
Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case. Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy that master the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The thing she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords. However little did she know just how fitting the title of Spellblade that she was given (as an inside joke for the Sabre family and weapon users in general) would be proven to explain so much about herself and who she would eventually become starting on the day she officially becomes a pre-teen

Kamon772 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Kuta Sabre 01

Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre

A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case. This was how the family had obtained the last name of Sabre as their ancestors were so good with the blade that they inspired respect and admiration of all those around them. Having done this with not just the general public but those of high status as well. This allowed them to join the high status as members themselves gaining the last name of Sabre for all that they have done and would continue to do into the future.

Each generation would only build on the Sabre name giving them more and more acknowledgment and accomplishments over the coming centuries. Though the current Sabre are nothing like their ancestors when it comes to their social class and wealth they now possess. The drive and the commitment to the blade however never once weaver in the slightest. Training their blade work, testing their skills against others, and constant improvement with their chosen blades was what that had been. The Sabre family's talent was not limited to traditional swords only as they were a family that was talented with all kinds of blades. 










Bastard sword


The one sword type that was the founding member of the Sabre family bloodline mastered as their chosen sword. However which one exactly was said to have been lost to time so the truth was unknown. Those were just some of the more traditional sword types that the family studied and feverish ran down not just the road of mastery but travel down the endless path of devotion and appreciation. If it had a blade then there was Sabre that was the master of it. Did not matter what kind of blade it was, one could find a Sabre family member that was master of it be it in the present or the past. Though the Sabre family itself specializes in swords that would only be the main family of every generation as no one in the Sabre bloodline is born with a last name. It is something they earn through the course of their life through the mastery of their chosen weapon. Only the family member that is considered the strongest and most skillful sword user will be named the Sabre of that generation thus it does not matter who it is. They could be anyone from the family bloodline as just the name did not pass from parent to child every generation after all. 

Amongst all those who follow the path of the blade, those of the Sabre family have maintained the longest running streak toward the founder of the family itself. The Sabre of each generation just happened to be a direct relative of the previous one for generations...even if they were not always the first choice. 

To continuously hone their skills and pursue following the path of the blade. The weapon users school was founded with Sabres as one of the founding members and biggest backers for its continued existence in the finance department. Not just focusing on blade weapons alone all types of weapon users were taught as means to produce a variety of masters of all weapon types.

Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy who mastered the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The things she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords. 

A mystery that was always surrounding her as she was not only considered the youngest swordmaster but also the only one capable of fighting seemingly endlessly without getting tired at least in the normal sense when it came to using sword combat. Her stamina as swordmaster was off the chart despite being a kid, she could outlast all adults that challenge her in duels. She also seems capable of spamming sword move after sword moves without any side effects either.

Thus how after being named a swordmaster she was given the title of Spellblade. Everyone jokingly claimed that she was not using actually using her mana to produce her sword moves but was instead using some form of magic. Basically blade magic in the sense of what she could do and how she could do it was almost like magic in that sense

Which was normally just laughed off as impossible as in the entire line of the Sabre family they have never once produced a mage in their entire known existence even once. It was crazy talk to even assume that Kuta herself had actually been a mage this entire time as nothing she did was mage like after all. Any attempt to try to use magic was not even humorous as it just was not in her family after all. Sure mages were not rare as they had an entire academy of their own that rivaled the weapon user's school. Where they taught and studied all kinds of magic regardless of what it was.

The path of the mage was not what Kuta wanted as she was a swordmaster and she would follow the path of the blade just like all the Sabre that had come before her in the past. She was looking towards her future where she would continue down her path to be the greatest swordmaster in general not just of her family alone. Her goal was to become a master of the blade that would rival the founding member of her family. The ancestor that gained the name of Sabre that had been passed down for generations upon generations.

Little did Kuta know that her life was about to take a drastic change as the goal and life she had once dreamed of living would be taken from her in an instant as everything would change on her birthday when she officially would be considered old enough to be a pre-teen.