
Chapter 7: Hogwarts

"You... you already have a wand?" Ollivanders blinked.

"Yes, thank you for everything, let's go Sebas." Syrme said, turning around.

"How- Who made your wand, Mr Potter?" Ollivanders asked before he could exit. Syrme paused a moment and looked at Mr Ollivanders.

"I think I'm gonna keep that for myself if you don't mind."


Syrme and Sebas wanted a pet to bring to Hogwarts. After a while of looking in pet-stores, Sebas decided to buy a grey cat with black lines. Syrme wanted something to communicate with, but the only thing that came to his mind was the Parselmouth wizards.

'System, How much for Parseltongue language?' Syrme asked while looking directly at an Ashwinder snake.

[Parseltongue: 5,000 StP]

'Mhmm... How many points do I have?' Syrme asked.

[StP: 1,432,980]

'Buy Parseltongue.'

~Hello, beautiful.~ Syrme said to the snake. The Ashwinder looked at him with surprise.

~A ssspeaker...? What can I for you~ Said the snake, dragging the 's' consonant.

~Who among all of you hass the mosst poissson in his fangss~ Syrme asked.

~The black one in the end of the sstore, sspeaker.~ The snake said, looking at the back. Syrme thanked her and searched for the one he was looking for. He was passing through a rattlesnake when he caught the eye of one black and thin.

~It iss you who am I looking for?~ Syrme asked the Black Mamba.

~What it iss that you need me for, ssspeaker?~ The female Black Mamba said to him. Her head was of a beautiful shiny black color.

~I need a partner to bring along, in exchange, you will have prey, warm and friendship. What do you say?~ Syrme proposed.

~You had me with prey, sspeaker.~ The Black Mamba admitted somewhat happy.

~From now on, you will be named Belinda.~

"Sebas, we are finished here." Syrme said to Sebas. They paid the owner of the store and went home.

'I won't go to Gringotts. All the money I need is here, in the inventory of the System. This will throw Dumbledoor out of the loop. Besides, I don't plan to stay here in England forever. So fuck them, and their politics. I don't plan on living my second life caged against my will if I can do something about it.'

"There is left a lot of time until we can go to Hogwarts. What are you planning to do in the meantime?" Sebas asked. Syrme thought about it for a second.

"You fancy some Dungeons?" He said. Sebas smiled excitedly.

"Hell yeah!"

'Now, to wait until September 1st.'


Two boys, one with curly black hair, 5 feet tall and the other one with 4.7 feet with blond hair and blue eyes were passing through the crowd. The station was almost full with all types of people. Some of them were clearly magical. There was left twenty minutes until the Hogwarts express departed.

"Platform 9 and 3/4." Sebas said deadpanning.

"Yes." Syrme said calmly.

"Okay..." Sebas said, equally calm. He was holding the two magical trunks with all of their things. One of him and the other was from Syrme. He insisted on carrying the two of them, so Syrme didn't dwell much into the matter.

They passed through the entrance at a leisurely pace.

"So this is the Hogwarts express." Sebas said.

"Let's go inside." Syrme said, walking into the express. His steps were barely heard as he passed through the corridor. He came into an empty compartment and sat near the window.

The express was colossal and with a lot of compartments. When you passed through the corridor, you could smell the scent of wood and new books.

"What do you think will happen when the person you mentioned discovers that you are going to Hogwarts?" Sebas asked curiously.

"Did I forgot to mention it? ...He is in Hogwarts." Syrme couldn't help but smile at the face of Sebas.

"What?! Oh my god! Which one is in Hogwarts, the sneaky one or the old one!" Sebas said between breaths.

"For the moment, the two of them. Or at least, I think the sneaky one is there. If not, well, it's not like matters much. Right now, we are going there to learn. You are going there to learn. The rest. leave it to me." Syrme said.

"Okay... but if you need my help with something, be sure to tell me, please." Sebas said.

"It's okay. You don't need to worry. For the moment, neither of them will do anything. But, if Voldy gets a body, I'm going to need to intervene. Dumbledore isn't going to do anything yet. But if somehow, I am wrong, and they do try something." Syrme stopped.

"I just have to eliminate them. I'm not going to wait for them so they can hurt me or what is mine. You are my family, and I protect my family. But, if it is to talk, maybe we could come to an agreement." Syrme said. If Syrme decided to look at Sebas instead of families saying goodbye to their kids through the window, he would see a small smile on his face.

That's when the door of the compartment opened to introduce a red-head.

He looked at the two of them. He looked to their foreheads and...

He closed the door again.

'So... I was right. The Weasly family didn't 'coincidentally' came across Harry in the Platform.'

"What was that?" Sebas asked, lifting one eyebrow.

"He is a misinformed Pawn." Syrme said, looking at the landscape. Sebas just shook his head in exasperation.

