
Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven

"Swordbound: The Hero's Journey to Silence the Seven" (剣絆:七つの剣を沈黙させる勇者の旅 - Kenkizuna: Nanatsu no Ken o Chinmoku Saseru Yūsha no Tabi) unfolds in a unique world where firearms are absent, and every individual bears a traditional weapon. In this realm of steel and valor, our protagonist, Jake Harada, a half-Japanese, half-American teenager, joins forces with Luna Estrella, a futuristic artist with a rebellious spirit. Embarking on a globe-trotting quest, Jake and Luna seek the legendary Seven Swords - mystical blades imbued with powers that, if united, could lead to unimaginable disaster. Each sword is a relic of immense power and history, with the potential to shape or shatter the world's destiny. Their journey is fraught with challenges, not just from the hazardous terrains of a diverse planet but also from those who covet the swords for their agendas. From the shadowy alleys of underground societies to the majestic halls of power, Jake and Luna encounter allies who share their noble goal and adversaries who seek to use their swords for dominance and destruction. "Swordbound" is a tale of adventure, courage, and the bonds formed along the way. It's a story about the choices that define us, the values we fight for, and the strength we find in unity. As Jake and Luna confront external threats and internal dilemmas, they learn about the true essence of heroism and the price of wielding immense power.

cjbaron · アクション
26 Chs

Chapter 34: Night of Shadows and Steel

Kenjiro, you know what we are here for," Hiroshi declared, his voice steady and commanding as he assumed a combat-ready stance, his plasma saber humming with an ominous energy in his grasp. The perimeter of the house was quietly encircled by men in sleek black suits, each armed with a katana, their silent presence betraying their affiliation with the Yakuza.

"Jake, they are here for the Sword of Flames. Keep it safe by your side," Kenjiro instructed, his voice tinged with urgency as he prepared to confront the looming threat. "Yoko, try to lead them out of the house. I will deal with them alone."

"Uncle Nomura, we can help you!" Jake protested, unwilling to leave his uncle to face the danger by himself.

"No! It's too dangerous. Go now!" Kenjiro commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

"You think they can escape from me?" Hiroshi sneered, unleashing a barrage of brilliant blue plasma arcs towards them with his Plasma Blade Technique. Kenjiro responded deftly, his own blade singing through the air with a Bushido Blade Strike, the traditional katana clashing against the futuristic saber in a shower of sparks.

As Kenjiro and Hiroshi's battle intensified, Yoko took charge, guiding her friends toward the back door. Their escape was quickly noticed, and the men in black suits moved to intercept, their katanas ready.

Yoko's voice was calm but urgent as she glanced back at her friends, "Stick close and move fast!" She pulled out her tanto, her movements a blend of grace and precision. As the first Yakuza reached her, she executed her Silent Willow Strike, targeting non-lethal points to incapacitate without serious harm. Her actions allowed her friends a brief, precious window to slip past the stunned assailants. "Go, now!" she instructed, securing their retreat with swift, silent takedowns.

Jake was next in line, clutching the Sword of Flames tightly to his side as a precaution before swiftly switching to his trusty baseball bat for a less lethal defense. With a wry smile cutting through the palpable tension, he half-joked to his companions, "Cover your ears," as he readied his stance. Employing his Home Run Swing, Jake swung with formidable force. The bat made a resounding thud as it connected solidly with the nearest pursuer, sending the man sprawling to the ground in a heap. "Looks like I still got my swing," Jake quipped, a grin flashing across his face as he tried to inject a brief moment of levity into the tense escape. They quickly regained their focus and pressed forward, weaving through obstacles as they made their way to safety.

Carter followed closely behind Jake, gripping his hockey stick like a seasoned pro. "Let's give them a real face-off," he declared, stepping up as two Yakuza closed in. With a practiced swing, he executed his Hockey Stick Sweep, the stick whooshing through the air to knock the assailants off their feet. "That's how we do it on the ice!" he yelled, his voice a blend of adrenaline and focus, as they continued to weave through the chaos.

Akane spun into her Crimson Cyclone, her sais whirling dangerously. "Don't get too close," she warned over her shoulder, her voice calm despite the chaos. As her sais carved a protective circle around them, she added, "I'll create an opening; run through as soon as you see it."

Luna activated her Holographic Feint, causing several duplicates of herself to appear. "Guess which one is the real me!" she taunted the confused Yakuza. Turning to her friends, she instructed, "Now's our chance! Follow my lead and watch your step." Her figures scattered in various directions, sowing further confusion among their enemies.

As they moved stealthily through the garden, dodging shadows and the occasional searchlight, their whispered communications and the sounds of their coordinated efforts filled the night.

"Everyone okay?" Jake checked in as they paused momentarily behind a large shrub.

"Just another quiet night with friends," Carter replied dryly, adjusting his grip on his hockey stick.

Yoko, looking back to ensure no one was following too closely, added, "We're not clear yet. Keep your guard up and stay silent."

The group continued their tense escape, each using their unique skills to navigate and protect the group. The air was thick with the energy of their desperate bid for freedom, punctuated by their quick exchanges and the distant clashing of Kenjiro's and Hiroshi's blades. As they neared the edge of the property, the promise of temporary safety gave them a renewed push to escape the dangers behind them.

