
I Will Be The One

Jason knew that they were in danger but how did the zombies find their location if Chronos was suppressing the powers of the fragments?

Dimitris sensed the urgency in his voice and knew that whatever Jason was talking about, Jason truly believed that they were in danger.

Dimitris had no reason to doubt him and jumped right back into the car and started it.

Dimitris reversed before doing a 180 turn and speeding away.

Jason heaved a sigh of relief as the zombies slowly faded out of his radar.

Glenn was surprised that he acted the way he did because this was scary.

"What the fuck was that?" The man that was with them questioned, there was nothing normal about what just happened.

Dimitris knew that they couldn't go back empty-handed and realized that he just might have to force his way through the horde ahead, things go either go well or terrible wrong but this was a gamble he had take.