
Chapter 59 An Uneasy Visit

"What is it? Did you notice too?" Hilda smiled tenderly. "I feel Jarrod's been more adorable than ever. He plays cute around me and calls me often."

Edward nodded. "That's true, he has been more adoring of late, haha..."

Hilda smiled, then seemingly remembered something. "By the way, Anthony said that there was another woman in the car last night before the accident."

"I've told him long ago that woman was a troublemaker, but he never listens!" Edward turned silent.

Hilda also fell silent, not daring to comment.

In the end, the old man only sighed. "Forget it. As long as he marries Corlia, I don't care what other issues he gets into."

"Oh, you. No wonder Anthony always said you're stubborn. Dewitt must have inherited his stubbornness from you. Now both of you won't give in to either one." Hilda sighed with a smile. "It's like you two have karmic grudges with each other, yet you two ended up being father and son."