

Rachel and Bella reached Rachel's home, Lillian was already fast asleep so this allowed them to talk with a certain freedom.

"What was so urgent?" Rachel asked as she sat on the couch, Bella sat right beside her.

"I have a strange favour to ask," Bella said and Rachel gave her her full attention.

"I'm listening," Rachel responded, sighing in exhaustion, she needed some rest.

"I might have a lead in the case, I met someone who said he has information but he isn\t willing to give me until I do something for him," Bella said and Rachel's body immediately jerked forward from her relaxed position.

"That reminds me! I spoke to Mr. Gabriel today and all the evidence points to his medicine being tampered with," Rachel said and Bella was clearly surprised by this information.

"It is just as we suspected. Whoever this person is, he has access to their meds and can get close enough without suspicion so they must be a trustworthy person," Bella said.