
fashionable bathrobe

this is not Grandmother's house, this is not my bed, this is a hotel!

clothes I need clothes. my memory of last night is too fuzzy for the time being. I just remember walking home intoxicated. And of course, the infamous Gio and Gai liars bash. where is my phone anyway?

I need to inform Grandmother Lizou of the incident last night.

there it is, there is a paper underneath. wow, such great precision on the lettering strokes.

"To my Dearest Elaine, "

I am terribly sorry for leaving you early in the morning. Such waste, I was planning to see you wake up beside me but some trouble came up and I have to deal with it. Don't try to leave I am coming back at noon. I destroyed your designer's clothes so you can't leave any way I left some food for you. I need to always have you because you are mine and will be the one to bear me heir and heiress.

Always and will forever be yours,



what if he's a pedophile. a pervert oh my barnacle disgusting.

grandmother, I need to call grandmother Lizou.

*ring ring ring*

grandmother: yes Little E what have you been up to? did you decide on your gown?

Elaine: Grammy the wedding is canceled

grandmother: why?! did something come up?

Elaine: I will explain everything when I get back there. I am very sorry for the sudden news.

grandmother: Little E he is here Gio is here what do you want me to do?

Elaine: great just great can you make him leave Grammy. tell him that you send me over my parent's house at the states to get something. and Grandma put Gai on your other household it's also something that we will talk about when I get back.

grandmother: Sure sweety just make sure you get home safely.

Elaine: Grandmother I really owe you a lot I love you.

grandmother: me too I love you to star and back my little E.


I only have 1 hour 'till noon before that D guy comes back. clothes... I need to be innovative.

I know these sheets will be my underwear. a rip here a rip, tie this and that done.

now for the clothes. the bathroom!!

there you are a black bathrobe classy. there and another rip to the sheets to create a belt. I will put a five star to this hotel they have such fine and fluffy I would take this as an inspiration for my design. Who would've thought bathrobe can be so elegantly fashionable.