
Outside World


"Finally, after a long time, I am free!" As I open the door to the hallway, I announce. I've never been able to get through this door until now. I'm speechless because of this.

"Red! How could you even run that fast?" Since this is the first time you've met your relatives, we'd like you to act firmly and politely." Morris reminded them in a tense way. This year, after eighteen years, he was finally set free.

"You know, Mr. Morris, I've been dreaming for a while about going outside. Since this is the case, you can't blame me if I forget the lessons you've taught me about how to act." I thought about the painting on the wall while I did it.

Morris said with a friendly smile, "I get it since we're both feeling the same way right now."

"Mr. Morris, do you know if those people are related to me?" I asked the question as I looked at the portraits on the wall.

Even though they are family, you shouldn't have too high of hopes for them. "You know that you are different from them, so they are not as nice as you are," Morris said.

"That's not at all a problem. I have been waiting to see them and get out of my room. Also, could you please point out where my father is in these pictures? I asked Mr. Morris the question as soon as I turned to face him.

Morris taps me on the shoulder and says sadly, "I apologize. I don't want to be the one to break your heart, but the picture of your father is not here."

"That's too bad, but let's try to see the bright side. In one of the other rooms of the palace, we will find a painting of my father." After I told him what I thought, I smiled at him to show that I understood his point of view.

Don't forget that this door in the back leads to the dining room... "You can't talk about your father, and you can't answer questions or make comments when no one is talking to you," Morris told me was true as he put his arm around my shoulder.

When I saw the fear in Mr. Morris's eyes, I couldn't help but laugh. Because he has been here since I was a child and has seen me get through hard times, I can't blame him.

Morris tells me "good luck" and leaves the room before I open the door.

When I walk into the dining room, I feel like I'm in a whole different place. The richness of this room is nothing like the one I grew up in.

So, this is how the palace should look; this is where my father lives...

As I walked toward the red carpet, I said, "Wow!" It will take you to a place in the room that looks fancier.

I thought the scene would be lively and funny, but I saw the opposite. The people who were sitting in the fancy chairs in the dining room didn't seem interested.

Even though it's my 18th birthday, I don't understand why everyone wears black. Is this a cemetery? Mr. Morris is the same, even though he wears different clothes. I start to grumble as I get closer to the table.

Victoria said, "Our debutante is finally here," but she didn't even look at me when she said it. She paid more attention to the glass of red wine she was holding in her hands.

I hope everyone had a great day. I told them, with a friendly smile, "I can't tell you how happy I am to finally get to meet my family." I only know Lord Marco, his wife Victoria, and their daughter Catherine. There are six other people at the table. The other brother of my father is also at the table.

"Everyone, let me tell you about Red," "Lord Marco," said the man in the middle of the table as he looked at the other three men. "Red"

"You can sit at the other end of the table," Victoria tells Red in a cold voice.

Do I stink, or do I look bad? Why are they looking at me like that? I thought about the question as I sat at the end of the table, just a few inches from them.

Red, it was great to finally meet you.

Your mother told me when I was younger than you had Valir's eye, and she wasn't lying."

Catherine said something about the situation and gave me a warm smile.

"Really? Please tell me that, Mr. Morris, but I don't believe what he says "I got back to you. I don't think anyone will say anything to me. Because of this, I was surprised to see Catherine with a happy look.

The three male guests looked at me, but their eyes said something else: they were full of lust. Seeing lust in their eyes, I took back my smile and sat up straight.

The person standing next to Lord Marco said something sagacious: "My Lord, I think we will get along. I like what you suggested."

"Ha, ha, ha, that's funny! Let's give that a toast!" Lord Marco answers. He looked at Lady Victoria with thought before nodding his head.

When Victoria tells the slave to bring in the food, the slave comes in carrying the food. Then everyone brings everything to where I'm sitting.

Victoria whispered to me, "It's your 18th birthday, so we made special meals just for you," I knew she was being sneaky.

But I am now at the end of my rope and can no longer ignore my suspicion. I smiled from the bottom of my heart and told my family I was thankful.

The other people at the table were drinking quietly while I was eating. They talk sometimes, but I'm not always sure what they're talking about.

As a side note, does anyone know where Lucas Orpheus is? Did he promise to be there at this small party?" One of the gentlemen said what was said. I can tell he's bored by how he looks at me.

Just chill out and take your time. Lucas will come over. He gave me his word, "The answer from Catherine came very quickly.

Victoria suggested that we start doing something fun together while we waited for him. After Lord Marco gave her a nod, Victoria did something else.

I got excited when I heard the word "fun," even though I was busy eating at the time.

I can't tell you how glad I am to be 18! Now I can share the happiness that my family is having. Mr. Morris said that the party was the most important thing to ever happen to him. I let out a silent scream as I waited for the next act to start.

The bright light went out as the alluring music echoed around the room. The following people to come in were, in order, different men and women. Even though they are naked, their smiles are almost as big as their ears.

My smile and excitement have been replaced by looks of surprise and embarrassment. Also, my pupils got more prominent when I heard loud music in the background. Still unhappy, they went to the dining room table and started dancing there.

"Stop!" When I saw blood on the dancers, I got up from where I was sitting right away. My eyes are starting to get red enough to be seen. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. Thirsty! When I look at how my blood flows, I wonder why I'm so thirsty.