

In a futuristic world, where the world is ran by big corporations and people in power, a young man named Adam fortunately/unfortunately gets a system. His System grants him incredible physical abilities and combat skills,turning him into a lethal weapon and ordering him to complete the missions. Adam is initially excited by his newfound power and dreams of becoming a hero, but he soon realizes that his abilities come with a price. His System is also linked to his emotions and body, and the more he uses it, the more he suffers. Despite this, he decides to use his powers to help others and becomes a vigilante, patrolling the city at night and fighting crime. Updates: 2-3 chapters a week The cover doesn't belong to me. If the original owner wants it down please contact me.

BlAkE_M · SF
14 Chs

Chapter 6: World

He spent the next few days hanging out with his closest friends, catching up on their lives and sharing stories about their own experiences. They laughed and joked together, enjoying the simple pleasures of good company and relaxation.

But despite the carefree atmosphere, Adam couldn't shake the feeling that something was still weighing on his mind. He knew that he couldn't keep his System a secret forever, and he didn't want to risk losing the trust of those closest to him by keeping them in the dark.

one night he sat in bed, scrolling through his phone, and he came across an article about a recent rise in crime in the city. The article highlighted the struggles of the police force to keep up with the increased criminal activity and the resulting sense of fear and unease among the population.

Adam felt a pang of guilt as he read the article. He had the power to make a difference, to help protect the people of the city and keep them safe from harm. But he was too afraid to reveal his System, too scared of the consequences that might come with exposing himself.

The next day, Adam made a decision. He would tell his friends about his System, and he would use his power to help the people of the city in any way he could.

He started with Sarah, his closest confidante. He took her to a quiet corner of the campus, away from prying eyes and ears, and began to tell her about his secret power.

Sarah listened carefully, her eyes widening with each passing moment. She was surprised and a little scared, but mostly she was awed by Adam's bravery and selflessness.

"So, that's how you were able to save me. You have to use this power for good, Adam", she said, her voice filled with conviction. "You can't just keep it to yourself and let people suffer."

Adam nodded, grateful for her support. With Sarah by his side, he felt more confident and sure of himself than ever before.

Over the next few days, Adam began to slowly reveal his System to his other friends, one by one. Each time, he felt a little bit more emboldened, a little bit more ready to use his power for the greater good.

He spent his free time researching the city's crime statistics, studying the patterns of criminal activity and trying to find ways to prevent future incidents. He also practised honing his System, training his body and mind to reach their maximum potential.

But as the days turned into weeks, Adam began to realize that he couldn't do this alone. He needed help, support, and guidance from people who had experience in dealing with crime and injustice.

He remembered the words of the homeless people he had helped, the ones who had talked about the need for a united front against oppression. He knew that there are people who want to fight the oppression, but he had to find others who shared his passion for justice and were willing to fight for it and the police were not one of them. The world may have advanced in technology but corruption runs deep.

As Adam grew more sure of the idea. He brought out a map and started staring intently at the map of the world before him. He traced his finger along the jagged lines of the mountains in the East, imagining the reclusive people who guarded their secrets so fiercely. He then followed the winding rivers that snaked through the South, picturing the bustling trade hubs and the political intrigue that festered within.

As he studied the map, he felt a flicker of hope ignited within him. There had to be others out there who shared his desire to fight against oppression, who were tired of living in a world ruled by the wealthy and powerful Elite. He knew that finding them would not be easy, but he was determined to try.

The world is a place of intrigue, sceneries where flying cars, and holographic presentations. In this world, of great technological advancements, where anything seems possible something remains underneath; in the gleaming façade of prosperity, there's a darker side to this world - one of political intrigue, corruption, and danger.

This world is divided into five major regions, each with its unique geography, culture, and history.

The North is a frozen wasteland, home to hardy people who have adapted to the harsh conditions of their environment where the technology is least advanced due to undiscovered areas and snow storms which hit the region at unexpected times. This place is said to be a place of endless wonder and mystery.

In the land of eternal winter, where the winds howl like wolves and the snowdrifts reach up to the sky, lies a mysterious and magical phenomenon. This frozen realm, shrouded in an otherworldly mist, is home to the most enchanting natural spectacle known to humankind: the Northern Lights.

As the sun sets and darkness descends upon the land, the sky comes alive with a dancing display of lights that seem to ripple and wave like ethereal silk. Shades of emerald, sapphire, and amethyst swirl and blend, creating a cosmic symphony of colour that stretches across the horizon.

The South is a tropical paradise, rich in resources. It is a verdant and exotic region of this world, it is a true tropical paradise brimming with natural resources and technological marvels. Its vast and diverse ecosystem harbours an astonishing array of flora and fauna, from towering trees that pierce the sky to shimmering, iridescent creatures that swim in the azure waters.

But the South is more than just a natural wonderland. It is also a hub of trade.

The bustling metropolis at the heart of the region is a hive of activity, filled with towering skyscrapers, bustling markets, and pulsating neon lights.

High above the city, a network of flying vehicles zips back and forth, carrying passengers and cargo to their destinations. These sleek, futuristic crafts are powered by advanced fusion engines, capable of propelling them through the air at breathtaking speeds.

East is a mountainous region, where reclusive people guard their secrets closely. It is said that the greatest masters of martial arts from history can be found here, but gaining their trust is no easy feat. Those who seek to master the way must be willing to endure great trials and challenges, testing their limits and pushing them beyond what they ever thought possible.

The mountains of the East are treacherous, and only the bravest and most skilled climbers dare to attempt to scale their heights. But those who make it to the top are rewarded with stunning vistas of rugged peaks and deep valleys, as well as the knowledge that they have passed a test of strength and endurance.

The people of the East are as rugged and mysterious as the mountains they call home. They are known for their stoic demeanour, their love of tradition and their devotion to the culture.

Despite the challenges, the allure of the East is strong for many adventurers and seekers of knowledge but the journey to the East is a perilous one, and many who venture there do not return even with the technological advancement as the East remains clouded in mystery.