
Sweet present life covered with a dark past

Life is full of secrets... Satoshi Leon a first-year high school student gets caught up in the trouble of his classmate Himari Hayami who is known to be famous in his school. That event caused a chain reaction making him meet more people as the past of each person he meets is revealed. "Everyone has their own secrets to keep." Satoshi Leon says that he too has something he needs to keep as he unveils the secrets of each person he meets after that fateful day.

RinSumeragi · 都市
15 Chs

A Return To Acquaintances

It was the next morning of the day after helping out Himari, I woke up to the fresh feeling of mid-April. It has already been a week since school has started and I have gotten into some interesting situations. I started to prepare myself by taking an early shower first, after leaving the bath I fixed my bag carrying all the materials I needed for today.

I then went to the fridge but to my surprise, there was no food available for me to cook. I then remembered about the events that had happened yesterday, so I took it upon myself to cook rice instead. After 15 minutes of waiting for the rice to cook, a knock on my apartment door was heard.

I opened the door revealing Himari on with the same clothing last night. She must have cooked first since as she still had ragged clothes even, so it just adds to her appeal she looked more innocent than before.

"" Good morning, Satoshi-kun here is your share of breakfast thank you again for yesterday.""

She said that as she transferred the food in the container I brought. This time it was sauteed beef with potatoes, the aroma of the dish went up to my nose it really smells delicious.

"" You haven't gotten ready yet?""

I asked her a question out of the blue since I was curious about her clothing and also her timing. She looked up towards me I guess she was gauging my intentions.

"" I usually don't cook in the morning I always have leftovers when I cook dinner, so this is a first for me. So, I have not prepared myself for school just yet, surprisingly, you are early today I usually leave at this time so that can explain why we don't see each other even though we are neighbors.""

"" I guess you're right I was surprised when I saw you here yesterday to think that the person called "Angel" is my neighbor what a small world we live in.""

""Please don't call me that it really irritates me when people say that to me. ""

Surprisingly, she rebuked my statement does she really hate being called by that?

"" Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, but you do know that you are popular right? I mean you do know your nickname in school.""

"" I know that people call me that but that reminds me of—""

"" Hey now don't share that with me I think I am not qualified to solve your issues.""

I cut her off before she says anything extra as she looks at me in realization.

"" You're right I should just keep it to myself I wonder though if I told you what would you do?""

"" Well, that depends on how much you would trust me then, I will try to lessen your burden within the scope of my power. Well, that would be great, but I don't think that will happen since our relationship will revert to acquaintances after this.""

I truthfully told her about my thoughts on the matter.

"" That's true, well then Satoshi-kun I guess this will be the last time we would talk like this before we mind each other's business. Thank you for helping me out yesterday I really appreciate it.""

"" Thank you for cooking my dinner and breakfast as well Himari-san you really saved me right there.""

I said my goodbyes to Himari before returning to my room. I started to eat the breakfast given to me and cleaned my apartment before leaving for school.

I arrived at the classroom first, so it was relatively quiet inside I slightly opened the windows feeling a light breeze rush inside the classroom. I then sat down in my chair checking the materials I brought for school. I took out a new novel that I recently bought last week which entitled Pride and Prejudice to which was recommended by some people to me.

Reading the book quietly the classroom began flowing with students, the classroom became much livelier. I sat in my chair continuing to read my book in peace, while a certain female student caught my eye who was the one and only Himari the "Angel" of our school. She arrived a little bit later than usual due to her cooking for me early in the morning.

She had her usual kind smile conversing with the other students. Well, I'm glad nothing really happened to her yesterday but now that I paid more attention to her actions, I felt like she was putting some distance when people talk to her. Well, that included me yesterday but this morning I felt like she had her protective mask off. Well, that doesn't concern me, so I continued reading the novel until class started.

It was now lunchtime, I thought about what to eat for lunch since I could not bring any today. I decided to go to the cafeteria which wasn't my first but when I went inside, I could feel many people staring at me. I recently learned that people think of me as a delinquent, so I understand but judging people based on little information is rude.

I lined up in front of the cafeteria like any student would do and bought lunch set 3 which contained, a simple fried chicken, rice, and miso soup. I found my seat and started to eat my lunch while paying attention to the interactions with people. A certain group in the middle of the cafeteria caught my eye as they were a lively group.

"" Yuki-chan! how can you be like that I thought we were friends please don't hurt me anymore than that.""

A female voice was heard throughout the cafeteria, and it came from the same group in the middle.

"" Eh? We are friends plus you're overreacting over me stealing your chicken here have some vegetables health is important.""

The girl rebuked the other girl's statement.

"" Besides Ai-chan, stop giving the people the wrong idea they will think that we are fighting over something trivial.""

"" Sorry sorry, I didn't mean it like that.""

The girl stuck out her tongue smiling at the other girl.

What an interesting conversation they have it feels like a comedy routine.

"" Hahahaha, you two sure are lively after today's quiz I don't think I can ever be happy like this knowing my scores.""

