
Do not bite the hand of the one who feeds you

Lord Gary was looking out the window, thinking that he was right to sell himself to the devil. His anger and hatred were beyond normal. He spent more than a year searching for his daughter Anna to no avail when one morning Cedric Pontiac showed up at his door to give him the girl's whereabouts.

Hearing his version, he thought it was another con man and dispatched him to the door to hear no more. But the sound of folders hitting his desk put him on alert and when he saw who dared to do such an act he was stunned.

The girl dressed in red sat in the chair and intertwining her fingers invited him to sit with her eyes.

-Please avoid unnecessary inconvenience. It seems that "seeing is believing" is the only thing that will make you mobilize, so I invite you to see the files-

With ghostly cold across his back he followed the girl's orders. He perused the accounting files of his two auction houses and found that these people had gone to the trouble of collecting every doctored detail in the account books. They even had in their possession the ledger and false duplicate balances, the same books that were delivered to him and the trade union in the audit three months ago.

He realized that he was unable to discern between his foolishness and the daring manifestations of his surroundings. His employees were robbing him and to make matters worse, his right hand falsified the entrances and exits of slaves for his own benefit, delivering as a monthly tribute to the crown of Rubins, a certain amount of slaves that were listed as "Material of cleaning".

They celebrated his ignorance and it showed that the most mediocre had a position above his in terms of command. They shuffled business decisions at ease and under his nose, plunging him into extreme hatred.

-Now, if you were so kind as to cooperate to get his beloved daughter back, we'd save ourselves having to coerce him with threats- Sunday's macabre grin from ear to ear terrified him

In his eyes the girl was not normal, in short, the seated creature was not even a person, it was something twisted and vicious. It didn't take long for him to give his approval to get revenge and word would soon spread to the other owners of auction houses, brothels and casinos that Lord Gary sold his share to a new millionaire investor named "Red" and that whoever wanted to join him was welcome under certain conditions and clauses.

The rules of the black market would change in less than three years, making it impossible for the Rubins crown to move as they wanted and would force them to look for other markets outside the country, something that the same Committee and the Pontiacs were eager to see.


The purchased slaves and beast people were taken to an abandoned villa next to Loren.

The guards lowered them and removed their restraint chains. Commissioner Armand welcomed them and indicated where they would live. They did not understand what was happening and when they saw the girl in red come down they gulped. They witnessed how dangerous she was in the basement and saw the respect she instilled in the guards. They feared for her lives and what she was going to do with them.

-Greetings my children, you will wonder what we do here ... well, as you will see I did not buy them for fun but rather to work this land ...- they had Sunday before their eyes, who looked like an innocent girl while she spoke politely

-You belong to the Pontiac house and Loren's country, therefore I expect great things from you-

-What exactly are you planning to do with us? - a decrepit woman asked in fear of being whipped for her impertinence.

-Oh! My bad ... as you will realize you no longer have restrictions, you are free to come and go between Loren and this village to trade. Obviously if they cross the borders it is because you want to be stopped by the traffickers so it is best to stay where you are-

Even with that, they didn't understand what she was aiming at with that blatant declaration of pseudo freedom.

-This piece of land belongs to you as of today and as a token of gratitude towards your benefactors, you must contribute as a granary for the country. What you ask for, will be given more if you commit a felony ... you will die.-

The words were blunt. Going against their liberators was a guaranteed sentence. They disbelieved about being free but could not do anything since they lacked power and looking for solutions, they watched as the girl snapped her fingers for the guards to bring a bloody man with his head covered with a bag.

-You continue to distrust, it is normal. As I said, here, you have what you need to live, from food and medicine ... a home but it is not free. To earn your loyalty, I will give you a token of my kindness towards traitors-

Nodding, she snapped her fingers and the guard kicked the hooded man down to his knees. When they took the bag from her they saw that he was the auctioneer who tortured them for months. Sunday walked over and received a knife from the captain. They put a strap around his neck to prevent him from lowering his head.

The knife had floral engravings and a red hilt with an embedded ruby ​​and the brilliance of the edge was so overwhelming that it made everyone freeze to admire such a work of art.

-You are here as a subject of trial and error hehe- Sunday whispered in the ear of the man who trembled with terror

A stab was quickly aimed at the shoulder blade followed by the kidney area. The scream altered the people who saw how the man writhed in pain without being able to look away from the monstrous girl.

-You will not die, we will keep you alive so that my children have fun hahaha- with a last stab in her abdomen, she left him in charge of the guards

Armand held out a damp towel for Sunday to clean off her hands. Despite the punishment imposed, she remained flawless. Her platinum hair was unstained and her red dress seemed to swallow the blood.

-This toy will stay here for your entertainment just like the rest and those to come. With this motivation I believe that my children will give their all to become stronger. I hope to hear good news from now on-

Snapping her fingers again, fifteen hooded people were dragged into the new police station. Lord Gary's purged former employees would become the practice toys of the new inhabitants and whoever paid for it.

Sunday said goodbye, not before ordering that the beast boy be taken with them. The woman holding the unconscious child panicked and seeing her reluctance to detach herself from him, she was put into the car. No one in their right mind would challenge Miss Pontiac and it became clear from the show that it was better to be on her side than to die in vain.


A week passed and the boy had regained some strength to move and to interview the head of the Pontiacs. Upon reaching the mansion, the woman and the child were taken to another room where they received the best of treatments.

The little boy was groomed and healed from his injuries. They gave him the best clothes and food until he burst. He thought he was dead from being cared for as a prince just like the woman named Drika, who cared for him in the cages and incredibly went on to become his nanny.

The Mittens were his family but they ended up slaughtered by mercenaries at the request of the Inster duchy with the aim of erasing their works along with his lineage. Hendrika was one of the Mittens' employees, and the only one who did not betray them when they raided and burned the workshop and mansion. She stayed by the boy's side at the request of her masters and when they were fleeing they were intercepted by slave traders three years ago.

The boy slowly regained his health and when he was called by Sunday to start his business meeting, the servants showed him respect as he passed. He sat down with his nanny to wait for the hostess and she appeared accompanied by several people.

-Greetings my Lord, I introduce myself, I am Sunday Pontiac and these are my father Cedric and my grandfather Rufus. I hope you felt comfortable in your stay- men never saw such kindness from Sunday and feared the worst

Felony: it is the crime of treason and disloyalty punishable by imprisonment or death. In the feudal era it was when the vassal violated the laws of his lord to betray the fiefdom.