
Mercedes, Young Reverend of Trashtalk

The commotion that the other kids made died down slowly upon Grenseal casually waving his hand out. The gruff fella next to him was still quiet for a moment but nodded slowly and looked towards Hokuto. "Astrid, stay standing. The rest of you, sit your butts down." he had a low voice but despite his rugged exterior he didn't sound too intimidating. Hokuto did what she was told; remaining still as the others sat down on the ground.

He didn't introduce himself to Hokuto but the other kids seemed to know who exactly he was.

"Are there any volunteers? Who wants to give Astrid the Initiation Battle?"

"Sir, what is the Initiation Battle?" Hokuto couldn't help but ask.

"Simply put, one of the recruits in your troop volunteer to battle you in order to bring out your current level of experience."

"Do I need a sword?" Hokuto asked. Unfortunately, the fateful incident of leaving the North Blossom Kingdom happened before Astraea could formally teach her swordplay, so she could only rely on her bare fists this time.

"You do not have to use one for now if you don't want to. Do you want one?"

"No, I do not wish to use one."

Suddenly, one of the kids seated stood up and raised their hand - it was a young lady about the age of twelve, with flaming red hair tied in a pair of ponytails per side. She had a mischievous expression on her face and eyed Hokuto and noticed that she had emerald green hair. This didn't escape Grenseal and the other fellow's notice either but said nothing of it.

"What's with the green hair, gal? You got into a dye accident? Hahaha!" the young girl who stood immediately mocked Hokuto's hair, who didn't realize that her hair color was the result of the Dust of Gaea fully awakening in her body.

The kids started to whisper, but with Hokuto's improved body, she could actually hear them. They were talking about how 'the Reverend of Trashtalk' was going to unleash her wrath on the new recruit. Hokuto learned her name was Mercedes and that she was famous among the younger generation for ruthlessly bullying new recruits and even those who have been around as long as her as long as she didn't like them.

"This is none of your business," Hokuto calmly talked back. "If you want to battle me, then go ahead." she spoke and immediately got into a close quarter combat stance. Right leg out, left leg slightly back, she got into the basic stance taught to her since young back in North Blossom Kingdom.

Mercedes laughed as she snapped her fingers and a long sword immediately materialized out of the ether into her left hand. "You want to fight me with your bare fists? Well, at least you, this kid, have guts! I really don't know what the Mage Empress sees in you, just because you're the [Rose Sword Saint]'s disciple. The rest of us got in because we're skilled and talented. How about you? Can you even use magic?"

Hokuto felt that this girl really could be called the 'Reverend of Trashtalk.' She could piss you off without even resorting to vulgar language. "Shut up and get ready to fight, I've had a really bad week!"

Grenseal knew what Hokuto referred to, and this kid, Mercedes, kept pushing her patience. The Magic Knight had half a mind to break up the fight but the man standing next to him stopped Grenseal. "Let the new kid fight. I want to see what she can do." Grenseal himself was also curious about what Astraea saw in her, so he relented.

Mercedes gestured for the kids seated to get ready for the Initiation Battle. Everyone shifted and shuffled, seating in a circular formation as if creating a fighting pit for Mercedes and Hokuto to square off. Hokuto's expression was unsightly, and her fighting stance made it very easy for everyone to see the difference in the Royal Squire uniform she wore - the Mage Empress' personal emblem, an ornate blood red crest, was emblazoned on her back.

She was also the only one wearing a capelet, which none of the other girls had.

Mercedes grinned and pointed her sword tip first towards Hokuto. "Hahaha. You're also the youngest one here. If I'm not gonna be the one to show you your place, who will?" suddenly, Mercedes dashed forward and channeled thunder energy into her sword, attempting to paralyze Hokuto with her strike.

Hokuto responded with a step back, channeling the Nature energy inside her and around her into her arms and fists, attempting a bare-handed parry and riposte. Swinging her left arm forward, she forcefully clashed her Earth-powered left fore-arm against the electrically charged sword, causing Mercedes' face to suddenly change with shock. With her guard down, Hokuto punched Mercedes in the stomach causing her to fly a couple of feet back and drop her weapon.

The man and Grenseal also had looks of utter shock on their face because they knew more than anyone else in the room what it meant that Hokuto could parry a sword with her naked arm and not feel much backlash. Furthermore, she responded by directly channeling energy into her arm even though they knew Hokuto was not born with any magic circuits (it was something the Mage Empress had briefed them on prior to this current engagement).

Thus, Grenseal knew now why Hokuto was Astraea's disciple; she was really capable! Hokuto was bound to become Astraea's successor in the internal martial arts.

Mercedes spat out some blood as Hokuto had failed to control the power of her fist due to her anger, causing her blow to be incredibly powerful. However, Mercedes wasn't mad at all. Instead, she laughed. "Ha, ha, haaa... Very good, you, this kid, are pretty amazing! Are you sure you're a woman and not a man!"

Hokuto didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If Mercedes could even joke like this despite being injured heavily to the extent she couldn't even get up anymore, then she didn't want to continue this meaningless banter. The other kids watching in the circle didn't know how to feel either. Grenseal sighed and went over to Mercedes to heal her injuries while the man who had not yet introduced himself to Hokuto approached her.

"Well, you seem to have boundless potential. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier; I only do so after the new recruits have completed the Initiation Battle. It seems your teacher taught you very well. My name is Vermont, I'll be the magic combat instructor for the troop."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Vermont."

"Drop the 'sir,' we aren't that formal here..."


"While Grenseal is attending to Mercedes, you can go ahead and mingle with the others. We'll formally begin today's practice and lessons after she's better."

Hokuto nodded as the circle of kids immediately dispersed and started to form their own groups.

Just as Hokuto was about to aimlessly approach a group at random, one of the cliques took the initiative to approach Hokuto.