
The Minister Has Asked Me to Send You Somewhere

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Tang Li replied that she understood it. Then, she went over to the desk and lifted the kettle. "I just wanted to give it a try when I went for the audition that day. I didn't think that it should be mine."

In fact, the main reason she had gone up the stage that day was that had Li Yuan'er gotten the role in her former life.

Undeniably, she was looking forward to it a little.

However, she was not unhappy about that result.

After going through so much before, she could understand some of the rules of society by now.

She cared not whether Li Yuan'er got the role because of her money or her true abilities. Now that the result was announced, it would be useless even if she was unhappy about it.

Moreover, what did she received from attending that audition?

Tang Li drank the boiled water slowly. She did not just receive bad comments, did she?

At least... some people were agitated now.

The next morning, Li Wenyan's assistant appeared on the ground floor of her hostel at Mountain Qi. 

Jiang Yuan approached Tang Li as she was on her way back to the hostel after she bought her breakfast. "The minister has asked me to send you somewhere."

"Where to?"

"This... you'll know when you reach there."

Tang Li ignored him and went straight to her hostel seeing that he refused to reveal anything more.

She had not gone far when she saw two tall and strong bodyguards coming out of a car that was parked by the road. 

Tang Li was stopped.

Assistant Jiang's voice came to her from the back. "Please give us your full cooperation. The minister has asked us to take necessary actions if we're forced to."

Tang Li laughed coldly. Then, she turned around and asked Jiang Yuan, "Do you behave like this when you're dealing with the two other young ladies from the Li family?" 

Jiang Yuan was speechless. He used a much gentler voice now. "You seem to have misunderstood me."

Tang Li walked back to him and stared at Li Wenyan's loyal assistant. "I'm able to take it no matter how my father scolds me given that I'm his daughter. However, Assistant Jiang, you need to understand what is respect here. You should understand by now how to be aware of different social cues given how old you are now."

Tang Li went toward that car after she was done talking.

She stood by the car then she tilted her head and looked at them. She gave them a faint smile, "Do you want me to open the car door for you?"

One of the bodyguards rushed to open the door for her.

Tang Li bent down and got into the car. Then, she passed the packed breakfast to him. "Send it to 603 at Building F."

She looked at Jiang Yuan again when the bodyguard left. "I don't like too many people in the car. Assistant Jiang, please drive the car yourself and the others..."

She glanced at another bodyguard. "Go and hail a taxi for yourself. Then, claim the fare from Assistant Jiang."

The bodyguard nodded.

Jiang Yuan was furious, just as what Tang Li wished for. Then, she rolled the car window up.

After a short while, the door by the driver's side was opened.

Tang Li did not look up at him. She picked up a magazine, 'Global Finance' from the side and started reading. "I'm prone to car dizziness. Don't close all of the car windows. Also, please refrain from braking too often on the road." 

Jiang Yuan held the steering wheel tightly but he could not disobey her orders.

Tang Li then continued flipping through the magazine until she found an interview.

'Global Finance' was under the supervision of a certain relevant department from the cabinet. It was a prestigious financial magazine that was designed and written by the International Institute of Technology and Finance. Its professionalism and authority was unquestionable. Only powerful and influential people from the financial world would be able to publish an article there or be interviewed by them.

She focused on that interview.

[The Minister of Finance, Song Boyan advocates the structural tax reduction on real estate. At the same time, he suggests the merge of relevant taxes for real estate.]