
why am I naked?

a splitting headache what a greater starter at 3 a.m. in the morning. with no intentions of moving today, I lay motionless on the bed. remembering what Gio and I planned for but was

shattered just last night.

I was about to be his wife the one that will provide him a warm home to come to, a family to call our own but seeing what I saw last night. I..I just can't imagine it anymore I am too disgusted to even remember our sweet times together.

he was a great guy when we first met, it was spring when I was passing by the most famed private school of Lou Tang(made up) and there he was a boy who harshly bumped into me and made me flying 3 feet away to the ground. this made Gio came rushing up to me helping me to dust off. speaking of which I never got the chance to get his name, I was too preoccupied of Gio's presence that I didn't pay attention to him.

Gio was the first guy I've ever had my eyes on since I was homeschool this made me naive of some particular things like love. he started going to the mansion often then oh and I was 13 back then we played with Gai all the time when he comes over. I would even tell Grandma and Gai how I feel about him. and when I was 18 he started courting me and the family and right after my birthday June 21st he got Grandmother's blessing and we became together. 3 years after that he proposed to me and grandmother agreed to it, then 4 years later he started being distant. I paid no mind since we will be married that year. Gai became my trustworthy help through all my plans. and just recently I found out that they had been ratting behind me this past 4 years. that 4 consecutive years that I didn't even know they were together. we were supposed to get married next month. but now it's over. he is not as honest as I thought he was before.

And Gai for this past 28 years she was my bestie, my sister, my kin but she ate away her desires to my fiance or should I say ex-fiance.

if only I paid attention to their closeness. I would've recognized those endearing looks they gave each other.

(tried moving to her left side)

what the?! why does my lower half feels like I was rolled over by a truck. there's something wet underneath me. A bloody piece of barnacle, it's freaking blood just what happened to me last night??

this blanket is starting to annoy me. wait why are my clothes in pieces?

why am I naked?