
swing your sword

" what is this,where is this place?" what gonna happen when you are trap inside an action game. Siti,a young man need to find the lost fairy which is the only program in the game that know the way for Siti and other player to get out from the game. follow Siti adventure in the search of the fairy

Siti_Roqhiyah · ゲーム
5 Chs


my name is siti.I'm just a highschool student who love to play online game with my friends,kim hwa, han seo and min ho.We have been a friend for a long time since we live in the same neighbourhood.And today we going to play the most trending game . Swing Your Sword,it the game that have explode in the game world.Only lucky gamer can play this game since it only limited to 30 000 account and I am one of the lucky guy.In this game , we need to find the lost fairy to win.But it not that easy.We need to fight the monster and increase our level .It was very amusing and now there are contest which gonna give the player a rare reward and help us increase our level.All player has gone crazy and so am I.


"wow , there are so many people"I told to kim hwa.

"yea dude,this is my first time seeing this old ciber cafe having so many costumer.That old man must be happy since his bussiness going well."

"hahahhahahaha"I just laugh since i dont know what to say

"lets go inside" said kim hwa at me.

I just follow kim hwa get inside the cafe.


"hey ! siti , kim hwa ! "

I look at the person who calling us,it was min ho.we walk toward him quickly because it almost time for the opening of the contest.

"what took you guys so long . we thought you not gonna make it " said min ho at us

"yea,we thought that your teacher didn't let you guys go home early."said han seo.

"Of course we gonna come but the train was so busy ." I told them.

"yea,it feels like a festival at the train station but lucky enough we manage to buy ticket."

"hahhahahaha. " we all laught and start put on the headphone and open the game.

"lets win it guys" said min ho at us.

"yea ,of course we gonna win it" said han seo.




at that time we didn't realise that something is waiting for us.