
Great... More Zombies!

Jason had Shantel in his arms as the day bled into the night and the moon took the place of the sun. Darkness shrouded everywhere and the majority of the people in this camp were fast asleep.

Jason didn't know why but he couldn't sleep even though Shantel had no problems falling asleep in his arms.

Jason sighed, something about this night felt different but he couldn't wrap his head around it.

He knew that he had Chronos under his control but he didn't know for how long.

Jason knew things he didn't want to know and this was because he had absorbed the essence that made Chronos.

Of course, he couldn't make things out just yet, it was all jumbled up but Jason knew he would piece it together eventually.

Jason wanted to inform Franklin and Clementine about what was happening but he didn't know how they would react to it.