

"Thank you Jin, Jimin. I promise to be careful next time. Don't worry." you chime to the men in front of your dorm. They insisted to accompany you to your room despite you feeling alright. You can walk but it stings. So you walked limply while clinging on to Jimin.

It is not that deep but deep enough for the bleeding to not stop quickly. Which resulted for Jimin's handkerchief to get soaked with your own blood. You felt embarrassed for bleeding too much for a mere wound.

Poor cloth was once yellow, now red.

You insisted to wash it but he told you to not worry about it and that he can wash it himself. Jimin was kinda fidgety and he kept on licking his lips wet. You assumed he's just squirmy or not used at the sight of blood and wanted to take the handkerchief for that assumption. But he was persistent on keeping it or at least wash it himself.

"I think you should be more careful. But one thing is, it's unusual to have such small defects around the school. In this case, a bench. The school thoroughly checks the whole place to ensure safety, we barely get injured students at the clinic. Right Jin?" Jimin asks Jin as Jin nods to him. "It should've been repaired instantly." Jimin thinks out loud, looking at your bandaged feet. Jimin lifts his head up to meet your eyes, confused. You pat his back in assurance, "I'm fine. It's just a wound. Don't read too much into it." you said with a smile.

Seokjin's eyes lit up in realization, "Sadly, you can't wear shoes until it's healed. Even though the cut's not that deep. You still bled a lot." he pouts while nodding. "You can ask for slippers, you know Irene right? Tell her or~," Seokjin prolongs, head turning to his right where Jimin meets his eyes.

"Okay. I'll get her one, later." Jimin exhales, shifting to stand beside you. "I'm taking care of her, you should check on the others." Jimin swings his arms on your shoulders.

It was getting dark and the hallway is empty as you snap out of your daydream, the sting stopped as you expected. The wound had healed. You didn't need Jimin and his slippers anymore. "Wait." you butt in, "I'm alright, actually. So you can both go now. I appreciate it, thank you." you giggled, playfully pushing Jimin off of you and bowed to them.

"I told you we're friends, you don't need to be formal. A simple smile is enough and you being careful." Seokjin ruffles your hair as you scrunched your nose at the affection. Well your hair is dry now, but again your sleep left.

"I'll be more careful, I promise. If I get hurt again, I would owe you something and anything you want." you raise both of your pinky and intertwined it with Jimin and Seokjin.

"Seokjinie, Jiminie, bye!" you wave happily at them and walked to your room. But Jimin's new realization hit your ears and you stop on your tracks. He was just in thought and with his sharp eyes he caught a slight unusual thing.

"What?" you turn around towards Jimin and Jin. "Nothing. Go inside and rest. See you tomorrow." Jimin usher you in your room. "Bye bye. Thank you for helping me. It would've been a pool of blood without you both." you smile and wave at them before shutting your door.

Jin and Jimin left your building side by side. Something about you just now bugged Jimin. "Got something?" Jin asked Jimin but Jimin shakes his head and rushed to their dorm. 

The seven of them sleep and eat in one building, they don't eat at the cafeteria nor sleep at the student's dorm. They legit have one house with seven personal rooms and all of what they need in the building, made and customized for them. They're princes afterall.

The door opened wide with a thud and all heads turned to the door revealing a serious Jimin and a bubbly Jin. "Where are they?" Jimin asked and Hani with a pout looked up.

There they are, Taehyung and Jungkook, their whole body glued on the ceiling with ice. "They were.. really difficult to deal with." Hoseok said between breaths. "You're a second late, it was the worse so far." Namjoon spoke from the balcony. "Hm.. But is sticking them to the ceiling really necessary?" Jin crossed his arms and faced Yoongi.

"Tell that to Heechul." Yoongi mumbled with a shrug not caring to open his eyes. "Yeah why did your twin request that? Fucking stupidry." Lisa complained too Hani and scoffed for no reason while Yeri nods besides Lisa to back her up. "Didn't I told you to drop that twin comment." Hani's face twisted to a disgusted expression, looking at Lisa's direction. 

"DiDNt I tOLD yoU tO drOp thAT," Yeri repeats in a mocking way while Lisa laughs. Then they resort to violence when Hani grabbed Lisa's feet and Lisa falls on Yeri. Irene who just came in wrapped the three of them in a bubble which flew outside the house by Irene's spell.

Irene looks up  worried that the two of their prince might die in their frail human bodies before changing to their original forms, "I'm sorry I came in late. I needed to arrange and order around so Prince Hoseok could do well." Irene explains with a bow and Seokjin ruffles her hair. "You're working well, It's fine." Irene smiles and made her way to Yoongi, who playfully peakes an eye and closing it right after. Yoongi knows what he did is too much and added maybe a little bit of personal revenge to the prankster duo. 

"Can you please put them down?" Irene asks Yoongi and he complied without budging -which means he's getting better at his ability- as the ice around Taehyung and Jungkook's body melts to water and they fell hard on the floor. They breathe hard for air, coughing and respiring.

Jimin came back to the room in a fresh set of clothes (Namjoon told Jimin to change clothes since it could potentially get ripped out of his body if they recognize the smell). "How's the water?" Jin ask them with a restrained laugh while handing both of them towels.

 "Not funny at all." Jungkook answers, shivering with purple lips while Taehyung on the other side is spaced out while shaking and hugging himself. Irene and Jimin helped them up and dried them with blow driers. "You should have seen your faces when both of  you realized you were getting frozen head to toe." Hoseok exclaimed with small giggles and left the room to join his club.

Namjoon decided to talk to the two regarding their wild actions earlier. Mina and Kyungsoo had a lot of work on erasing those witnesses' memory of Jungkook and Taehyung going feral for a mere smell of your blood. They had to admit it was extreme since Jungkook and Taehyung managed to escape their house to go to you. It's both worry and -not- a bit of thirst. 

It was discussed and never did they ever had gone wild with blood ever since moving into this island and starting to go on classes. It was hard as a child because of the fact that their thirst and craving for blood is more superior than pain. No matter the torture they had, they still craved for blood. They resort to hunting and that method let them live around a bit less aggressive but not enough to go into crowds moreover schools.

When they grew up and became educated about stuff regarding their existence. They slowly learnt to fit in and adjust, though them seven does it differently based on their personalities.

"Why couldn't you control yourselves for more minutes? Was it that hard?" Namjoon asked calmly, trying to find the hole in this whole situation. It's the first time this had happened. It was going good for all of them till now and with Namjoon here, he'd make sure his brothers would be comfortable. Even if it means kicking you out of the school.