

In a futuristic world, where the world is ran by big corporations and people in power, a young man named Adam fortunately/unfortunately gets a system. His System grants him incredible physical abilities and combat skills,turning him into a lethal weapon and ordering him to complete the missions. Adam is initially excited by his newfound power and dreams of becoming a hero, but he soon realizes that his abilities come with a price. His System is also linked to his emotions and body, and the more he uses it, the more he suffers. Despite this, he decides to use his powers to help others and becomes a vigilante, patrolling the city at night and fighting crime. Updates: 2-3 chapters a week The cover doesn't belong to me. If the original owner wants it down please contact me.

BlAkE_M · SF
14 Chs

Chapter 4: How it all began II

He collapsed to the ground, clutching his head as the headache consumed him. He realized that he had pushed himself too far, that he had used the crystal's power to its limits and beyond. He had overextended himself, and now he was paying the price.

As the pain began to subside, Adam realized that he needed to be more careful. He couldn't let the power consume him, couldn't let it take over his life. He had to find a balance, to use his abilities wisely and cautiously.

With a newfound sense of humility, Adam picked himself up off the ground and stumbled back to his car. He knew that he had a long way to go, that he had to train harder and smarter if he wanted to become a hero who can help others in this god-forsaken world. But he was determined to do whatever it took, to become the best that he could be.

Adam sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the crystal in his hand. He had been experimenting with his newfound powers for days, trying to learn how to control them and use them to their fullest potential. He also found that the system would give him missions to use the powers and if didn't do the mission he would suffer excruciating pain all over his body like the time when the same mysterious asked him to train but he chose to ignore it. He also knew that he couldn't keep the crystal with him all the time, not if he wanted to keep his abilities a secret.

He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind and focus on the problem at hand. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his hand, as if the crystal was calling out to him. He opened his eyes and looked down, and to his amazement, he saw that the crystal was beginning to dissolve, melting away into a liquid form.

He watched in awe as the liquid crystal flowed up his arm, disappearing under his skin. He felt a strange sensation as the crystal merged with his body, becoming a part of him.

He stood up and began to move around, testing his abilities. He found that he could still jump higher and run faster than before, but there was something different now, a new sense of power and control.

He smiled to himself, realizing that he had found a way to keep the crystal with him at all times, hidden away inside his body. He knew that he would have to be careful, that he couldn't let anyone see the crystal or know about his powers. But he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with his abilities and his secret weapon.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that he was just beginning to tap into his true potential and that there was so much more to discover and explore. And with the crystal hidden inside him, he was ready for whatever the future held.


As he walked through the deserted streets, he noticed a woman being mugged by a group of hoodlums. Without hesitation, he rushed towards them, ready to use his System to save her.

As he approached the scene, he noticed that the woman was familiar. It was Sarah, his university mate. He felt a surge of protectiveness as he saw the fear in her eyes.

He activated his System, his senses sharpening as he prepared to take down the attackers. He had no idea who these guys were or what their intentions were, but he knew that he couldn't let them hurt Sarah.

As he charged towards them, the attackers turned towards him, surprise written on their faces. They had no idea who they were dealing with.

Adam took down the first attacker with a swift kick to the stomach, sending him sprawling to the ground. The others hesitated for a moment, but Adam was already on them, his fists flying.

The fight was over in a matter of seconds. Adam emerged victorious, his opponents lying on the ground, moaning in pain.

He turned towards Sarah, who was still shaking with fear. He offered her his hand, helping her to her feet.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Sarah nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Adam. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

Adam smiled at her, his heart swelling with pride. He knew that he had made a difference in her life, just as he had made a difference in the lives of the homeless people.

As they walked away from the scene, Sarah turned towards him. "How did you do that, Adam? You were like a superhero or something."

Adam shrugged, not wanting to reveal his secret. "I just knew what to do, that's all."

Sarah looked at him sceptically but didn't press the issue. They walked in silence for a few moments, enjoying the peace of the night.

Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion in the distance. They turned towards the sound, their senses on high alert.

Adam could sense danger, and he knew that he had to investigate. He activated his System, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

As they approached the scene, they saw a group of armed men attacking a local warehouse. They were using high-powered weapons and explosives, causing chaos and destruction.

Adam looked at Sarah, his heart heavy with concern. He knew what he had to do, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving her alone.

"Sarah, we have to go," he said, his voice low and urgent. "This place is dangerous." Saying this Adam led her.

" Let's just go home " Adam said to her in a firm but gentle voice. Sarah hesitated for a while but understanding the danger she nodded and bid farewell to Adam and started walking towards her apartment.

Seeing Sarah leaving Adam took a sigh of relief. And the next moment, he turned around and activating his ability, rushed towards the scene.

He felt his senses sharpening as he activated his System. His eyes darted around the dimly lit space, searching for any signs of danger.

And then he saw them: a group of heavily armed men, their weapons glinting in the dim light. They were spread out across the warehouse, clearly waiting for someone.

Adam took a deep breath, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew that he was outnumbered and outgunned, but he also knew that he had no choice but to fight.

He moved quickly and quietly, using his System to enhance his speed and agility. He darted from cover to cover, staying low to the ground and avoiding detection.

As he neared the group of armed men, he realized that he would have to take them out quickly and decisively. He pulled out his hidden blade, feeling its weight and balance in his hand.

And then he attacked.