
Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven

"Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven" (剣絆:七つの剣を沈黙させる勇者の旅 - Kenkizuna: Nanatsu no Ken o Chinmoku Saseru Yūsha no Tabi) unfolds in a unique world where firearms are absent, and every individual bears a traditional weapon. In this realm of steel and valor, our protagonist, Jake Harada, a half-Japanese, half-American teenager, joins forces with Luna Estrella, a futuristic artist with a rebellious spirit. Embarking on a globe-trotting quest, Jake and Luna seek the legendary Seven Swords - mystical blades imbued with powers that, if united, could lead to unimaginable disaster. Each sword is a relic of immense power and history, with the potential to shape or shatter the world's destiny. Their journey is fraught with challenges, not just from the hazardous terrains of a diverse planet but also from those who covet the swords for their agendas. From the shadowy alleys of underground societies to the majestic halls of power, Jake and Luna encounter allies who share their noble goal and adversaries who seek to use their swords for dominance and destruction. "Swordbound" is a tale of adventure, courage, and the bonds formed along the way. It's a story about the choices that define us, the values we fight for, and the strength we find in unity. As Jake and Luna confront external threats and internal dilemmas, they learn about the true essence of heroism and the price of wielding immense power.

cjbaron · アクション
26 Chs

Chapter 38: Through the Gates of Kurokaze-kai

Outside the foreboding structure of the Kurokaze-kai headquarters, Yoko, Jake, Carter, Akane, and Luna regrouped, their faces set with determination. Unlike the towering skyscrapers of their previous escapades, this building was a mere 10 stories high, a testament to Japan's strict earthquake safety standards. Despite its modest height, the headquarters exuded a menacing aura, its entrance guarded by several stern-faced Yakuza members.

"We need a plan to sneak in," Jake said, scanning the building's exterior and the guards with a tactical eye.

"It's hard to sneak in; the place is too heavily guarded," Yoko observed, her voice laced with concern as she noted the vigilant Yakuza scattered around the premises.

Carter, ever the action-ready athlete, gripped his hockey stick tighter. "I guess we have to barge in and fight our way through," he declared, ready to charge.

"Wait!" Luna interjected, placing one hand on Carter's arm to halt his momentum. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of confidence and ingenuity. "I'm around this time, and I can hack into their security system using my Digital Blade skill."

"Oh, right!" Carter exclaimed, sheepishly realizing he had overlooked Luna's futuristic capabilities.

Luna's fingers danced over her light saber, which hummed softly in response to her touch. "I will stop the security cameras from functioning and keep the security alarms from ringing," she announced, her voice steady and focused. Activating her Digital Blade, she interfaced seamlessly with the digital systems of the Kurokaze-kai, manipulating the technology with precision to deactivate their security measures.

"I'm done," Luna said after a moment, her tone indicating success without any hint of strain.

Jake nodded, his expression serious as he turned to the group. "Alright, guys, get ready your weapons! This fight is not going to be easy!" he rallied, his leadership never more apparent. Each member readied themselves, pulling out their respective weapons with practiced ease.

Their objective was clear: save Kenjiro and Kaito and retrieve the Sword of Flame. The team knew the challenges ahead would be formidable, but armed with Luna's tech skills and their combined combat prowess, they felt a surge of collective confidence.

Outside the stark facade of the Kurokaze-kai headquarters, tension hung heavy in the air as Jake and his team prepared for the inevitable confrontation. A group of Yakuza members, each brandishing a sleek katana, stood guard, their eyes wary and calculating.

Jake: "Remember, stick to the plan. Luna, you take point with the tech."

Luna: "Got it. Keep your eyes open, everyone."

As they approached, Luna's saber hummed quietly, her fingers moving rapidly to disable the security systems. The cameras flickered off one by one, providing the team with the advantage of surprise.

Carter: "Here goes nothing!"

With a fierce battle cry, Carter swung his hockey stick with a powerful Power Check, sending the first Yakuza staggering backward. The impact echoed through the quiet street, signaling the start of the skirmish.

Yakuza: "Intruders! Defend the entrance!"

Yoko moved gracefully, her Cherry Blossom Parry deflecting the swift katana strikes aimed at her. Each movement was a blur, her tanto redirecting the attacks, providing her with openings to counter.

Yoko: "Jake, cover the left flank!"

Jake: "On it!"

Swinging his baseball bat, Jake executed a Home Run Swing, knocking away a katana and disarming another Yakuza. His movements were fluid, each swing precise and effective, keeping the enemies at bay.

Akane, quiet and deadly, used her Whispering Willow move to slip through the adversaries, her sais striking silently but with deadly precision. She targeted pressure points, efficiently incapacitating several Yakuza without unnecessary harm.

Akane: "Luna, now!"

Luna: "Watch this!"

Luna, with a focused expression, activated her Digital Blade. The light saber interacted with the hidden electronic locks on the front door, and with a soft click, the path was cleared. She then joined the fray, her Holographic Feint creating illusions that disoriented the remaining guards, allowing her to take them down with non-lethal strikes.

As the last of the Yakuza outside fell, the team quickly regrouped and stormed into the first floor of the headquarters.

