
An Obstacle In Sam's Path! The Conclusion Draws Near!

Sam sped like a NASCAR driver, drifting along the road with such expertise that one would think that he raced professionally in his past life but this was simply one of the many skills he had under his belt.

Sam was surprised that these things were waiting for him, someone wished for him to travel by this method but Sam didn't trust anyone.

However, this was abnormal and Sam was drawn to such things as this could allow him to know more about these creatures.

This was one of the reasons he was willing to take that risk. What made this specific zombie come to him and give him directions to Clementine?

It showed abilities it didn't even possess when alive, Sam believed that the evolved might have intelligence but they displayed traits that made them more human on the contrary this crow displayed traits that made it less of a crow and closer to humanity out of the usual equation.