
1. The Beginning

A beautiful young lady sitting on her balcony thinking of her past and how much has changed within the past several years. In her luxurious mansion where she now lives she remembers when she couldn't even get food to eat ....

Zoe Laverne a little young free spirited girl who lived so joyfully with both her parents Mr & Mrs Laverne which were the most influential people in the country. Little Zoe was the gem of her parents who spoilt her rotten with gifts, toys, parties and grand vacations to exotic places all over the world. Although it seems as if the little Laverne has the most joyous life which made most of her peers envious of her. She was a lonely child. Being rich, and for the sake of her safety she had always been home schooled so she never got the chance to make any friends...

One afternoon while coming back from a stroll down the boulevard ( while being accompanied by a dozen bodyguards), she heard a rustling sound in the bushes when she finally convinced her bodyguards to let her have a look she saw the Biggest shock of her life, a little girl Sophie rummaging through the trashcan for left over scraps. Seeing this Zoe realized how lucky she was and out of pity she took her home to feed her. When they got home her parents weren't so pleased to see her but seeing the pore child's condition they had decided to help her and her family have a better life...

So Mr and Mrs Laverne gave Sophie's parents jobs and enrolled Sophie into a fancy private school and seeing how much Sophie life had turned around Zoe's heart was finally at peace. With time the girls became the best of friends, life was good, that is until Zoe turned 10 and her aunt Mandy and cousin Audrey moved into their house. Audrey was the same age as the girls and seemed very sweet so was Mandy but something felt off about them.

Not long after Sophie and her family were doing so well that they had to move to Europe for her parents business. This left both girls heart broken, in two weeks Sophie had left and they didn't hear much from each other anymore and with time they grew further apart. When Zoe turned 11 her parents decided to finally let her join school to build her social skills and also to get over her dear friend. On the little Laverne first day of school she met Owen and with time they also grew very close which made Audrey envy her cousin more.