Inside, the battle intensified. The enclosed space echoed with the sounds of combat—shouts, the clash of metal, and the determined cries of the team as they fought to clear the room.

Jake: "Keep pushing forward! We can't let them regroup!"

As they penetrated deeper into the building, Carter and Jake formed a tight frontline. Carter's Slapshot Smash sent a shockwave through the corridor, knocking back several Yakuza who tried to block their path. His athleticism was a critical advantage in the confined space, allowing him to maneuver and strike with formidable force.

Carter: "How's that for an opening play?"

Meanwhile, Yoko continued to dazzle with her precision and agility. Her Silent Cherry Blossom Thrust found its mark repeatedly, each strike strategically weakening her opponents without causing lethal injuries. Her respect for life, even in such dire circumstances, never wavered.

Yoko: "We need to maintain control. Stay focused!"

Luna's technological prowess provided a continuous edge. As they encountered electronically locked doors or attempted ambushes, her Quantum Leap skill allowed her to manipulate digital systems on the fly, opening paths and disorienting foes with surgically timed security malfunctions.

Luna: "I've disabled the next set of cameras. Move up!"

Akane, always the silent avenger, utilized her Dancing Dragon's Grasp to disarm and neutralize adversaries. Her sais twirled with an almost poetic brutality as she protected the team's flank, ensuring no one could sneak up on them.

Akane: "Path is clear on this side."

The teamwork was impeccable. Each member played off the others' strengths, creating a symphony of destruction that was both efficient and controlled. As they cleared the first floor, the sounds of battle dwindled until only their heavy breathing filled the air.

Jake: "Is everyone okay?"

Carter: "All good here. Ready for the next round."

Yoko: "No injuries on my end. Let's keep moving."

Luna: "Systems show the coast is clear for now."

Akane: "Let's not waste time. They know we're here now."

As they regrouped and prepared to ascend to the next level, the quiet that followed was a stark contrast to the chaos they had just endured. They knew the hardest part might still be ahead, but with each step, they grew more determined to rescue Kenjiro and Kaito and reclaim the Sword of Flame.

Jake: "Alright, let's move up. Stay sharp, we're not done yet."

The group's progression through the Kurokaze-kai headquarters was met with the stark reality of their disabled elevator system. Jake, leading the way, tested the lift's call button only to find it unresponsive.

"It seems like the lift is not working," Jake noted, frowning at the panel.

Luna adjusted her device and nodded in agreement. "I believe it's linked to the security system I disabled," she explained, her tone apologetic yet matter-of-fact.

"We'll have to take the stairs," she added, pointing towards the emergency exit that spiraled upwards.

The building's unique spiral structure meant they would have to navigate each floor, confronting any Yakuza they encountered. Jake looked back at his team, his expression resolute. "I guess we have no choice but to alert everyone in the building," he said as they moved to the staircase, heading to the second floor which was set up like an office.

Upon reaching the second floor, the scene was abruptly business-like, with desks and chairs scattered about—a stark contrast to the violent reception they were about to receive. As several Yakuza emerged from the shadows, the team prepared for another engagement.

Jake: "Spread out, watch for ambushes!" His voice echoed slightly in the open office space.

As a Yakuza charged towards him, Jake used his Fastball Flick, launching a series of pens and small office items like projectiles with surprising speed and accuracy, disorienting his attacker before landing a solid blow with his bat.

Yoko, meanwhile, gracefully sidestepped a swinging katana and countered with her Moonlit Path Dodge, her movements swift and fluid like a shadow under the moonlight. She found an opening and executed a Bamboo Whisper Ambush, a rapid, stealthy advance followed by a series of quick, precise cuts with her tanto, neutralizing her opponent without a sound.

Carter, not one to shy away from using his surroundings, grabbed a rolling office chair and hurled it towards two advancing Yakuza, knocking them off balance. Capitalizing on their confusion, he performed a Rink Runner's Rush, swiftly closing the distance to engage them with his hockey stick, using a Justice Jab to keep them at bay.

Akane, her eyes scanning for the most strategic targets, chose her moment to strike with Whirlwind Retreat, spinning away from an attack and using her momentum to launch a Shadow Step maneuver. She appeared behind her attacker, sais poised and delivered a Scarlet Bind, effectively incapacitating him by trapping his arms with her weapons.

Luna, ever the tactician, utilized her Echo Strike, creating afterimages of herself as she moved. This baffled her opponents, allowing her to close in and use a Plasma Shield generated from her saber to block incoming attacks. She then switched to offensive, her saber glowing as she executed a Sonic Pulse, emitting a low-frequency sound that disrupted the Yakuza's balance.

As the last of the adversaries fell, the team regrouped, preparing to advance to the next floor. Their movements were efficient, their strategies effective, and their camaraderie unbreakable.

Jake: "Good work, team. Let's move to the third floor—stay alert."

As they ascended the staircase to the third floor, their readiness never wavered. Each member was prepared to utilize their unique skills further, knowing that with each floor conquered, they were one step closer to their ultimate goals: rescuing Kenjiro and Kaito and securing the Sword of Flame. The quiet after the fight was a brief respite, a momentary pause in their relentless advance through the heart of the enemy's lair.

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