

The maid watches her closely, clearly unconvinced. "You should really be more careful. Allergies can be serious."

"I know, I know," Robin says, trying to sound apologetic. "I just wasn't expecting it."

The maid's gaze softens just a fraction. "Very well. Just try to relax. Mr. Malik will be back shortly."

Robin nods, but her mind is already racing with thoughts of how to keep the maid occupied if she can't find anything useful before Malik returns. 

"Do you work here often?" she asks, feigning casual curiosity.

The maid seems taken aback by the question but answers, "Yes. I've worked for Mr. Malik for several years now. He expects a certain level of... discretion."

"Discretion?" Robin echoes, leaning forward slightly. "What do you mean?"

The maid's eyes narrow again. "I mean that Mr. Malik's affairs are none of your business."