In the middle of the journey, the compartment door opened a second time.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one." Hermione asked. Sebas was reading a book about potions. Syrme was sleep, and his head was resting on the glass.

"I didn't see one. You should probably ask the students of more advanced courses to find the toad. I think I read somewhere there is a spell for that." Sebas suggested the curly girl.

"If you don't find anyone, try in the loo. Somewhere wet..." Syrme said sleepily.

"Oh! Thank you! By the way, what kind of book are you reading?" Hermione asked, cheerfully. Sebas looked at the girl again and started explaining.

And the door opened again. Loudly.

"This is getting ridiculous." Syrme murmured annoyed.

"They are saying Harry Potter is on the train. Do any of you know where he is?" Draco asked the trio. Sebas smiled knowingly and looked at Syrme.

"Yes, he is two compartments more from here." Syrme said.

The door was closed again.

"Don't you want to know what he is like?" Hermione asked.

Sebas just laughed. Loudly.

"Funny." Syrme said irritated.


"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." McGonagall started.

"They are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." She commented.

"Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family." She finished.

'Yes, of course.' Syrme thought sarcastically.

She then started explaining the house cup and the house points nonsense.

"Syrme, are we sure we need to study in this place? It seems very beautiful and all but..." Sebas asked.

"I know. I have my reasons." Syrme murmured. "By the way, call me Harry from now on. We don't want any misunderstandings."

The way to the great hall was full of small talks and laughs. When the ghosts appeared, cries were heard among the most fearful ones. The redhead was still looking around, trying to find someone. The blond one was the same, but when he looked at Syrme, he sent a glare and a small amount of killing intent.

Syrme was very used to killing intent, so when he received that small amount, he let out a little chuckle.

When all the kids were inside the hall, McGonagall passed the word to Dumbledore.

"That's him?" Sebas asked. Syrme nodded.

Dumbledore started welcoming all the students with his grandfatherly persona and his famous twinkling eyes, and he spilt the subject about the third-floor corridor and the forbidden forest.

"This man..." Sebas widened his eyes.

"What does he think he is doing!? Saying things like that to kids is going to have the opposite result! And what he could have in a school full of kid-" Sebas murmured angrily, but Syrme interrupted him.

"Drop the subject, remember what I told you?" Syrme said.

"Yes, sorry." Sebas nodded.

"Hanna, Abbott." McGonagall called. The sorting hat high in her hand. Several nervous kids were sorted one after the other.

"Harry, Potter." McGonagall called looking through the crowd.

Whispering and sharps intake of breaths were heard all around the hall.

Syrme walked calmly to the chair. He looked at the teachers. Flitwick and Pomona were a little surprised, but It wasn't shown in the face. Sybill, Aurora, Septima were smiling.

Severus, however, was openly gaping at him.

'I guess he thought I was dead or something.'

When Syrme looked at Quirrel, he noted a thread of magic trying to pass his mental proves. Syrme just looked away, and the proved disappeared. He then looked at Dumbledore.

His eyes weren't twinkling anymore.

Syrme couldn't help but smirk at him.

'Who were you expecting, old man?'

'If I'm wrong about you, I'll just apologise.'

'But, are the moment, you are the one responsible directly or indirectly of the death of a minor.'

'And that minor... is Harry Potter.'

'System if the hat search in my memories, don't let him look at my past life. Oh, and don't let any memories of you either, just in case.'


Syrme sat in the chair and waited to the hat to drop on his head. When he realised that the sorting hat wasn't yet in his head, he looked up. McGonagall was looking at him like he had grown a second head.

"What are you waiting for, professor?" Syrme asked, amused. The professor looked at Dumbledore for help. He lifted his hand to indicate to go on. She then put the hat on my head.

[Oh? Harry Potter, let's see what we got here...]

"EHHH???!!!" The hat shouted to the hall.

'Can you please not announce to the heavens that you found something interesting in my head?' Syrme thought to the hat.

[Sorry. I lost my composture. You... I don't know what to do with you. You changed drastically after... Oh, I see. I believe I know more or less what happened. That stubborn old man, I told him time and time again it was a bad idea. Leaving you in the house of a very spiteful and jealous person was not the right call. Not at all. Very well. What house do you want to get in?]

'Mhmm? Aren't you the one sorting me?'

[Yes, but you somehow know choosing a house is 80% of the sorting.]

'I want to be in Ravenclaw. The house of Knowledge' Syrme thought with a smile.

[The house of Knowledge...haha. If that's what you want, better be.."RAVENCLAW."] The hat shouted the last word out loud.

Syrme took the hat off and went to the table with blue flags. After a while, Sebas appeared next to him.

"You sure know how to make an entrance."


Chapter Finished.

GadigWalkercreators' thoughts