
new skills for kanu

1 month later

It's been a month since Kanu was summoned, and surprisingly there's no problem, both Kanu and Raiko get along, it seems that Raiko sees Kanu as a little sister, maybe it's because they both have purple hair, I wonder? If I have any kind of destiny with girls with purple hair

Since the arrival of kanu the training has become more fun since not only do I have raiko to train and our talks are more interesting since there is someone else with us to share opinions, of course, as we live in an abandoned city there is not much of what they speak except for the movies and video games that I bought in the system which kanu got passionate quickly but without leaving aside the knowledge, there is only one problem that we realized last week, which is that kanu is a normal person, good if we leave aside that she can use [CHI] then she is a normal girl without powers.

Raiko is a heroic spirit that has many abilities and can use mana, I can also use mana besides having the powers of [lucis] with me, instead kanu she is just a martial artist who can use [CHI] which leaves her very behind us, kanu was in a state of depression because you could say it is not useful for us, although she can fight at the same level against the beowulf and ursas, she has no way to fight against other grimms that have a strength, speed and a stronger defense, the [chi] can damage internally the Grimms even create flying blades of [chi] with their spear, but the grimms do not have internal organs and the defenses of a more dangerous Grimm are not easy to cross .

We are currently in the department room thinking of a way to help Kanu to become stronger

Raiko: noctis, can not you think of an idea?

Raiko asked me with a worried face, we've been thinking about a way to help kanu for half a day, unfortunately I can not use the system since Nier told me that only I can use the skills within the system and unless I get a skill that can transfer skills, I will not be able to give kanu any kind of skills, I also thought to buy a container with life energy from the world of [FFVII] but it runs the risk of becoming a deformed monster, I also thought to give him the kanfer bracelet that would increase his stats by 30 % but it will also change your quiet and loyal personality which I do not want to happen

Noctis: even if you ask me, I can not think of anything, I can not buy kanu system powers and since it does not have mana, it can not use the [matters] of the world of final fantasy VII and not to mention the liquid life energy of that world

It's not that I do not want to but I refuse to use it even with Kanu's insistence that he does not mind taking the risk as long as I can get the power to fight by my side which I flatly refused, sometimes having such a loyal person he cares little for his own safety is annoying, after another half hour finally the focus on my head was lit and when I realized the solution I wanted to hit myself for being so blind and forget about it


Upon hearing my scream both Raiki and Kanu turned to see me seeing that I had already found a solution to their problem

Noctis: hahahaha how could I be such an idiot, the solution was always in me from the beginning

Raiko: tell us quickly what do you mean you always had it?

Noctis: I had forgotten it because I did not see the film, from what I remember the real family Lucis has the ability to grant powers identical to the real family to other people, but for this they must serve the king and swear allegiance, in case that the king dies, those people will lose the powers that were granted to them by the king

When hearing my words kanu had stars in the eyes, of course it is because Kanu liked my powers a lot and she thought they were great now that she has the opportunity to get them I could not be happier

Noctis: (nier, is there a way to give kanu the powers of the royal family lucis?)

Nier: [the master has only to give him one of his ancestral weapons and drop a drop of blood on the weapon, a drop of blood from you and kanu]

Noctis: (thanks nier)

Nier: [from nothing master]

After telling Kanu and Raiko what I had to do, I invoked my ancestral weapons and took beatrix and put it in front of Kanu which reached out and held Beatrix while I did too, after that we both bit our fingers and we dropped a drop of blood in the sword's holster, beatrix began to float in front of us as little by little it became transparent soon after it shot out in the direction of Kanu's chest disappearing into particles of light, shortly after completing the small ritual a notification of nier sounded in my head (N / A: I do not know how the ritual is done so I invented it)

Nier: [DING! Congratulations to the master for converting the unchou kanu invocation into a [gentleman of lucis]. Does the master want to see his status?]

Noctis: (please nier)


Name: noctis Age: 16 (metal: 25) race: human

Bloodline: LUCIS LVL: (27) sex: male

Title: Transmigrated by God, hero of the daughter of God, lover of the milfs

Strength: 400

Resistance: 430

Agility: 420

Mana: 18,100 (20 magic circuits and bloodline)

Good luck: (A ++)

[Knight of lucis] - unchou kanu

Skills: [pre-player body v1] [zangan-ryu- (D)] [kitchen (B)] [D. of weapons (C)] [resistance F. (D)] [reinforcement (D)] [parallel thinking (D)] [accelerated thinking (D)] [lucis (C)]


Name: unchou kanu Age: 16 race: human

Title: [gentleman of lucis] [goddess of martial arts] sex: female

Strength: 252

Resistance: 220

Agility: 300

Chi: 320

Mana: 1,140

Good luck: (B+)

Skills: [spear domain (C)] [sword domain (D)] [martial artist (B)] [chi control (D)] [lucis knight (I)] [chi blade (D) ] [reinforcement of chi (D)]

After seeing my statistics and those of Kanu I let out a sigh, since I reached Level 20, leveling up is very difficult, reaching Level 20 it only took me 3 days but from there everything has been slower I need at least months by lvl and that with every lvl I climb harder still becomes in this state, I was happy for kanu who was experimenting with his new abilities, making Beatrix appear and disappear again and again also making it appear in its spectral form, it seems a girl who has been given a new toy, because of it let out a small laugh which kanu realized trying to hide her face flushed

Noctis: Well, what if we go and prove what skills you were given kanu

Kanu: yes master

Noctis: raiko, do not you want the powers too?

