A normal young student living with his parents dies. After meeting God, he goes to the world of One Piece to live the life of adventure and freedom he has always desired. This is translated into English by Google translation. I write this fan fiction to improve my writing for my first novel. So if you see any mistakes or have any advice tell me. Good reading.
It has been two years since the Marineford war took place. Much has changed in the world over the past two years. Kuzan, the new admiral of the fleet, has changed several things in the navy. He made several promotions like Vice-Admiral Smoker, Hina, or Momousagi. He also recruited two other admirals and three aspiring admirals who are people who have the potential to be future admirals of the navy. They are trained and guided by the current admirals. Kuzan also renovated and modified Marineford.
For the pirates, Seth and Shanks rule the New World even though the Whitebeard and Big Mom pirates still exist. But the latter ensure their territories.
During these last two years, the citizens could observe a divergence between the World Government and the Navy. Even though the Navy is still in GM's service, it has diminished significantly over the past two years under Kuzan's command. Kong, the commander-in-chief of GM, blames Kuzan countlessly for being just annoyed by him. The elders make precision on Kong, which makes precision on Kuzan so that the Navy remains with the GM service.
During those two years, GM's reputation continued to decline because of Morgan's articles going worldwide. Simultaneously, the Navy's reputation has not diminished and has even increased a little. Morgan shows GM's bad ambitions and does not blame the Navy, which is only there to protect the pirates' population but is reduced by the GM to do unworthy tasks.
The GM is obviously very angry with Morgan for having spread their secrets and against the Navy, which does not react and listens less and less to their orders. The GM can only hunt down Morgan but cannot find him but cannot punish the Navy as it will appear in Morgan's diary the next day. After attempting once to sanction the Navy, the GM's sanction appeared in the newspaper the next day, which angered the population and the GM. The Navy, which protects them, has been punished by the GM, who kills them for various reasons and puts it under the carpet. GM tried to rebuild its reputation, but it only worked for a few people.
North Blue, East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue, the four weakest seas, have become much safer. Pirates hardly exist in its waters. This thanks to the Navy and the generals of Seth, who cooperate. Of course, hardly anyone knows they are the generals under Seth. Only a few people in the world know and keep it a secret.
The Shichibukai system was removed by Kuzan and was replaced instead by a merit system that works both in the Navy and for Bounty Hunters. The Marines are now by merit and force and not by corruption and the protection of high officials. For bounty hunters, they can join the Marines at any time, and their ranks will correspond to their strengths and merits due to the capture or killing of pirates.
The first part of GrandLine has become a bit more secure thanks to the Navy's powerful news. The Navy moved faster to intercept civilians thanks to their outpost numbers and improved soldiers thanks to the Navy's new training program.
In a meeting room is a gigantic round table with about thirty seats. Around the table sits Seth on a throne with his wives Robin, Kaori, and Shyarly, who are on smaller thrones. Then there are the Eight Generals of Seth, Death, Satele, Shakka, Samus, Solomon, Scar, Zeref, and Sauron. Each has a personalized seat. Then there are the different king and queen of the countries that are part of Seth's Empire, including Crocodile, Toki, Cobra, Olivia… Finally, the heads of other organizations like Morgan, Dragon, and some mystery allies that only Seth knows about. 'identity. What is special is the physical presence of Seth and his wives but not those of the others. The others are there as holograms.
They have a meeting on their plans to destroy the World Government and stabilize the world after the fall of GM.
"The plan is working very well. Citizens see GM's true colors as they see the Navy favorably." Morgan says.
They continue to chat for a few minutes.
"Soon, the reverie will begin, and we will move on to the final phase. During the reverie, the GM will die. Do you all know the plan?" Seth said.
"Of course."
"What's the plan again?" said a loud voice.
All responded positively when one person stated without any problem to repeat the plan. Everyone looked at the person and wondered if keeping that person makes sense. The person is one whose identity is hidden. Only Seth knows her.
"Fuuu," Seth sighs and turns to her.
"Soon, I'm going to repeat the plan for everyone and listen this time, get it," Seth says and stares at the mysterious person as he finishes his sentence. The person nods quietly.
"Well, the plan is simple. During the reverie that is in Marie Joie, the kings and queens here present will go there with their guards, who are mighty warriors. You will also be there for a reason, you know." The person nods at Seth's statement.
"Shyarly and Olivia and others are tasked with coordinating with Morgan to prepare the world for the destruction of GM.
"My generals and Dragon secure the seas while Kaori, Robin, and I take care of the elders and their leader."
"Here's the plan, now everyone's got it?" This time everyone nods. As the meeting ended and the holograms vanished into the air.
Seth and his wives have come out of the room that happens to be in their home on the Island of the Fishmen. They walk into the living room and sit quietly and watch TV.
Kaori gets up and begins to whistle to cook. Meanwhile, Seth, Robin, and Shyarly continue to watch TV while chatting about random stuff.
"Dinner is ready!" Kaori shouts to warn her family. Seth, Robin, and Shyarly get up from the couch and go to the table.
"Seth, what do you plan to do after the plan succeeds?" Kaori asks.
"Umm," Seth thought for a moment before answering Kaori.
"I am thinking of living peacefully with you and starting a family. Of course, I will ask you in marriage first." Seth says with a smile.
Kaori, Robin, and Shyarly felt tears rise in their eyes upon hearing Seth's response. They threw themselves on him and rained kisses on him.
Seth hugs them and strokes their backs. After this emotional moment, the girls go back to their places and continue their meals, which had not fallen thanks to Seth, who used his powers to hold them in place. They continue their discussions about their lives after the final fight.
The meal ends. Seth does the dishes while the girls go to rest in the room. Seth finishes the dishes and goes to the bedroom to sleep. He enters and sees his women on the bed with a dim light in suggestive positions.
Shyarly is in a purple bunny outfit with long purple ears, a purple bow tie. She also wears a black fishnet stocking covering her large fin and a purple leg knot that wraps around her fin.
Kaori is wearing a white suit with a red belt. She also wears a long red cape held by a chain and a gold buckle. His arms are also covered with a long pair of blue gloves.
Finally, Robin is dressed in a qipao open at the front and back. The qipao is black with golden designs. A golden belt with leather strings holds the dress. Robin also wears thin gold bracelets.
"Since you want to start a family, we have to start now." Kaori declares with a sultry voice.