
Chapter 13 Uncovering the Foiled Plan

Gritting her teeth, she picked it up anyways and hurriedly covered her body with it.


Didn't Dewitt say he didn't want dirtied things?

He would not mind if Shirley took the suit jacket, right?

Dewitt watched her move about in panic like a shocked rabbit, bruises blooming on her body as she hit several things in the room.

For some reason the unshed tears in her eyes interrupted his line of reasoning.

He remembered how casual and calm the woman had been just a few hours ago, even loudly teasing him and grabbing his face.


He remembered the bright liveliness in her eyes, how even though she was wearing quite a sexy dress, her gaze was clear and straight.


There was no ulterior motives at all, which was why Dewitt was too stunned to react while Shirley quickly slipped out of the room.



With a bang, the suite door slammed shut.


As Dewitt was still recovering, silence filled the room again. 

Only his own breathing was audible.

Frowning, he made a call.