
Syn for me : Book 1

“My intention of course were not completely pure . I also felt the urge to destroy her entirely.” —————————————————- The malevolent and feared son of Lucifer, Syn Sinclaire , has embraced the fact that he will never feel things as everyone else does . He thrives on destruction and death and he is in line to take over hell after his father. That is until he meets the mysterious sister of his future bride ; and she make him question all the things he ever thought he knew about himself .

Ella5Ndolor · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Devil Is Hot As Hell

What I want? She wondered.

"A son?"Genesis asked, recalling the words of the purple fairy from earlier.

"A son….." He thoughts for a moment.

"That's what you want?"He asked

"Y-yes it is. But how? I can't have kids."

"Call it…." He tapped his chin thinking about the right word to use and he finally said, "Divine intervention."

"And what do you want in return?"


"You magic people always want something in exchange for your help. I've heard of these things, and I'm not stupid."

"Hm….This son that I'm going to give you is going to be made In my image. He will not be like all of you people..." he spat with disdain, taking slow steps and circling her. "He will be more of me than you; not feeling….somehow soulless. Perfect for me, yet hell for you. I'll be back one day to collect my debt. That's my price."

That sounded horrible. How could I have a son that had no soul? She thought. She was about to tell him no and to shove it until she thought about her parents. This was all of them to begin with, and there was no way she could let them die when Julius found out about her lie.

She paced the stone floor of the garden and came to a halt, reaching a decision and completely disregarding the warnings of the fairies from earlier. "Fine I'll take it." He crossed his arms and smiled, seemingly not surprised by her answer. "So what now?" She asked.

He took a step towards her, and she took one step back, unsure of the stranger's intentions. They continued the stranger danced until he stopped and clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed by Genesis actions. "I'm going to kiss you, Genesis."


"Just trust me," he coaxed her, his voice oozing a tenderness she hadn't heard anyone use that with her in so long. He took another step towards her, one that she didn't back away from, and his fingers tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. His hand circled to the nape of her neck, and she sucked in a deep breath as his charcoal eyes fell onto her lips.

"What are you-"

His lips connected with hers in a slow yet purposeful movement, and she froze, her hands moved to his chest to push Him away. As he deepened the kiss. She found herself kissing him back, a mix of shock at her actions and a awe of him running through her. He is a stranger, and she wasn't this reckless anymore, but she couldn't stop him. If she was honest with herself, she didn't want to.

His hands moved to her exposed legs from her dress and her arms wrapped around his neck, his sweet oak and metallic smell drawing her in. The lanterns in the garden flickered on and off, perhaps warning her to get out while she could, yet the thrill of his touch kept her firmly in place.

He lifted her legs around his waist, and within a quick moment, she felt the rough splinter of a tree against her back, making her wince. She sucked in a cool, painful breath, and his lips moved to her neck, making her forget all about the wood scratching through the thin material of her dress.

His hand held her up as the other drifted to the hem of her underwear, slowly tugging it down until she was completely exposed to him. Their clothes was the next thing to somehow come off. She keenly remembered every touch, yet her mind was too jumbled to recall the moment they stripped.

Darkness surrounded the both of them like a black hole, drowning out the stars and lingering fairies in the sky, painting the entire world around them like ink. Everything except them. Time slowed and she relished in the feel of his body against hers. The slow and deliberate movements along with the deep and lust-filled kisses made her head spin and she moaned into his lips as he thrust into her. Each movement made her forget more and more of where she was.

She had never felt this intimate with someone before. Not even with Julius. It felt as though the stranger knew her body even better then she did. A stranger…..then why did it feel like I knew him? How could he touch me like this, and be just a stranger? She thought.

As they both reach their peaks and relaxed into one another, she looked up to see the sky come back into view. She blinked away the fogginess in her vision and looked around to see herself lying on the grassy field of the garden. She glanced at the tree they were previously at and wondered how they got grassy field.


Moment ago, the man was on top of me, but when I looked down, he was gone. She wondered. She immediately sat up, hugging her knees to her chest, and looking around the garden. "Looking for me?"

