
Sword Bound

"Are you going to pick up the sword?" A man wearing all black asked the man kneeling in front of him. Infront of them there was a lady and a young boy being forced to kneel by two men wearing masks, and behind them a crowd of a 4 thousand plus people watching, they all had swords in hand. "Haha I have already used the sword enough, I have also repaid what your family has done for mine... Just let us go Mr Komi" "Kill his wife" the man ordered the two men holding the woman and a kid. The man holding the woman beheaded the beautiful woman, the kid watched as tears rolled down his cheeks. The kid didn't make a noise as he so his mothers head on the ground. God slayer watched as his wife's head was cut off, he was about to rage but he calmed down and kept kneeling. "You child is the only thing left, pick up the sword or he dies" Mr Komi said. "Sir, you just killed my wife. Please let my son be, we have already repaid your family" god slayer begged. "Pathetic" Mr Komi picked up the katana and stubbed god slayer. The katana turned into a purple 2 meters single edged sword. The sword went through god slayers chest to the ground. "Then I'll abuse your son on your behalf" Mr Komi said. Mark stared at his dad who had been stubbed, he wasn't making any noises. "My son, do whatever you want... You don't owe them anything" god slayer died, as he kept bleeding. Some of the people watching wanted to stop this but they just couldn't, some of them didn't were happy god slayer was killed, he was too powerful for his own good. "If only you had the say" Mr Komi walked to mark and drugged him along. "I don't owe you anything. you can try whatever you want on me, if am strong enough I'll avenge my parents and kill everyone who watched you kill them" mark made a promise to himself as he was being drugged along like a bag of heavy rice or cement. . . . .

Giyan_Nj · ファンタジー
42 Chs

chapter 30: fighting a level two knight 3

'We let four Level Three villages and their Chiefs to join, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, their own agendas and motivations.' The very thought sent a shiver down his spine, the complexity of their situation unfolding like a tapestry of uncertainty:

'Will we find allies or enemies among them?' he wondered.

Mark dodged Agren's attacks, his body moving quickly. Agren tried to hit Mark with his chains, but Mark was too fast. He dodged, his scythe still in his hand. Mark swung the scythe in a wide arc, its blade cutting through the air. Agren attacked again, but Mark dodged to the side. Agren stumbled forward, his attacks wild and uncontrolled. Mark and Agren clashed in a fierce battle, exchanging blows that shook the ground. Mark's scythe sliced through the air, aiming for Agren's chest, but Agren dodged and countered with his chains. The chains wrapped around Mark's body, And constricted him. Mark tried to break free, but the chains were too strong.

"Roar!!!" Agren roared, his eyes blazing with fury, and wrapped more chains around himself. The chains merged into a massive, metallic body, turning Agren into a towering titan. His chains became thick, scaly armor, and his face transformed into a fierce, metallic mask. The titan's presence was imposing, its power palpable.

Zico, still recovering from his earlier injuries, groaned:

"Such a pain..." as he watched Agren's transformation. He struggled to his feet, determination burned in his eyes. Mark and Zico charged at the chain titan, their weapons flashing in the light. Mark's scythe sliced at the titan's legs, but the chains absorbed the blow, flexing like muscle. Zico's daggers struck the titan's chest, but it bounced off, leaving only a small dent.

The titan retaliated, its chains lashing out like whips, forcing Mark and Zico to dodge. But the titan's power was relentless, its chains wrapping around them like a vice. Mark and Zico stumbled back, their movements slowing. The titan's chains wrapped around them, lifting them off the ground. Mark's scythe and Zico's daggers fell from their hands, clattering to the ground.

"What the hell!" Zico shouted aloud

"Haha this hurts!" Mark screamed with laughter as he tried to break free.

The titan slammed Mark and Zico into the ground, again and again, like a blacksmith hammering hot metal. Mark and Zico groaned, their bodies battered and bruised. The titan raised them high, its chains creaking with a deafening screech, and slammed them into the ground once more. Mark and Zico lay there, motionless, their bodies broken. The titan loomed over them, its metallic mask glinting in the light, its chains still trembling with fury.

"I'll kill you!!!" Agren screamed from within the titan.

The battle was over, the outcome clear. The chain titan stood victorious, its power unmatched. Mark and Zico's bodies were battered, their weapons lost. The titan's chains had proven too strong. Zico and mark stared at each other as they lay on the ground Both knowing they were no match for the Agren's fury.

The titan began stomping them, after a while it stopped:

"Die!" Agren screamed.

Mark and Zico struggled to their feet, their eyes locked on the titan. They knew they had to defeat it, to break its chains. But the titan was too powerful, its chains too strong. Mark and Zico charged forward, their fists clenched, their determination burning. But the titan was ready, its chains lashing out, wrapping around them once more.

The battle raged on, the three fighters exchanging blows that shook the earth. The titan's chains wrapped around trees and rocks, using them as weapons. Mark and Zico leapt and dodged, their movements a blur as they tried to find an opening in the titan's defenses. But the titan was too powerful, its chains too relentless. Mark and Zico stumbled back, their movements slowing. The titan's chains wrapped around them, lifting them off the ground.

"Not this again, and you don't smile this hurts so bad" Zico raged, trying to break Free but to no avail.

"Haha" mark laughed in pain

The titan raised them high, its chains creaking with a deafening screech, and slammed them into the ground once more. Mark and Zico lay there, motionless, their bodies broken. The titan loomed over them, its metallic mask glinting in the light, its chains still trembling with fury. The battle was over, the outcome clear. But Mark and Zico refused to give up. They struggled to their feet, their eyes fixated on the titan.

Zico and Mark charged forward, but they ran straight into the titan's punch. The blow sent them flying out of the village, and they landed at a man's feet. Mark groaned in pain:

"Damn! I actually feel like not smiling." He looked up at Zico.

"At least the beating got you to stop smiling like Remon." Zico added.

As Zico and Mark struggled to their feet, they recognized the man. He was the third level village Chief, Ginger. Ginger recognized the energy of the two men, but some were scared so they stopped moving:

"What are you two doing here?" he asked, worry etched on his face. As he began to examine Zico and Mark's injuries, the over 500 people behind him froze in fear, unsure of what was happening.

Emily and Asami were far behind, unaware that Mark and Zico were even there. From the crowd, Remon walked over to Mark and Zico, and kicked Mark. Mark pushed him away:

"Stop that, I'm already beat." Just then, a loud roar echoed through the air, followed by a chilling scream:

"I'll kill you, Aknaili!" The people were shocked, The crowd was paralyzed with fear, unsure of what to do.

Remon's eyes widened in horror, then a smile creeped onto his mouth:

"Haha, I think i like what's going on" he whispered to himself.

Emily and Asami finally caught up, their faces pale with fear:

"What's happening?" Emily asked, her voice trembling. Asami's eyes scanned the carnage, "Aknaili... Is he here? ." The two women stood frozen, unsure of how to react.