
Swordmaster, my ass!

Jin Myeong lost his parents due to a strange illness, he wandered the mainland in search of a martial arts sect that can keep him unfortunately due to his status and appearance he was rejected until one day a random old man asked him if he would like to be his disciple. As Jin has nowhere to go, he accepted the old man's offer.

Lebear · 東方
21 Chs

Heavenly Gambler

After three days of working nonstop, we have made a total of 56 swords.

Jang-gan: Good work for a beginner.


Jin pouts and he looks like he's about to explode...

Jin murmurs to himself.

"That 56 swords are all made by my sweat and blood and you are calling it beginners' work?"

"I swear to the heavens....aarrgghh! I wanna hit him argghh!!!"

Jang-gan grabbed his chin and thought to himself after observing Jin.

"The disciple only learns from its master after all...i see"

Jang-gan patted Jin and smiled at him...

"What's with that look? Don't give me that... I'll give ya 3 days off so ya can slack off a bit."

Jin's expression changes similar to a child getting his favorite toy.

"Really Jang-gan?"

Jang-gan: Of course ya dimwit go now.

Jang-gan waves his hands in a manner that looks like he is trying to kick Jin out.

Jin quickly runs outside rushing to the old man before-

"If I go home too early then that old fart is just gonna make me do a lot of housework again..."

Jin remembered when he spotted the food on the table 3 days ago...

"And that old fart seems like he can cook and he is also strong enough to probably hunt every animal in all of Yeon-in..."

Jin wanders the streets of Yeon-in seeing the different food stalls performers and children playing.

As he walked he noticed a large crowd around the area as he got closer he saw a sign that reads

"Heavenly Gamblers Den"

As soon as he read the sign he quickly grabbed his pouch of coins and took out all 10 copper coins that he earned from Jang-gan.

"I've worked for 3 days and I've never even reached a ½ of a silver coin but if I can triple this 10 copper coins then I can exchange it for a silver coin."

Just thinking about winning almost makes Jin drool like a dog.


Jin entered the den, and he spotted the cockfighting area.

(W/n: Cockfighting where 2 chickens are placed in an enclosed pit to fight for the primary purposes of gambling and entertainment.)








As soon as Jin heard the man yell he quickly rushed and observed the two chickens...

"My gut is telling me to bet on the red one..."


Jin's thoughts are stopped when he hears this he quickly places his bets on the Red chicken.

As the chickens were released

into the ring, Jin observed the fight.





Jin's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the two chickens fight.

"Is this even chickens?!! What the hell?!!"

He sees the chickens battle it out in the ring, but he never expected this to happen...

The fight quickly ended after the red chicken ripped off the other chicken's organs it was a disgusting sight for our ten-year-old Jin but this disgusted feeling quickly changed to one of happiness after he saw that he had won.

He gambled and gambled for some more until sunset and he gained an extra 80 copper coins.

He exchanged his 90 copper coins for 3 silver coins.

"6 more to go! Hehe~"

As soon as he leaves the place and walks into the streets of Yeon-in he feels that someone grabbed his shoulder.

A feminine voice spoke.

"We forbid children from gambling here!"




Jin's actions finally caught up to him, will he be arrested?