A male voice joined in the conversation.

"" That's because you didn't study or even listen to the teacher yesterday Retsu that is your own fault if your scores are low, I even had to help you study earlier.""

"" Shut up Hiro you can't force people to study this is just too cruel. People should just be free to do whatever they want.""

Another male voice chimed in.

"" Then wouldn't that make society's laws useless? You are such a child we live in an organized community so we must be knowledgeable about Retsu-kun.""

"" They don't pick on me just because I'm a little slow in our lessons you gotta help me on that you guys.""

I don't know if he is begging for real or not but that is such a childish mindset.

"" Hahahaha! ""

The three people in the middle laughed simultaneously. It was an interesting flow of conversation it seems like they don't really mean everything that they said.

These 4 students in the middle were some of the popular 1st year students in school aside from Himari Hayami. The energetic girl was Harumi Ai a very charismatic girl who lightens the mood of her surroundings. She had a good figure and also a personality that gives you the feeling that you are friends. She is in the track and field club of the school representing the 100m sprint for the first year's school competitions.

Harumi Ai has long darkish blue colored hair which is tied to a ponytail reaching her elbows. She has slightly tanned skin because of her practicing under the sun during her club time on afternoons. Her beauty can challenge Himari although it doesn't really matter since she should be one of the top beauties of the first-year poll in school second only to Himari based on the popular votes of the boy's poll. She was sure to be popular in school because of her characteristics as a girl she also is great at communicating with other people as she can hold a conversation well with others.

The other girl who she is hugging right now is Kaede Yuki the one who is revered as the Diva. Her popularity is much higher than that of Himari since she is like a jack of all trades type of person. She is attentive to others, confident, and has a caring personality but, unlike Himari she is the type to reach out and help others whenever the situation calls for it. She also gets the top marks of the first-year students in our school which makes her popularity rise more. A perfect student is what I can describe as she has her own ideas as well as standards which were liked by other students in this school. She is also one of the top beauties of the first-year poll in school taking 3rd place. With her luscious brown hair, pretty face and figure it is not surprising that she would rank high. She is also becoming a regular in the girls' volleyball team because of her athleticism and experience of sports in middle school. Well, it's no wonder she is called the Diva since she got a lot of achievements, but she falls short behind Himari's natural beauty.

The cool looking boy who was being roasted is one of the main leading figures of the male population. He is Kadehera Retsu of the school's football club, like Kaede Yuki, he was chosen to be one of the regulars in our school despite being a first year. He has exceptional talent in football with his running ability, dribbling and shooting skills which makes him chosen to be a regular. The only downside to him is his grades in school, that is due to him not giving time to study his lessons as he focuses more on football than his grades. He looks above average which is thanks to his physique making him a charismatic person like Kaede Yuki. Although he constantly gets roasted by the group, he knows that they are just harmless casual beatings.

Lastly, the good-looking boy laughing while smacking the back of Kadehera Retsu is Hayate Hiro one of the popular boys due to his looks. He is both athletic and smart as he is often seen in the library or playing football with Kadehera Retsu even though he is not part of the football club. Even so, Hayate Hiro is mostly popular due to his looks and personality. Most girls would probably want to date him since unlike other boys in his age he is quite mature making him reliable which usually gets the heart of girls. The disadvantage to that is he is often hated by most boys in the school due to him stealing the girls without effort.

They are quite a lively group they already became friends in just a week even though they are all new students to this school. Well, it's not like I can get a chance to talk to them anyway since we are from different classes I envy their friendship.

I stood up and got ready to leave the cafeteria to return to my classroom. I walk around the hallway of the first-year classroom arriving in front of class 1-B which is my classroom and there I see Himari eating her lunch inside alone.

"" Good afternoon.""

I exchange greetings with her just for formality since we are just acquaintances by chance due to the events that transpired.

"" Hello Satoshi-kun.""

She nodded with a smile while replying to my greeting, right now she is wearing her "Angel" mask.

I proceeded to my seat reviewing the materials that I have since I have time before afternoon classes start.

Come to think of it does Himari eat in the classroom ever since the start of classes?

I was curious since she this was the first time, I have seen her eating alone. I don't really want to bring up that topic to her since it will cause unnecessary attention to both of us with our identities in school, so I did not think about it too much.

School ended without any trouble, so I decided to go shopping again but this time I was gonna buy enough groceries until Sunday, so I went home early leaving me to leave my bag bringing with me some money, an umbrella, and a list for the things I want to buy. While I was leaving my apartment, I passed by Himari who just arrived back from school.

"" Hello Himari-san, I am going to the mall to buy some stuff do you want me to buy something you need?""

I asked her since I have the time to help her out if she needed something.

"" No need Satoshi-kun I don't have anything particularly important to buy right now thank you for the thought.""

She replied to my generosity without being too suspicious about it.

"" I'll take my leave then goodbye Himari-san.""

"" Goodbye.""

Seems like we are just normal acquaintances too each other now. I thought about that while walking to the supermarket.