
Wouldn't They Be Waiting To Be Slandered Since They Wouldn't Be Able To Prove That Wasn't The Case?

編集者: Larbre Studio

Liu Ran lifted his head and looked at him. "You know Brother Liu? He is at home. You can go find him if you need to see him about something."

He didn't understand why Burly Du's voice became a little bit strange when he asked about Brother Liu. However, he couldn't really point out exactly which part was weird.

Ye Yang cast a glance at Burly Du with the cold pupils in his eyes. If Liu Ran could hear his tone was strange when he asked about Ye Liu, shouldn't he be able to as well?

"Of course I know him. I used to work together with him in the past. It's nothing. It's just that I haven't seen him in a long time so I'm just simply asking." Burly Du laughed out loud.

Liu Ran let out an, "Oh," when he heard what he said and continued to walk towards the yard.

Burly Du frantically followed them and even helped them to shout into the house, "Village chief, Ye Yang is here to look for you."

He never called Du Wenjin "uncle" in front of outsiders.