
Chapter 1

I'm really bad at drawing no wonder the teacher is disappointed. But it's better than.. 'something'

Ahh lets leave that alone.

Hey! You the one reading this, nice to meet you I'm Yoo jaechan the owner of this diary. This might be weird right? Ahh I really don't want to make this awkward so let's start with the story alright ?

Let's say it all started the day I was born on may 13th you're considered to be an unlucky when you're born on may 13th well I guess that is true because the only thing good that has happened to me is that I've managed to stay alive until now.

Let's get back to the story I was born on may 13th 2004 my parents freaked out when they saw me you might not believe me but they freaked out because of my handsome face look my parents are pretty weird they think any think unlucky is ugly and anything ugly is unlucky . But this face wasn't much good anyways it always caused me trouble in school like since kindergarten my classmates would be jealous of me since the teachers favoured me because of my face and then when I got to middle school and high school my classmates started bullying me I started going to public school so the teachers didn't care much I'm not saying public schools are bad but the one I went to was. I'd come home with bruises every day but my parents only came at 11 pm and left home at 4 in the morning so I never saw them the only time I saw them was on Saturdays they didn't worry about me because I'd hide the bruises with make up that I'd buy every month since I always ran out now this misery is coming to an end I'm revealing every moments of my life even thought no one might believe me but I'm quite happy with my life. You want to know how? Well.. Even I don't know hahahaha.

I cant think of any Korean names so please forgive me

megum_icreators' thoughts