Raiko: there is no need of those powers, after all they would affect my fighting style, besides that with him or without them I am stronger than your fufu

Ugh although I do not like it I can not refute his logic, raiko has not yet recovered all his strength and one like that is still stronger than me

Name: minamoto no raiko Age:? Race: half human half oni

Sex: female

Force: 550- (D)

Resistance: 580- (D +)

Agility: 577- (D +)

Mana: 30,200

Luck: (C)

Skills: [riding (A +)] [crazy improvement (EX)] [cooking (D)] [cleaning (D)] [stitching (C)] [mana buster-ray (A)] [eternal weapon (A +)] [ magic resistance (D-)] (blocked) -> [Ox-King Storm Call - The Inescapable Net of Heaven (B ++ / A +)]

The good thing is that she can regain her strength training without having to wait for me to become stronger than what I see will take a lot of time

After getting ready we left home and traveled outside the safe area to see Kanu in action, 7 minutes after walking out of the safe area we found a group of 3 Beowulf 30 meters away from us, without wasting time Kanu summoned Beatrix He took it out of his case and threw it to the beowulf that was between the other two grimms, without even knowing what happened the Grimm already had beatrix stuck in his head when the other two grimms realized kanu had used lux impetus popping up where he was the sword and with a short pull to the Grimm in half

When the two Grimms saw how Kanu appeared in front of them they did not last to jump towards her, the first Grimm on the right side of Kanu attacked with her claw towards the face of Kanu which she evaded using Lux to lean to the right when the claw did not assertion in its objective, kanu who had escaped the Grimm attack made an ascending cut in the direction of the beowulf's stomach, without even knowing how the Grimm occurred had already been split in half the last

Grimm took advantage of the death of his partner to jump towards

the back of Kanu who was on his back in the direction of the Grimm which was the mistake of the Grimm

Leaning forward Kanu kicked up the ax, kicking the Grimm's chin when the Grimm was currently in the midst of the air. Kanu took a quick turn, throwing Beatrix into the chest of the Grimm and using lux impetus appeared in front of the Grimm nailing so deeper the sword when at last the Grimm touched kanu ground was on the inlaying the sword completely inside the Grimm thus ending his life

Noctis: * applause * applause * * applause * you did great kanu

Raiko: it was surprising

We approached Kanu while giving applause could not doubt that he did marvelous to be his first time using his powers, as expected from someone who was nicknamed "goddess of martial arts", after removing beatrix from dead Grimm, kanu I pull out a handkerchief to clean Beatrix's blade carefully as if it were something precious, she could easily have made it disappear to remove the black dirt from the grimms but she said that a sword like that should be well taken care of and she gave me a little sermon that I should take better care of my weapons

After promising that I would take better care of them we kept hunting for a few hours before returning home, it was still 11 months before the beginning of the plot of this world I hope to be able to make myself strong enough to complete the missions that the system throws me, walking together with raiko and kano I left my worries aside while I saw the two talking as if there was nothing to worry about.


Currently inside the apartment of an abandoned city full of horrible creatures, was in front of the mirror a beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes, a clear skin and a beautiful body that wore a white sailor uniform that left his abdomen and a blue miniskirt, which with a slight blow of the wind would leave everything that protects uncovered

That person was none other than our MC noctis who wore the kamfer bracelet for some reason

Noctis: no matter how I look I look like orimura chifuyu of infinite stratos only with a bigger chest and blue eyes

You will be wondering why I wear the bracelet, quite simple "curiosity" if as they say "curiosity killed the cat" since I got the kamfer bracelet and been curious about how I would see as a woman what by chance ends up looking like the sister of the protagonist of infinite stratos only that younger and with a less bitter face,

For pure "curiosity" I put on the uniform of kanu since it was the only female clothing at my disposal since I had bought several of them for her since Kanu was not one of those who cared about the state of her clothes during a battle when I asked him why? She only replied with "it would be a distraction during a fight" even with her answer I asked her to promise me that when we left the city to go to "OK" she would put on clothes bought by me and would take more care of her clothes during the battles, Kanu did not want another to accept when I said "I do not want to point to my partner for being an exhibitionist"

Noctis: I do not know how women can peel if they have such big breasts, raiko and kanu have to have it difficult but I must accept that they are very high

No matter how you look at it, "curiosity" is dangerous, love again and again my newly acquired breasts at least my size to be 95cm and Kanu devils as you can go with this uniform through the streets, for someone without chest should not be a problem but we are talking about kanu even if this uniform is left, it is still too short, leave all my abdomen to the air

Even while kneading my chest I heard the door behind me open, my mood darkened when I started to sweat and little by little back to the direction of the sound, when I finally turned to the door behind me there was raiko and kanu who for some reason they had a smile, before I could ask why they were so happy, my face and my heart began to show panic because of what raiko had pulled out behind her, what was in the raiko hands were a maid costume which showed a lot of cleavage and the skirt was extremely short, before I could ask Raiko why the maid suit, kanu also looking for something behind him taking out a cut of rabbit, the panic I felt before began to become fear when they started walking towards me with a smile on their faces

Nocrtis: wait raiko let's talk about this ... do not wait, stay away! NO! DO NOT! KYAAAA!

That day I promised never to use that bracelet again

I think to make lemons, if I think about doing it, my novel is not perfect and it has some small mistake out there, I still hope you enjoy it, but remember I do not make this novel to become famous or something, I only do it to entertain me and nobody will affect how this novel is developed, I have also thought about the next 3 worlds which will be -> god eater-> fairy tail and tate no yusha that's all bye

SiegVamilloncreators' thoughts