew better than to answer him honestly.

"I did some shooting with my old man, he was an army officer so you could say I picked up a few things from him," Sam responded with an embarrassed smile, he looked flushed.

"Should we wait for your partner?" John asked, quickly changing the subject.

"There's no point in doing that, they will meet us at the rendezvous spot," Sam said, dismissing the need to wait for Clementine as he intentionally excluded her gender.

"How about we rest up in that rendezvous spot? My feet are killing me and we need a safe space to rest up," John proposed.

"Bait taken…" Sam thought to himself, he knew that John didn't trust him and by giving him an idea of a base, there was no way that John wouldn't want to see where they stayed.

Sam knew exactly who he was so this made how he approached the situation a lot easier.

"You're right, we should head back, we're holed up at a motel," Sam said and John thought this man was stupid for revealing this information to him.

Unknown to John, he was the one dancing on the palm of Sam's hand, Sam was manipulating his very actions. Each decision that John made was influenced by Sam.

Sam was killing two birds with one stone because this way, John was unknowingly helping Sam carry the weapons he thought were his back to the hotel.

He knew that things could go south as well but he was ready for that possibility.

He hoped that John wouldn't do anything stupid that would escalate the situation but Sam wasn't so worried because this was their chance to capture this man and interrogate him to get the location of the main camp.

Sam couldn't trust Bella, she kept this hidden from her main group and only revealed this information after her security was secured.

This told Sam that Bella was a girl that would do anything that would guarantee her safety.


Clementine exited the building with the baby wrapped in her arms and luckily for her, the boy had regained consciousness but he wasn't talking.

She held him by the hand and they began walking side by side.

The silence was loud but this meant that she couldn't head back to Sam or she risked putting them in direct line of fire of whatever was going on.

Clementine knew one thing about Sam and that was no one could pose a threat to him because unlike her, he has actually been deployed to fight in the Middle East.

She could trust him to handle himself and maybe the gunshot was for her to stay away entirely.

There were so many interpretations but Clementine was going to trust her gut.

She had to take the kids back with her, especially the boy because she didn't understand if the bite mark was even from a zombie but she couldn't rule out that fact.

Clementine might have just made the biggest breakthrough, one that could potentially save humanity if her theory was right.

"Mama?" The thirteen-year-old boy said as he looked up at Clementine.

She wasn't sure but it was like the boy couldn't see clearly, he was squinting his eyes.

"Do you need glasses?" Clementine asked and the boy nodded.

She was happy that he was responsive unlike before, she wanted to ask him how he got that bite but she didn't want him to be on guard.

She had to establish some form of trust first before attempting to get any information out of him.

Clementine was relieved that she had come this far or these children would very well be dead.

She was headed back to the motel but she was worried that whoever did this might be watching her so this made her go off the road to make it harder for her to be followed.

Clementine hoped that the baby wouldn't cry because if it came to saving the baby or dying, she would choose to save herself. After all, if she died, the baby would die soon after so it would be pointless sacrificing herself if the baby would die either way.

Clementine knew that her morals would be tested, this world was cold but she had to do everything she could do to survive.