

In a world where theres that typical couple where the boyfriend doesn't show his affection to his girl. But here's the twist, the girl doesn't give a single damn. Leira doesn't even notice the odd to the point she sometimes forget that she in fact has a boyfriend, Seunwo. Known to a be a cool couple by their friends, she thought nothing would went wrong. To make the story more interesting, a gentleman comes in trying to sway her. Will she get out of the relationship she had with Seunwoo and choose the nicer guy? Is the boyfriend bad in the first place?

poezrason · 若者
47 Chs

He Took the Chance.

The door beeped unlocked when Seunwo pushed the door opened. The familiar big empty house welcomed him rather coldly.

Leira noticed how he stood silent in the middle of the living room.

"Occasional headaches?"

He mustered up his usual smile, nodding. The worried look on her face was visible, hazelnut pair of eyes staring back at him.

"I should ask Kai to take care of you."

"I can manage, Lei. Don't worry that much." Seunwo bring his hand on her head, patting it gently. Leira could only sigh.

"What if you feel really sick and cant get up? Maybe I can-" She paused. "Just make sure you call someone when you need it, okay?"

Seunwo simply nodded again and went to the kitchen. Looking at his figure, Leira mentally slapped her mouth for even thought of taking care of him in his house.

Before, she would, no doubt took care of him but with the current situation, she knows that she'll just hurt herself even more.

Besides, the day has come to the finale.

"Don't spaced out like that. You look like a woman that had lost her husband." Taejin said snapping her out of her thoughts. She turned her lips to a straight line.

"Sounds about right. I feel like one. Anyways, I have to go. Meetings. Seunwo!"

"Meetings?" Taejin puzzled. "Since when you're working?" He watched Leira approached Seunwo.

"What is it-" Seunwo halted when she circled her arms around his waist, hugging him.

Taejin smiled at the sight and went to the living room, giving them privacy.

"I'm going. Take care of yourself okay?" Leira said pressing her cheek to his shoulder.


Though he replied just shortly, his arms soon find their way around her. They stood embracing each other's warmth that she had longed.

It may been a simple hug to anyone but to her, it will be the last.


Arriving at the warehouse, Leira noticed the lights on the second floor were already on.

"Our damsel in distress has arrived."

"Oh shut up."

The latter was at the bar enjoying some booze for the evening.

"When did you arrived?" She asked taking a seat at the barstool as he poured her a glass of white wine.


"You slept here? With all these haunted artifacts of hers? Ballsy Hwi. I'm impressed." Daniel said coming down from the flight of stairs. He pinched her cheek as a greeting and sat beside her.

She swatted his hand away and sipped her drink.

"What are you talking about? It's not haunted."

"Oh sure it is. Why do you think I had to hire cleaners every damn week?"

"Cuz' you're a naggy employer."

"I do feel like someone was watching me when I was alone yesterday." Hwiyun said when the two wanted to start bickering, Leira raised her eyebrows doubtfully at him.

"Should I install cctv s in here? Would be great if I caught something on it. Maybe I should be a ghost hunter."

"That's kinda cool." Hwiyun said going to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"You have a wannabe devil coming after you and you're telling me that you want to start coming for the real one. Snap out of it woman." Daniel said amused. She started sighing reminded of her.

"I rather be possessed by the devil than having to deal with my own flesh and blood mother. "

"She's still forcing you? Honestly what can she do about it?"

"Yeah well...About that.." Leira trailed.

"I think I'm just going to marry him. Kai."

"What?" Hwiyoung voiced from the kitchen. He came back with a confused face. Daniel straight up face palmed himself.

"The hell?"

Leira winced when she felt their eyes burning her.


"I don't know.."

"You don't know?" Daniel felt even more confused.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I'm just tired. If I do what she wants then she'll leave my family alone. Kind of tired of running too so I should just gave in or whatever."

"What about my flame thrower?" Daniel asked grinning.

"Choi Daniel. You have a reputation. Have you forgotten?" Leira found herself snorting at her friend enthusiasm.

He shrugged.


"I see no logic-"

Leira made a flat face, checking her phone when her phone rang cutting Hwiyun off.


Her friends stayed silent as she talked to the caller.

"I'm at my haunted house. Why?"

Hwiyun hummed trying to process her decision.

"A date? All of a sudden? Kai you high?" She snorted. Her twins just sat silently waiting for her to end the call.

"What's the point?" 

"Fine, fine. You don't have to nag, Kim Jongin."  Leira ended the call. "He asked me out on a date." 

"Aren't you always on a date with him back when Seunwo was not giving you attention." Hwiyun said flatly making Leira rubbed her temple.

"What the heck. I'm with you more than I am with anybody."

"Yeah..that's true but Kai is kind of sus."

Daniel raised his eyebrows at him when he said that.

Leira looked unbothered however.

"What's a sus?" Daniel scratched his head.

"Sus. Suspicious."

"Kai? Why?"

"My guts said so." Hwiyun said shrugging making the latter groan.

"Now that is just going to make me wonder more, dude."

"What can I do? I was a bad girlfriend." Leira curled into a ball on the sofa. Hwiyun cursed inwardly knowing well she's getting more angsty.

"The cool Leira is a softie when it comes that surgeon huh." 

"Be nice, first love hurt the most. She's new to this." Hwiyun sighed.

"You started it, dude." Daniel said slightly amused.

The latter observed her intently as Leira went outside to the pool sluggishly.

"This is bad. She's losing interest."

"The guy dumped her right? Its his lost."

Hwiyun looked at him pointedly. Then they heard a loud splash in the pool making them hurriedly check on their friend.

"Ra?" Daniel called out to her.  "This must have stressed her so much. She jumped into her nightmare."

Hwiyun squatted down by the side of the pool as she came back to the surface with full clothes on.

"You can swim now?"

"I made up my mind. I don't care anymore." Leira shook her head.


"Make sure it's unnoticeable. He's aware of his surroundings so don't get caught."

"Yes, sir."

"You may go."

Quietly bowing respectfully at the boss, the investigator left the room leaving him all by himself.

The information that his team had gathered, proved what Leira had told him. The fact that she went as far as agreeing with her mother to marry him makes him believe how he don't have a chance on winning her heart.

But even so, he got to be with her.

Husband and wife by name.

"A cruel world we live in but it seems like the world is siding with me, Seunwo." He said tapping the table with his fingers.

"You shouldn't have left her in the first place."