
She Loved Him? Truly?

Caesar's hands balled into fists, and out of frustration, he punched the cubicle, actually breaking its glass.

He didn't seem to care at all, irritated that he could hear Adeline calling his name. But he couldn't go to her. He was sure she wouldn't let him near her.

Her calling his name was just her in a confused state. She was drowning in her emotions, and he wouldn't dare go close to her. He would make things worse.

A soft sigh fled his nose, and he stepped out of the broken cubicle.

He would give Adeline time and perhaps see her later on when she'd calm down.

Reaching for the phone on the bed, he called for someone who would be able to fix the cubicle he'd ruined, then he went ahead to slip into a homely outfit.

It'd dawned, and all the while, Caesar could hear Adeline whimpering from across her room. It had suddenly stopped, and he couldn't help but wonder why.

Did she fall asleep?