
It Was Embarrassing in Front of Minister Song

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Her voice was as light as the feather. Li Yuan'er was shocked as it blew past her ears. Then, she turned around quickly and saw the smile on Tang Li's face. 

"You!" Li Yuan'er was outraged. She raised her hand.

She had barely managed to slap Tang Li before her right hand was grabbed onto tightly.

The great force hurt Li Yuan'er. Her face paled.

Not far away, Li Yuan'er's friends wanted to come to her rescue.

Tang Li approached her and there was only half a step between them now. They were almost touching each other now. Tang Li's soft voice was just like a curse lingering in Li Yuan'er's ears. "Do you know what it feels like before death?"

Li Yuan'er was frightened all of a sudden.

She could feel that Tang Li was planning to do something bad.

Li Yuan'er subconsciously took a step back. "You... What are you going to do?"

She was nearing the edge of the swimming pool. 

Suddenly, Tang Li let go of her hand.


Li Yuan'er fell into the swimming pool and there was a huge splash.

"Yuan'er!" Her friend shouted.

Another girl rushed in to help.

Li Yuan'er was struggling for air in the water. The water rushed into her mouth and nose. In her struggles, she could still see Tang Li who was standing by the side of the swimming pool. Tang Li was enjoying her pathetic state.

Li Yuan'er was engulfed with fear. She shouted for help.

"Quickly rescue her!"

It was Li Wenyan.

Tang Li turned around.

The guests came with him too.

A bodyguard jumped into the swimming pool.

Old Lady Li was led by the servant. She was wearing dark red Chinese traditional clothes. Her silver hair was combed back into a tight bun and she appeared elegant. But now, she seemed more anxious than ever when she saw her granddaughter drowning in the water. "Quick! Save her!"

Li Wenyan's face darkened. His eyes soon fell on Tang Li.

"It's her!" Li Yuan'er friend said, pointing at Tang Li. "She pushed Yuan'er into the swimming pool!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at her suspiciously.

Tang Li's pale face grew even whiter in front of everybody. But, she straightened her back so that she would not appear guilty in front of them.

Li Wenyan walked toward her. "Did you push Yuan'er into the water?"

He said it coldly but it was clear that he had gotten the answer.

Tang Li remained silent but stared back at him.

Li Wenyan had never thought that Tang Li would sneak out that night. How dare she come to the birthday party? She had even pushed Yuan'er into the swimming pool. His anxiety worsened.

"Wenyan!" Ou Yangqian rushed to the scene and stopped Li Wenyan in time.

She grabbed her husband's hand when she saw that her daughter had been rescued. "Don't be rash."

Li Yuan'er soon burst into tears.

Both Li Wenyan and his wife went over to their daughter.

Tang Li lowered her head and explained herself when they passed by her. "I didn't push her."

But, nobody stopped to listen to her explanation.

Li Wenyan kneeled by Li Yuan'er's side and asked her about her body condition. Tang Li lowered her head. She was about to leave the scene when suddenly she received a slap to her left cheek!

The slap was loud and clear. Tang Li's left face soon became swollen.

Old Lady Li hated that illegitimate granddaughter of hers. She hated how Tang Li had always acted cowardly. She hated Tang Li, even more, when she knew that Tang Li's mother was the daughter of a drug dealer as it shamed their Li family. At that moment, Old Lady Li gritted her teeth and asked her, "Why didn't you stay in your room? Why did you come here? It's our party. Who has allowed you to come and celebrate with us?"

Tang Li covered her left face. She opened her lips slightly. "I didn't. Aunt Wu asked me to come."

"How dare you argue with me!" Old Lady Li was infuriated.

A gentle male voice was heard at that time. "Let's talk it out nicely since it's only a misunderstanding."

Tang Li heard the voice and turned around. 

Old Lady Li recognized who he was. She forced herself to calm down and soon appeared gentle and nice in front of him. "The kid is insensible. It's embarrassing in front of you, Minister Song."