
Sweet Spices

Thoughts are mundane yet complicated. We always see that what we think only affects us and sometimes people around us. What's if there's more... What if simple kind thoughts or carefully thought the malicious plan could affect more than our actions and emotion. This is a story about how a simple thought can affect more than what we imagine, and how the thoughts can affect us deeper than what we felt. A Sweet story, with a bit of Spices.

CheezyChess · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4

"Can someone care to explain what's going on?" Chance looked at the 2 people in front of him. The girl tried to not make eye contact while Roderick still focused on making the tea. "I'm asking..." The rabbit added as he crossed his arms while his eye alternately switching between the cat and the wolf.

Roderick finally sighed and raised his voice, "Well, it's not something we can talk about. In fact, according to the procedure, we should knock you out by now."

"This wouldn't happen if you keep your cousin with you," the cat interrupted. Her name was Elise, Roderick introduced her earlier to Chance before the situation turned into an awkward silence.

"Me? I'm sorry, but who's the one that didn't use amnesiac flash when they clearly saw a witness," Roderick argued back.

"I can't do it if that person is laying unconscious,"

"At least act like you don't recognize the person when you see him, you-,"

"STOP IT!!" Chance immediately cut them from fighting any further. "You better tell me what's going on and you better tell me what's the thing you fought back there," he pointed at Roderick and Elise.

Both of them stopped for a while before the wolf finally raised his voice. "Chance... For tonight matter, could you pretend that it didn't happen?" He asked with very sharp eyes.

"W..why? That thing almost kills me. If that kind of thing lurking in this city, shouldn't I know about the danger I'll face?" Chance argued but he immediately cut by his cousin.

"That thing won't actively be looking for prey. You'll be safe as long you didn't provoke it first-"

"Well, it attacks me first. I'm just curious about the mysterious sound before it suddenly attacks me from the front and tried to stab with its tentacles and-" Chance tried to explain more but he stopped when he saw their faces."What...?" He blurted.

Both of them were confused and filled with doubt. "Hold on... It attacked you first out of nowhere?" Roderick asked with a serious tone

"Yes. What's wrong with that..," the rabbit replied nervously. It's rare to saw his cousin looked this serious before which made him wonder how bad the situation is.

"Elise, flash him," Roderick ordered and the next thing Chance knows, a bright light came into his face and blinded him for a second. The rabbit groaned and move a couple of steps backward.

"What was that for?! My eyes hurt," Chance said while his hand still covering his eyes. But that response immediately created a quiet but intense discussion between Elise and Roderick.

"I'll take him to HQ." "I think we should ask the human resource to evaluate him first?"

Their face wasn't relaxed a bit and none of their words makes sense to Chance which made him want to raise more questions. But, he decided to keep silent because he was too confused to even talk right now.

After the heated discussion started to calm down. Roderick looked at Chance directly and said, "I'll explain tomorrow but for now you need to rest. Your room's on the 2nd floor here's the key." The wolf slides open the drawer and took a key with a little black top hat keychain accompanying it. "Don't make a mess," he warned and threw the key towards Chance.

The rabbit caught the key and sighed. If anything could describe his feelings, it must be between confusion and insecurity. The first day in this city and he almost get himself killed, to an unknown entity to add to that.

As he arrived at his room, he saw his baggage neatly placed on the right side of the bed. The room has a moderate size and furnished with a simple but old looking bed, a desk that quite dusty, and a big curvy wooden cupboard. Wallpaper with vintage patterns covered the wall and the floor is layered with red carpet. The desk was right in front of the window which faces the quiet street below, the dim light from the outside world shone directly to the desktop and created some sort of dramatic settings.

Chance didn't even bother to turn on the light, he went straight to the bed and threw himself on top of it. So much happened today and he couldn't process it all.


A night has passed rather peacefully. Somehow he managed to sleep through his messed up thought and wake up the next morning by the sound of the alarm. Though the rabbit wonder why everything still so dark. He managed to look at the buzzing alarm and saw '05.00 AM' displayed on it. He definitely did not set it to 5 AM in the morning, especially when he was tired.

"Are you kidding? Who even woke up in this hour- Nevermind..." Chance sighed at the sound of activities right outside his door. After the first meeting with his cousin, he quickly realized how perfectionist Roderick is. He tried to cover his head with the pillow before finally gave up and forced himself out of his room.

"Ah, Morning. I made you breakfast," Roderick said as he wiped his hands with a napkin. Chance was still half-awake so he didn't even have the energy to reply and just sat there and stared at the plate.

"Okay... I'll explain what's going on last night... where do I start?" the wolf said with a smile as he took a seat in front of him