
Syn for me : Book 1

“My intention of course were not completely pure . I also felt the urge to destroy her entirely.” —————————————————- The malevolent and feared son of Lucifer, Syn Sinclaire , has embraced the fact that he will never feel things as everyone else does . He thrives on destruction and death and he is in line to take over hell after his father. That is until he meets the mysterious sister of his future bride ; and she make him question all the things he ever thought he knew about himself .

Ella5Ndolor · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Theatric Part 2

"Will you be coming with me?" Genesis asked Jess.

"Absolutely not," Jess declined, dropping Genesis hand. "But you got this." A deep frown was set on Gestures face at her friend words, but she ignored it and gave Genesis a quick kiss on the cheek, sending her two thumbs up before walking back into the hall. Here goes nothing. Genesis thought.

As Genesis neared the entrance, the usual banter that took place between the guards was naught. More often than not, they were told to silence their voices by other servants in the palace, which made the foreign quiet of the hall today particularly eerie.

Her steps stopped a few meters from the wide double doors as she saw three of the her men laying on the stone floor, the blood from the lifeless bodies staining the grey floor.

She took shallow breaths as she willed her feet to keep on walking, the bile in her throat rising as she took in the detail of the graphic scene in front of her. Their necks were warped in an inhumane direction facing the sky as their bodies were faced down. She swallowed the disgust in her throat, her body beginning to tremble with fear, and she took a deep breath before carefully stepping over the pile of bodies.


At the sound of the voice, Genesis swiveled around in her spot. Her eyes landed on a large gentleman leaning against the wall beside the doors, with a silver lighter and cigarette in his hand. His jet black wavy hair hung over his fore head as he lit the cigar, and as she watched his movements with keen eye, her eyes landed on his hands. She let out a gasp as she noticed all the blood, and he looked back at her, leaning his head against the wall, his tousled hair falling to the side, exposing his face to her.

She was met with piercings green eyes that matched her own, and her mouth dropped, knowing exactly who it was. She moved her trembling hands behind her back and stood up straight as she looked at him, and kept her legs from trying to run. "Smoking is very bad for you, Syn. And why the hell would you kill my men?!" She snatched the cigarette from his hand, an immediate regret of hers.

He remained calm, a blank expression on his face , yet she was terrified. Although he was her son, she was always afraid of him to some degree. Unlike most babies when they come into the world, Syn didn't cry. He didn't scream in pain whenever he scraped his knee, or laugh when everyone else did. She didn't truly understand what Lucifer meant by soulless until she met her son for herself.

He felt nothing.

Nothing except anger that is. That single reminder of that anger making her extend the cigarette back to him in a cautious manner, her hand quaking as it neared him.

He looked at the item in her hand, then at her before ignoring the cigarette and her and striding through the palace doors. Throwing the cigarette to the floor, she followed behind him as quick as she could but yelped when she tripped over one of the bodies and fell to the floor, catching herself with her palms. She left out heavy breaths as her hair fell onto her face, and she closed her eyes, taking yet another deep breath. "Everything will be okay." She whispered.

When she opened her eyes, a pair of dark shoes stood in front of her. She looked up at Syn who was looking down at her with his hands shoved in his pockets, and she waited for him to offer to help her up. "You should watch out for the bodies," he warned.

"Thanks, you could've said that five seconds ago." Genesis huffed, getting herself up knowing he wouldn't bother assisting her.

"You're very welcome," his monotonous voice uttered.

"Why haven't you visited me in all these years, Syn?"

"I've been busy."

"For six years?"

"I guess so."

"I've been to Hell so many times to try and see you, but Lucifer always told me you didn't want to see me."

"Then he would be correct in that assumption." He said, looking around the hall not noticing how badly his words wounded her.

"How come you have time to visit the palace when I'm never here?"

"Strange coincidence."

"Every time?"

"Looks like it."

"You act like you hate me."

"I'm too busy to hate anyone, and I, unfortunately, am too busy to have this conversation with you, mother, If you'd be kind as to direct me to the area where the meeting is being held…"

"I'm not done talking,"

He sighed, looking down at her in boredom. "What else would you like to say?"

"You still haven't told me why you killed my guards."

"Because they were trying to kill me, apparently, you didn't warn them I was coming and they were told to eliminate all possible threats. I'm assuming that lack of attention to detail has little to do with you, and everything to do with your husband?"

Julius….. she thought.

"You think he wanted to kill you?"

"No, not at all. I think he wants to play," he said, removing his handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his bloody hands. "If a game is what he desires. I have no issue hosting my own."

"Syn….what are you going to do?"

"Nothing." He shrugged, her worry beginning to ease at his confirmation. "Yet."

"Can you please behave yourself?" She begged. This is an important meeting."

"I said yet. Didn't I?" He replied. "I'm always on my best behavior, mother. Everyone knows this."

"We don't even have time to get you cleaned up." She groaned, staring at the blood splatter that the angels would surely throw a fit over.

"They're going to ask so many questions!"

Syn sighed. Glancing down at Genesis before snapping his fingers and disappearing in front of her in a cloud of black smoke. She waited in the hall, smiling at the passing servants that just saw him seconds ago. They practically ran past her for fear of his return and she sighed, not fully understanding the fear that he evoked in people.

He was simple. If you didn't bother him, he wouldn't bother you.

With another swirl of black smoke appearing in front of her again, Syn reappeared with his arms out. "Better?" Genesis looked at his black button up and nodded in satisfaction, thankfully that it was clean. Now the only evidence of what happened would be the crying servants scrubbing the blood off the concrete floor outside. Her heart reached out for them and she'd definitely check in with them afterwards, but the fate of our realms relied on this meeting.

She led Syn into the dining room and he lowered his head to enter. How unlucky for him to get his height from his father. Genesis thought; the men stood out like sore thumbs wherever they went.

"Welcome," Julius said in a tone exuding extravagance as he sent a smirk to Syn way. One would think if he valued his life he would clam it down, but Julius arrogance always spoke louder than his words. Genesis was the only one who could tell from knowing him so long, but shock was painting the irises of Julius eyes at seeing Syn. The last time he saw him, Syn was a child. "Let is all have a seat." Julius said.

Genesis walked to her chair, leaving Syn to linger back. When she turned to him, he was leaning against a column in the room instead of listening to Julius's instructions and she smiled to herself as she sat down. Finally there was someone else besides me that didn't bend to Julius every whim. Genesis thought.

"We are here to discuss our predicament." Julius sighed clapping his hands together.

"Your predicament after your indiscretions." Syn spoke up, "I don't even know why I'm here."

"Well, I'm going to tell you." Julius said through a forced smile. "After hours of deliberation, we've reached a consensus on a peace that will unite us all."

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"There will be a union solidified by a marriage between our realms," King Jonathan replied. "A union that will bind the creatures in Heaven with the one in H-"

"I'm not into this theatric shit," Syn interrupted. "So save it for Heaven and spit it out?"

Genesis glanced at King Jonathan whose bearded jaw clenched as he glared at Syn, yet he seemed to contain himself as his wife took his hand. "The treaty requires that each partner in the marriage represents all creatures of both parties. My daughter Xyla will be one half of the marriage, as she is Angel and Fae."

"Who will be the other half?" Felix asked.