The duel between Kenjiro and Hiroshi Saito escalated, reflecting the clash between traditional valor and modern ruthlessness. The air was tense, filled with the sharp clinks of metal as the ancient samurai steel met advanced plasma technology.

Kenjiro initiated the combat with a powerful Bushido Blade Strike, his katana cutting a precise arc through the air towards Hiroshi. "Hiroshi, you know as well as I that the sword is not a mere tool to be handed over. It chooses its master," Kenjiro stated firmly, his voice echoing in the spacious room.

Hiroshi, with a slight smirk, activated his Plasma Blade Technique, countering the traditional steel with a blade wreathed in crackling blue energy. "Kenjiro, the time for old beliefs has passed. Kazuo Mori requires the Sword of Flames, and I intend to deliver it," he retorted, his cybernetic enhancements gleaming under his ninja garb as he parried Kenjiro's strikes.

The battle was a test of skill and philosophy as much as combat prowess. Hiroshi deployed his Electro Shuriken, attempting to disrupt Kenjiro's rhythm. With seasoned precision, Kenjiro used the Code of the Protector, a defensive maneuver that deflected the incoming projectiles, protecting not only himself but also the ideals he stood for.

"The path you've chosen is one of shadows and deceit," Kenjiro admonished, circling Hiroshi with the lethal grace of a seasoned warrior.

Switching tactics, Hiroshi employed his Shadow Blend, momentarily vanishing into the darkness of the room to reposition himself for a surprise attack. Reappearing behind Kenjiro, he aimed a critical strike, which Kenjiro narrowly avoided. "Honor won't protect you from the realities of our world," Hiroshi hissed, his saber flashing dangerously close.

Kenjiro, anticipating this, met Hiroshi's plasma saber with his Daishō Harmony, a fluid combination of strikes that forced Hiroshi back. "This is not about honor alone—it's about understanding what we protect," Kenjiro declared, locking blades with Hiroshi.

As the clash of their weapons illuminated their faces, both warriors realized the futility of their battle. With a mutual nod, they lowered their weapons, recognizing that their conflict would not resolve the deeper tensions between tradition and evolution.

"If you must take this to Kazuo, then I will come with you," Kenjiro declared, lowering his weapon as a sign of his serious intent.

Hiroshi paused, the bright glow of his plasma saber casting sharp, eerie shadows across his half-metallic face, highlighting the blend of flesh and cybernetics. For a moment, the only sounds were the harsh breaths of the combatants and the faint hum of the saber. Then, with a deliberate click, Hiroshi deactivated his weapon. The light dimmed, leaving their features bathed in the soft, uncertain light filtering through the windows.

"Very well, Kenjiro," he said, his voice carrying a measured tone of reluctant agreement. "Let us go to Kazuo together and see what the future holds for the Sword of Flames." His proposal, spoken as much as a truce as it was a challenge, hung between them, an acknowledgment of their intertwined fates and the unresolved questions surrounding the legendary weapon.

As the adrenaline-pumping chase continued, Jake, Yoko, Carter, Akane, and Luna struggled to evade their persistent Yakuza pursuers. The streets became a labyrinth as they darted around corners and leaped over barriers, but the Yakuza seemed to anticipate their every move, relentlessly closing in.

In a stroke of what seemed like fortune, they stumbled upon Kaito Fujimori in an unexpected hideaway. "Here!" he called out, waving them towards a secluded alley that seemed invisible to their pursuers. "We should be safe here for a moment," Kaito assured them as they pressed themselves against the cold, shadowed walls, catching their breath.

"Why are they chasing you?" Kaito inquired, his brow furrowing in concern as he surveyed the group's weary and anxious faces.

"They're after the Sword of Flame I have," Jake explained, revealing the sheathed weapon. Its significance seemed to weigh heavily in the air, a tangible reminder of the danger they faced.

"Kaito, please, you have to help us come up with a plan," Yoko pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "Your strategic mind could be our best chance to get out of this."

Kaito paused, his expression one of deep contemplation. After a moment, he proposed a risky strategy. "Jake, would you pass me the Sword of Flame? It might be our best way out of this," he suggested smoothly. "If you all create a diversion, and I have the Sword, even if they catch up to you, without the Sword, they won't harm you."

Despite the hesitation that flickered in his eyes, Jake's trust in Kaito's intellect won out. "I trust you, Kaito. Please take good care of it," he said, handing over the Sword with reluctant care.

"Rest assured, I will keep the Sword safe," Kaito responded confidently, securing the weapon by his side.

"Where do we meet up after this?" Yoko asked, scanning the area for any sign of their pursuers.

"Let's meet at school tomorrow. I believe the Yakuza won't dare to make a move there," Kaito suggested, already plotting the next steps in his mind.

Agreeing to the plan, they prepared to split up. "Jake, you and the others create a diversion now," Kaito instructed as the sound of approaching footsteps hinted at the Yakuza's nearness.

As Jake and his friends drew the attention of their pursuers, leading them on a wild chase through the twisting alleys, Kaito slipped away in the opposite direction, the Sword of Flame concealed by his side. The group scattered, each member darting into the maze of the city, hoping to regroup under the safer, watchful eyes of their school's grounds the following day.

Their hearts pounded not just from the sprint but from the gamble they had taken, trusting in Kaito's plan and each other's ability to survive the night.

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