

Adeline watched him before subconsciously cackling to herself. Now, she saw why her mother must have fallen in love with the man. He was likable and sort of on the very bright side unlike her other father Mr. Leonid who was always cold and barely smiled. 

Mr. Sokolov was like summer time, while Mr. Leonid was like a very cold winter. Even as his daughter, she was scared of him sometimes while growing up. 

Nodding, Adeline agreed, "Yes, you can walk me down the aisle." Her eyes were filled with sincerity. 

Mr. Sokolov beamed at this, unable to stop his eyes from watering up. 

Even if he died anytime now, he would die happily as this is what he had always wanted. Now, he would be able to die peacefully were anything to happen to him. 

He told his daughter the truth, she called him father and she was even willing to let him walk her down the aisle—something he never thought would one day be possible.