

Its 2030 and its been 2 years since I was back in syren. syren is a school for kids with special abilities. syren was ultimately designed for kids to be trained to cope with these supernatural powers. however it was recently turned into a lab to test and evolve kids as a weapon for the army.....

[back too today]

"Estrella mission 96 has been completed." A purple file popped up on the laptop as I opened it an automated voice said "New mission Estrella please do the following instructions." Like any other mission I had it was to do whatever on the file says. This started the day i left syren. i had gotten a email on my laptop saying if i didn't do the following my family would be endangered. With a video of my mom and little sister captive. ever since than i been doing these mission's till i get 100 to go see them. I just hope i can get to them in time. As of today i was told to kill a man of a company call LXR. LXR specializes in technology for the government. I had no idea why they wanted so many people dead and there files we all different. All of the people were at random but there was only one thing that was similar they all were running some type of businesses on the side all were pretty weird. I never questioned it because all that mattered was seeing my family again.