
Adventurer Faction.2

So most of them wouldn't be able to buy stuff since they probably haven't enough money yet.

Erina grabs my hand, guiding me toward the next floor.

It's another lobby, similar to the main one. But instead of the receptionist, it's full of bulletin boards.

"This is where the quests are posted… so it's the quest section. As you can see most of the quests posted are usually a low-rank one, and most of the rewards are the basic." Erina explains that.

It's true, most of the quests are low-rank, but most of the rewards are basic.

"So this is where adventurers go to find quests huh? So how can one get the quest? Just take it and hand it to the receptionist?" I asked Erina.

Erina nodded at my answer, "You are correct. But there is a procedure when getting a quest, one needs to show their adventurer's keycard and a quest form."

"Quest form?"

"Yes. One needs to fill in the quest form depending on which quest you want to do. Of course, not everyone can accept a quest depending on their ranks. Only low-rank, middle-rank, and high-rank quests can be done by them." Erina explained.

"What's the difference between low rank, middle rank, and high rank"

Erina points toward a bulletin board, "Each quest is categorized based on the ranks. So if you are a low rank you can only take the quests below level 30. Meaning, if you are a high rank you can take quests above level 100."

"I get it now, so each rank can only accept quests based on their levels," I said.

"That's right" Erina continues walking, leaving the quest area.

We arrive at the fourth floor, and this time there is a training room.

"This is where adventures can train themselves, The training room is divided into three areas. First is where you can learn swordsmanship. Second is archery, and the last is the magic area." Erina explained that.

"Huh!? Magic area?"

Erina's face turns serious, "Yes, though most people don't like mages as most of them are weak. But some people do learn it… though there is a limit"

Limit? What did she mean by that "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know about the skill-limit thing right? Well, you do know that we can't learn a lot of skills if our class is different right? So we could only learn 5 additional skills from other classes" Erina said.

Oh, yeah I forgot about the skill-limit thing… though it is quite stupid if you think about it.

But I understand it, like a warrior is unable to learn magic skills, and a mage is unable to learn any physical skills. I mean that was something that the developer set off to make things fair.

"So you can't use the skill here?"

Erina shook her head, "No. You are able to use your skill in the training area, but the damage output is reduced, and the cooldown is also reduced."

"That's good I guess, I mean if the cooldown and the damage output are reduced. Then it's okay." I said.

"But that's not the only reason why they built this, they built this training area so that new adventures could practice their skills," Erina said.

I see, that practicing their skills is essential for adventures. After all, skills can be upgraded, and you will be stronger than before.

"So I can use this place?"

"Of course, you can, as long as you don't cause any trouble. Also, it's free but that's only for the people that belong to the adventurer faction. Outsiders had to pay fees just to be able to use this facility. " Erina said that.

After a few more minutes, we finally arrived at the fifth floor. There are a lot of bookshelves here, and a few people are studying here.

"This is the study area. As you can see, most of the books are related to knowledge." Erina explained.

I walked over to the shelf, and I could see there were a lot of books regarding a certain subject.

"I can see that the books are related to specific subjects. So adventures here could study about a particular subject, right?" I said.

"Well, that's the main purpose. Though there are some books here that aren't related to specific subjects, they are a lot" Erina explained.

I took a random book on the shelf, and I opened the page.

There are a lot of written words and it's a bit difficult to understand, but it seems the book is related to alchemy.

"This book is about alchemy huh?"

"Yeah. As you can see this place has a lot of books about different subjects. You can say this is a library. So if you want to study here you could. Just don't make any noise" Erina said.

"Can I borrow some of the books with me?" I asked.

"You can, but like I said... Only registered members of the adventurer faction could take the book. So you have to register" Erina answered.

"I see"

I returned the book to the shelf and continued following Erina. We arrived at the sixth floor.

"This is the cafeteria if you are hungry. You can eat here"

"Oh, okay"

The cafeteria is huge. It could accommodate hundreds of people. I could also see a lot of people eating here.

"So you could buy food here?

Erina nodded, "Yeah. They serve various kinds of foods. But not only food but also drinks."

"How about the cost? Is it expensive?"

"It depends on what kind of food or drink you want. So it could be expensive or cheap. If you want cheap food, then you should eat at the back." Erina said, pointing toward the back of the cafeteria.

I could see the tables were empty, and there were only a few people.

"It's a bit empty at the back"

"Yeah, it's because the food is cheap and you are aware that expensive food does give a certain buff"

"Is that so? What kind of buff is given to the food?"

"It depends. Each food or drink is different. If you want to know more, just check the menu" Erina pointed at the menu that is displayed on the wall.

There is a lot of food and drinks listed.

"It's quite a lot of food huh"

"Yeah, this is a big guild after all. So they need to accommodate a lot of people." Erina explained.

She then said that this was the end of our tour as the next floor would require me to be registered as a member of this faction. I could understand that.

After all, there would need to be certain benefits that only the faction member could use.

But before we ended our tours of this place and ventured outside, Erina said that she was willing to treat me to a meal there as it was her way of being nice to me. Or was it because I had no money so she took pity on me?

But regardless of what the reason is, a free meal is a free meal. So I wouldn't refuse that at all.

"So where are we going to sit?" I asked Erina.

She smiled and guided me to the back of the cafeteria, the tables there were still empty. I mean wouldn't want to waste money on expensive food as we aren't doing anything besides sightseeing.

We sat down at the empty table, and a waiter approached us and asked us what we wanted to eat.

"Just give us the daily special," Erina said.

"Okay, madam" The waiter nodded and left.

"The daily special? What's that?" I asked.

"Don't worry it's a simple meal. It's not something extravagant. It's cheap but filling. And it also gives a little buff" Erina explained.

"But are you sure that it's okay to treat me like this?"

"Of course. Besides, you will need a little buff. You will need it when you venture out."

I could understand that. After all, it is a game, and you would need a boost to your stats.

"Oh yeah, so how do you think of the adventurer faction?" Erina suddenly asks.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet"

It's true, I haven't decided which faction I would join. But I could say that the Adventurer Faction isn't really that bad. Though they might not have that many members compared to the others.

But I could say that it is the easiest faction to join. But I do wonder what kind of things I will need to do when I join the faction. I mean by what to do next when I already joined up… as I never thought of that at all.

"That's okay. Just remember, you still have time before you can choose a faction." Erina said that.

I nodded at her words.

Well she's right, there's still time for me to choose so better think this thoroughly, or I will regret it later on in the future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ExChasercreators' thoughts