
Sweet Spices

Thoughts are mundane yet complicated. We always see that what we think only affects us and sometimes people around us. What's if there's more... What if simple kind thoughts or carefully thought the malicious plan could affect more than our actions and emotion. This is a story about how a simple thought can affect more than what we imagine, and how the thoughts can affect us deeper than what we felt. A Sweet story, with a bit of Spices.

CheezyChess · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 2

It's less than a day since he got here but Chance began his paperwork. The imagination of him enjoying the fresh start of a new life immediately crushed by his overly impatient cousin. But it's true that he won't do any work after this. "But at least give me a rest," the rabbit blurted out his thought as arrived at the spot where Roderick left him. He wasn't there.


Chance looked around with confusion. 'Did I took the wrong turn?' he thought but not a second later his phone rings. He unlock his phone to see a message from Roderick, 'Sorry I forgot something important. I attached the map to my place below, it's only one station away :) '


The message continued, 'I already sneaked the Skytrain card to your bag, just take the train to Southpark and follow the directions on the map. It's only 5-minute walk from the station, good luck,'



"Southpark station, Southpark station"

Chance stepped out from the train and still stunned by what his cousin did. The wolf not only left Chance behind in a city that he wasn't familiar with, but he also told him to go home on his own. Still feeling upset, he pulled out his phone and walked along with the direction on the map.

As he walked, he still debating with himself whether to get angry with how impatient Roderick is or impressed how prepared he is. 'Heck, he even got time to sneaked Skytrain card into my bag, how and when did that happen?' he asked in his mind as he stopped and saw the alley he had to took to reach his cousin location.

It was a dark back alley with minimal light and no sight of a man in that alley. He sighed and keep walking forward into the alleyway and save his phone inside his pocket. 'That bastard. What if I get lost or get mugged by street thugs? Or what if in the way there some cosmic portal opened and some monster came out then eat me ali-'


Chance's thought and movement immediately cut off when he heard the unearthly screeching. "Did I just jinx myself?" He thought it out loud for a second before hesitantly looking at the direction of the source.

The first thing he saw is a poorly light alley, even almost pitch black. His feet felt frozen in place but his mind repeatedly telling him to get out from there.


The metal lid of a trashcan slammed right into the ground in front of him. Chance jumped out of shock and screamed in fear, though he immediately felt stupid afterward because worrying too much just for a trashcan lid.

"Phew...," He sighed in relief, 'Just a lid, I acted too much. Wait... who's throwing it?' he thought as the next thing he knows, black and long tentacles swung right towards him. The rabbit immediately jumped to the right and hit the ground. He looked up and saw the wall behind the spot where he stood before was damaged with a long scratch mark. A surge of fear entered the rabbit as his whole body was shaking like crazy. His feet were cold as ice and the blood felt drained away from his head. Then, his eye slowly turned into the dark alley, hoping that everything he just saw was only his imagination.

Black feet slowly revealed from behind the shadow, then the other one stepped out as well with each step made Chance even more scared than before. Chance couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his attacker, its whole body was like a black mannequin but a long and pointed tentacle replaced its arm. The black featureless face was looking at the rabbit with a blank but dangerous stare.

The rabbit snapped from his shocked state as the creature took another step forward. He started to move but he could only crawl back in horror while his eye keeps fixed on the creature."Hwaa... Stay back, stay back!!" Chance pleaded as he keeps crawling away from the creature.

But the other party was indifferent about it. The black creature slowly raised its slender tentacles upward with its tip was pointing straight at Chance. The rabbit felt all his energy was drained and he could only close his eye when he saw the tentacles darted at him at full speed. He closed his eyes in reflex, but the swing is audible enough to felt it was coming towards him.

He screamed loudly and felt hopeless as he waited for whatever it is to hit or stab him. Though strangely, he didn't feel anything. At first, he thought that he already dead but he still heard his own scream for help and he still could feel the dark and wet atmosphere in the alleyway.

Slowly he opened his eye and saw the black tentacles already severed on the ground. He looked forward to finding that there's a silhouette standing between him and the creature. The hooded figure stood there in silence while holding a long black sword in its arm.

Chance couldn't figure out what's going on, though right now he was glad that his life doesn't end tonight. "Are you okay?" The figure said with a strong feminine voice towards Chance. He replied with a nod but he wasn't sure if she noticed it.

"I'll take the silence as a yes," she assumed as she took another stance then continue with her sentence, "Move."