
So what's my purpose?

Timothy was quite perplexed to the fact the popular system in many stories actually exist.

He even thought that this life he was in is just a story, but decided to ignore it, making the being above sweat a bit but later on sighed in relief.

Staring to the floating screen, Timothy saw some of his basic information and some of how this system functions.

But as he read the functions and information of the system, his smile slowly turn to a frown.

"Uhmm... so you just give me what I want? Without any task or points to spend on it?"

[...] the systen seems to unable to speak.

Timothy is a bit confuse. He can just ask the system anything like having a million dollar or become super man without and exchange.

To some this can be consider a cheat and a wonderful thing but for him, he doesn't like having free things just for fun.

"So if I ask a PS5 right now, you will give it to me?" As soon as he said it, the system seems to become active and just a second later, a dark like fog appeared beside Timothy.

It was just a fog but it grow darker as it unable to see its surrounding and finally disalleared as it is replaced with a PS5 console.

"..." speechless but spoke up after that.