She jumped at the sound of the voice, and she looked behind her to see the man buttoning up his shirt as he sat on the bench. Just when she thought she had imagined it all. "Umm.."

"Are you going to get dressed? We wouldn't want your husband to come out and see you with me, now would we?"

"My husb- how do you know about-"

"I just fucked you and you're going to ask about your husband?"

"Must you be so vulgar"

"Don't talk to me about vulgar when you're the one sitting naked in front of me," he said in a clam voice, unperturbed by anything that just took place between them.

"My naked body is vulgar?"

"No, it's…." He began, his eyes tracing her body, making her shield herself even more. "It's not vulgar." Oh she thought.

He continued "Well, as much fun as you've been, Genesis, I need to leave."

"Wait, what about the deal we need to make?" She asked. "The baby thing." She added.

"What do you think we just did…" he raised a brow at her before a slow smile spread across his lips. "You kissed me back and had sex with me because of our deal, correct?"

"Umm, yes of course. Otherwise umm, I wouldn't have kissed you because this was a deal," she ranted. A chuckle emanated deep from within his chest, and her heart began betraying her as always.

"Right." He nodded.

"But umm, say that I had no idea what just happened…..what...exactly just happened?"

"I granted your wish."

"My wish?" She thought back to their previous question as he looked at her, waiting for her to realize, and she gasped as she made sense of what had just taken place. "I wanted a baby, and we did the thing because... I get it."

"You are not very bright, are you?"

"I wouldn't judge someone from a two-minute interaction." She huffed.

"That was hardly two minutes," he said in irritation, a need to defend his manhood overpowering his instincts.

"Well….I was was trying to help you out."

"Perhaps I need another chance to redeem myself?" He suggested, leaning closer to her. He flashed another panty-dropping grin down at her, and her cheeks heated, involuntarily blushing up at him.

"Hmm, who knew two minutes was capable of earning such a smile?" He added.

Her smile dropped, not wanting to give into his charm, and she cleared her throat. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For that." She shrugged.

"Don't thank me, Genesis." He rubbed his temple. "If anything I've damned you for all of eternity."

"Why do you say that?"

"You'll see"

"Hmm. How do you know if it worked?"

"It did," he assured her. "Now it's Time for you to warn your husband."

Warn him of what? she wondered. she wanted to ask him what he meant, but he stood up from the bench, and moved his hands into his pockets, walking back into the shadows he originated. "So you're just going to leave me here naked with a dress you tore?!"

"Would you like to come with me?"

She moved her head to look where he was walking but saw both except darkness in between the large trees of the garden. Wherever he was going seemed far from delightful, and she barely knew him. "I don't even know your name."

"Then ask me it."

"What is your name?"


Genesis blood ran cold, but she covered up her fear with a nervous laugh. "Oh, your parents are fans of the name?"

"Parents being father, and yes, he happens to be quiet fond of my name."

"Oh, okay I was worried for a moment. I suppose it's not a bad name, it's more so the man who bears the name originally that's the true evil."

"What's wrong with the original bearer?" He crossed his arms and emerged from the entrance of the forest, stepping closer in her direction.

"Ptt. The devil?! Is that a serious question?" She asked in shock. "He's only single-handedly responsible for every fucked up thing happening in everyone's lives."

"Oh please! I can assure you the devil has more important things to do than to mess with your pathetic lives ! How about that? Have any of you ever thought to ask him how you may have been responsible for the fucked up things happening in his life?" He ranted, his tone passionate and angry.

"Well…..I tend not to associate myself with him."

He looked at her for moment before shaking his head and chuckling.

"How ironic for us to end up in this predicament then."

What?…she thought.

Thinking back to that night in particular….the night she met him, he couldn't have been more right. That night she realized three things:

One,never trust a fairy...under any fucking circumstance.

Secondly, she have horrible taste in men.

And three….raising this child perhaps would be the hardest thing she would ever have to do in her entire eternal life….

There is also a fourth realization she came to….maybe a little less important than the others, but nonetheless significant.

Number four…..

....the devil is hot as hell. she thought.