
Swordmasters Descent Onto The World [Rewrite Soon]

A legend born transcending the concept of strength challenges the mortal shell, in his failure of an attempt he is reborn under God to live in another world.

ReidFlare · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Tathariel (01)

I stood in the middle of a large rainforest with giant trees that reach into the clouds, red energy surrounded me as I held Althieus facing the tree in front of me.

I spiked my energy to the maximum and moved Althieus to the left and crossed my arms. I pivoted and with a twitch of my eye, I swung the sword. The tree in front of me dropped but before it could fall Althieus burst apart and cut the tree into dust.

[Congratulations you exceeded in using the ninth-form Rei]

Taking deep breaths I gave a simple thumbs up hearing her voice, panting I put my hands on my knees and took a seat.

"That skill consumes too much of my energy... Despite the power."

[Last time you attempted it you passed out mid-attack. I see this as an improvement!]

'It's my trump card for now until I can grasp the tenth form.'

[You'll get it soon.] Althieus responded with a sigh.

It's been 7 years since I left the Empire, I spent half of those years traveling around as a hooded adventurer, and the latter half in the Elven province of Tathariel. I agreed to protect Tahtariel from any invasions on the condition they provide me with housing and food, and they permit me private grounds to train in.

I've spent most of my years training ferociously, and I've hardly been social with the elves besides the royalty and higher echelon of knights. Only the High King of the elves knows I'm a dragon, most people don't know, at all so I carry around an insignia that gives me the same authority as royalty.

My current appearance is very similar to elves, I basically blend in with them, but the horn on my head and my red eyes just alert everyone that I'm not an elf. Unlike when I was an adventurer I don't have to wear my hood up at all times, they simply ignore me because of the insignia I wear, at least most of the elves do. The horn on my head has grown significantly in the past few years being much more noticeable, and it's pretty nice looking it's not big enough to wear I can't wear my hood properly. Yet...

Demon activity in the past few years has been off the charts the elves are defending themselves from battles at their borders as often as every other week, and the orcs... Are nearly taken over, most of their tribes have been demonized and are working for demons.

My Draconic Force has grown as well, it's very easy to train I simply exhaust it all and it grows it's kind of like a muscle in a way. The problem with training my Draconic Force is that it takes at least 2 days to replenish if I fully extinguish it, and I'll be really fatigued by the time I get there so it's a long process.

"Guess it's time to head back."

[Soon they'll notice the trees thinning out Rei.]

"They can't say anything to me anyways, their king treats me like a deity... If I wanted to take this place over I could in a day with my current strength anyways."


"No there's surely no debate," I responded annoyed.

While I've gone stronger I'm still not on the level that Minos is, I'm closer and if I fought him now perhaps I would be able to wound him mortally, but ultimately I'm not confident I could beat him. Most demons are fodder to me although, in these 7 years I only had to use Zenith once and it was during my days as an adventurer when a Great Demon attacked me, he was close to being on the level of a Prince ranked demon but he still wasn't there.

Zenith is a powerful sword but every time I draw it, it just naturally sucks out my Draconic Force like food. Every swing of Zenith is tiring, and I can only really swing it about 20 times before running out of gas, and that's just regular swings. If I use a technique I'll truly be pained.

"Haaah... Perhaps some entertainment could cure my depression right now."

[Rei... Please don't tell me you're going to spend hours reading those boring books again.]

"How did you know?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

[Because we share a thought process.]

"Good point."

Walking south I arrived at a lone steel door, opening it I took a step through and stood in the home I stayed in, a small manor near the Royal Palace with no servants.

"I love Elven magic."

[It's quite intriguing compared to your run-of-the-mill human magic]

Elven magic worked by manipulating entities called spirits, it was incredible and combat and had far more utility compared to human magic. What made human magic comparable to it was how versatile it could be in combat and its raw destructive power.

Exiting the small manor I floated off the ground and flew through the air toward the Elven city, with my advancements with Draconic Force I no longer used barbaric leaps, I could simply use Draconic Force to hold my body and move it through the air with precision and high speeds.

Soon I arrived at a library and descended, opening the door was a luxurious library with thousands of shelves laid out. A small magic circle was in the middle of the room, it was made using some types of spirits that can read whatever book you want... I have no clue how it works but it always gives me quality stuff.

"Welcome to Valtariel's Archives, Arulwyr."

I looked over taking a slight bow to an elven girl with silver hair and golden eyes, she always welcomed me as a regular and was truly kind.

"Good day to you, Seraphina," I responded with a smile.

She smiled back and I continued to the magic circle. Stepping into the magic circle a small green hue emitted from it and soon 5 books appeared before me, not even checking the books I moved to a table and set them down.

"Let's see here," I muttered to myself.

[Spiritual Contract]

[Elvandar Forest Monsters]

[How To Make Friends]

[History Of Dragons]

[Guide To Romance]

[Kekekeke~] Althieus giggled, and for some reason, I could picture her in my head.

A creepy laugh rang throughout my head and I covered my face in embarrassment.

'Am I really that lonely? Are these spirits making fun of me?' With my Draconic Eyes, I've naturally been able to see mana flow throughout the air as well as spirits, and they tended to avoid me... Perhaps dragons were hated by spirits? 'I'm overthinking.' I sighed resting my head in my arms.

"Those are some interesting book choices."

I looked behind me keeping my facial expression indifferent, behind me were a few kids in school uniforms.


The one who spoke the first was a guy with silver hair and emerald eyes, I didn't respond to his words but I began visibly showing my agitation to hope they would go away.

"I see you here a lot, how old are you may I ask sir?" The male student asked with a respectful tone.

"Twenty-two," I said looking at him in the eyes.

I heard a few of them laugh quietly.

"What's funny?"

"Oh sorry, we just assume you were older. After all, we're in our late thirties junior."

[You should have told them you were five hundred years old, did you forget elves have a long lifespan... I'm pretty sure their education last until they're around 60.]

"I'm not from around here so don't call me your junior."

A few laughs came out from the crowd again but this time much louder, and far more agitating than last time.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Another male voice said.

Standing up I showed off my insignia on purpose, and I saw their expressions change slightly.

"Why don't we take this outside, this is an order of course," I said addressing the boy who said added the rude comment.

He was a handsome boy on the shorter side with silvery hair and gold eyes.

"Yes... Of course, I accept." He said with a hint of regret.

[Are you really going to hospitalize an immature kid?]

'He's older than me how does that make him immature?'

[The elves are sheltered and don't go through what you've gone through. Naturally, their brains don't develop like yours.]

Taking a breath to calm down I rubbed my eyes looking at the boy, "Forget it, you can leave just don't bother me."

"Yes sir."

The group of boys left following behind him.

'God I hate spoiled brats...'

[Did you forget the first 15 years of your life?]

'That's different... Plus they're in their thirties still trying to harass a random person.'

[Your appearance makes you an easy target, perhaps ask for another insignia and wear it on the back of your head.] Althieus added with a laugh.

"Whatever," I said out loud causing a few people to look at me. "Sorry." I apologized noticing their gazes.