
Chapter 78 Chaotic Reunion between Father-and-Son

Back at the Darknorth estate, Norman had excitedly got out of bed upon hearing from a servant that Dewitt had returned.


Not even bothering to put on clothes, he ran out in flip-flops.

Even Bella, who was lying by the door, immediately rose and ran after the boy, as if scenting something different in the air.

"Hey, Dad! Dad!"

Norman called as he ran down the stairs, his boyish voice ringing throughout the estate.


Even Bella who was following behind, barked happily.

Strangely, the two always reconciled even though they played rough.

Dewitt had just wheeled himself out from his father's study, but before he could turn, something had leapt right into him.



"Dad, Dad, Dad!" Norman grinned, holding onto Dewitt's cast.

It was like he was addicted to calling 'Dad'.

Dewitt instantly furrowed his brows.

This boy actually ran right into him without bothering to clean his hair and pajamas up. His shoe had even flown off while he was running.