
Sword : XI

A story of a boy wanting to be a knight but do you like kings? This story will take part of a prophecy of knights Join me as I tell about tale of young knights taking over Camelot.

Tharealchase · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 11:fast step! 

As roshiu still enter further in the cave looking for a way out it seems he has lost track of time

( roshiu inner monologue it seems like i've been walking and running for weeks i think i've killed over 100 rabbits i believe i can see the way easier now they actually got slower than before..)

Roshiu enters an open field

Roshiu: HUH??

Roshiu : I made it out?

What's with this tall grass?

( rustle noises stars to come from the grass )

( roshiu jumps back little )

( everything goes silent ) ( the wind blows)

( something jumps out the grass)

( Another rabbit? But it way bigger this time… and its legs are huge)

( it starts to attack!)

( roshiu ducks as the rabbit aim for his head)

(Roshiu Kicks the rabbit)

( the rabbit gets faster and begins to jump to side to side with crazy speed)

( the rabbit vanishes)

(kicks to roshiu face) ( kick to roshiu stomach ) (Kick to roshiu face again)

(Roshiu falls) ( wait.. What how.. Its so fast..I)

( the rabbits jump side to side again coming back) ( its… steps are….)

( rabbits hits roshiu)

( roshiu starts to faint)

( roshiu inner monolouge …am i done for …another after another … challenge after challenge … what kind of world is this… )

(Roshiu faints)

( the rabbits comes in for a last attack)

( boom!)

(Roshiu is gone)

( the rabbit is confused…)

( roshiu Comes from above)

( the rabbit jumps)

( roshiu vanishes)

Roshiu: This is what you did right?

( the rabbit is surprised )

(Roshiu punches the rabbit)

( the rabbit hits a tree)

Roshiu: hmm…

( Roshiu begins to walk)

As Roshiu leaves the cave and beats its final boss, what will he do now as he is lost….

(Roshiu Begins to jump as he is mad) Next chapter Finale