
Symphony of Voices

One moment I am awake the next I am asleep, and it is beginning to become difficult to tell if the world I am in is real or fake. How do I escape this ever-lasting loop of confusion and danger?

EmpNoxus · ファンタジー
27 Chs

A Pitiful Lunch

Grabbing at the tongs that laid itself on top of the meat, I filled my plate till half of it was full, after all you can't really be picky when your poor, especially when the food is free. Moving onto the next tray I also grabbed some mashed potatoes till they filled the other half of my plate. Although I didn't really mind eating broccoli, compared to the meat and the mashed potatoes I would rather not eat uncooked vegetables even if they provided some type of health benefit.

Anyways after grabbing my food I turned around and just before forgetting I also quickly grabbed a water bottle to bring with me. I didn't really know if it was allowed to bring it back into your room, however, considering the fact that there didn't seem to be any sort of trash spots within the hallways or my room, I would imagine it wasn't allowed. Maybe it was also just picked up when the scientists visited the rooms. Sigh, such a hassle to have gaps within your own memories. 

Moving towards one of the free tables I had just sat down when one of the other participants moved towards me and sat down just across from me, raising my eyebrow I was just about to speak, but he opened his mouth and spoke first. 

"Hi, my name is Tom I don't think I have seen you before, are you also new here? Like the rest of us I mean," he said with a somewhat forceful tone, however I didn't dwell on that too long and decided to smartly answer his question. After all, even though I lost some of my memories, I knew that I had been here for at least a little while and unlike what I would assume has happened with this group of people around me, I didn't seem to have roommates or at least people that came in with me.

"I'm not new here, but I am also not old, did all of you come in together?" I answered as neutrally as possible.

As if trying to take in my expressions this green haired man named Tom soon responded, perhaps he is someone with a brain, although I should expect that of everyone, no matter their appearance, underestimating your opponents always led to defeat in battle.

"I see, as for your question I didn't really come in with them so much as we just happened to meet within the facility," he answered, this time a tad bit more calmly than last time. 

"Hm, well if you don't mind I would look to eat my meal," I pointed towards my tray and also gave him a half smile so as to close off the conversation and remove myself from it. He opened his mouth as if to make an ah sound and eventually nodded, getting up and moving back towards his own table, I guess he understood the message.

Tom seemed to notice my slightly cryptic answer and decidedly answered back with his own answer that didn't really address my question directly, once again confirming my thought of never wanting to underestimate your opponents. Grabbing a mouthful of meat using the plastic black fork I had acquired whilst I was grabbing my water I shook my head once again. Perhaps it would become a habit in this place, being stressed for no reason leading me to constantly sigh and shake my head. Taking a bite and filling my mouth I tasted it to the best of my ability as if to identify the type of meat. It seemed to border on the taste of beef and perhaps turkey, interesting. 

Moving on I took a bite of the mashed potatoes, and well they simply tasted like mashed potatoes, only somehow more plain tasting. They didn't seem to carry any hints of butter as I had hoped. I guess it was indeed something that only wealthy families could afford. 

Taking my time to eat the food and even mixing it here and there as well as sipping on water as I went, I finally finished within ten minutes, or at least some where approximate to that time.

Getting up I luckily noticed when I was coming in where the trash cans were located, so in no time at all I walked directly towards it and threw my trash out. Within the time of me eating, the others had mostly walked away and probably went to explore since from what I had gathered from Tom they all seemed to be new. Only the siblings seemed to remain, though I decided not to bother them and vice versa.

Walking away from the cafeteria now I also noticed that there were bathrooms just to the right of the exit. That would probably come in handy at a later time today. 

Amusing myself I chuckled and opened the doors once again to move on to exploration. This time I decided to just go straight from where the cafeteria was. Right away I could see some people straight ahead that I had yet to meet or rather see, so it was an easy choice for me to make. Walking at a normal speed I began approaching them. They also seemed to be talking to each other, but perhaps it was just their look or demeanor, but unlike the ones in the cafeteria this people seemed much more experienced.

Perhaps they came before me, or even with me. As I walked I noticed that their attention was sufficiently caught with the sound of my footsteps, and as such, by the time I had finally walked directly up towards them they were already looking towards me. 

Up close I could also see that they were both males and appeared slightly bigger than the ones in the cafeteria. I also noticed one of the males, the one with blonde hair appeared to be five foot six inches in height and also had short hair that while not a buzz cut was still pretty short. He also had green eyes that entrapped the soul like emeralds, his demeanor also indicated that he was somewhat sunny in personality especially since his face had what looked like a permanent smile, at least to me. 

The second male was probably the tallest I had come across and likely stood at a great six foot four inches, his eyes were also a brown color akin to tree bark, whereas his hair was similar to the one male in the cafeteria with a buzz cut. He seemed to be a bit more cold in personality compared to his counterpart on his left, though maybe that originated from his difficult life experience.

Before I could examine any further they began to speak, well at least the sunny one spoke first. 

"Hello, my name is James and my other friend here is named Raky , what's yours?"

"I am floris," I answered.

"Well, hello floris I don't think I remember ever seeing you around the facility, are you new here?" he asked me. 

I could honestly not tell if he was just trying to gauge information out of me or something else, but either way I had my guard up, perhaps he was not as he seemed on the surface.

Taking the book at a slower pace each chapter so you better enjoy it!

EmpNoxuscreators' thoughts